The more you fight, the more you will lose.

It is worth mentioning that this 1% of the battle is not given by the speedrunning dimension crack in the space, but by fighting against those British soldiers.

It seems that it is not necessary to kill the target, as long as it is a battle, it can be counted as the completion of this goal.

Mu Ying changed out of her swimsuit and on the way back to the hotel, she just took out her mobile phone and saw a very eye-catching headline:

[Super shocking, it turns out that the truth of the dimension crack in the Arctic Ocean is like this! ]

[Great Britain has maintained and monopolized this dimension crack for three years regardless of the safety of the entire planet! 】

[A mysterious man who calls himself Molten Knight ‘Sam’ has uncovered Great Britain’s conspiracy and crushed Great Britain’s elite soldiers! 】


It must be said that the reporter was really quick. When returning home, he used the thawed computer on the ship to publish this news.

You know, news like this usually has some exaggerated parts in order to attract attention, and this is no exception.

After Mu Ying roughly browsed through it, she found that this person used a lot of space to describe the battle at that time, describing how the silver knight beat the general.

It was not until then that she knew that the guy who fought with her was actually a general of Great Britain?

Normally, a news report like this is a bit too exaggerated and has low credibility. This is a general of a country. How could he be so unbearable?

But the fact is that this news has photos and even videos as evidence. The whole process of the battle was recorded, and the clarity is not low.

As long as you click on the video, everyone can see that in the blink of an eye, the entire battlefield turned into a sea of ​​fire, the glaciers melted, and boiling flames burned on the water. Ordinary soldiers couldn't even get close. Only the general rushed over and was easily defeated after a fight.

And Sam's mechanical voice was also very clear in the video:

"Your courage is commendable, but such stupidity is meaningless."

Although the battle process in this video is quite simple, it is not the same as the gorgeous description above. There are no fancy moves, and the battle ended with one punch, but anyone who has seen this video will not deny the authenticity of this news.

Scrolling down, she could even see comments from netizens from various countries. For example, netizens from White Eagle generally said:

"Wow, this is so cool! This knight is so handsome!"

"The words said by this knight are even cooler. A new Bible has appeared! From now on, I will recite it every day! I will tell people this when I see them!"

"Uh... I hope the person above won't get beaten."

"By the way, is there a person inside this mecha? Is he an evolver or a transformer? Or is this just a pure product of technology?"

Netizens from Great Britain said one after another:

"No, isn't the cost of counterfeiting so low these days?"

"It's fake at first glance, don't even look at it."

"This mecha is so ugly, what kind of aesthetics do you have? It's so beautiful, I'm going to vomit——"

"Fuck, who wrote this news? I'm going to kick his ass with my boots right now!"

In contrast, the European Union was as excited as opening champagne:

"Haha, it's so satisfying, so satisfying!"

"This is so cool! I'll go home for dinner tonight!"

"A group of guys with magic in their brains, this mecha is so cool, I think your aesthetics is wrong!"

"Hey~~~ I just like to see your angry expressions, lelele~"

In the back, the comment area of ​​the entire news turned into a quarrel between Great Britain and the European Union. She occasionally saw a few comments from Dragon Country and Bear Country, but they were mainly about eating melons.

After reading the entire news, Mu Ying felt that it was okay to write this news like this? Between the lines, the general was described as a clown who overestimated his own abilities, but Mu Ying knew that this was just the other party's duty.

Whether Great Britain did the right thing or not is another matter. The man named Aaron was only a general after all. If it were any other country or any other general, they would definitely make the same choice.

Although Mu Ying was just passing by, she had no interest in the "diamond-shaped ice block" formed by the [attached] dimensional crack, but in the eyes of the soldiers stationed there, how could it be such a coincidence?

Things, on the battlefield, having a fluke mentality against the enemy will only kill yourself.

As time passed, the popularity of this news became higher and higher, second only to the news of Robin releasing a new album in Dragon Country.

Not long after, the British government issued a warning to White Eagle, asking the other party to delete this fake and slanderous news.

But... you can tell with your toes that White Eagle will not agree. You ask me to delete it? Why? ? We are a free country, everyone can do whatever they want, you have no right to interfere! Even if this news is fake, we are happy to post it for fun.

And not long after this, Bear Country also issued a diplomatic deterrence to Great Britain, demanding that the other party hand over all information about the Arctic Ocean Dimensional Crack and disclose the intelligence of the diamond-shaped ice block.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Longguo followed suit, and the general meaning was:

Everyone makes money by being harmonious, so don't quarrel, but Great Britain was indeed at fault in this matter. In order to avoid further escalation of the dispute, why don't you disclose the information?

Faced with the questioning of these big countries, it can be said that Great Britain was under pressure all of a sudden. Not long after that, perhaps to divert attention, Great Britain immediately issued a second notice:

"A suspicious person who calls himself Sam, who is powerful and has unknown purposes, is suspected of having some improper purposes and is extremely dangerous. He should be wanted immediately!"

And less than a minute after the announcement was issued, the European Union immediately responded:

"What suspicious person? Why didn't I see him? I only saw a knight passing by and was attacked by you, and then he had to make a certain counterattack!"

Great Britain: "So you are admitting that this is your new weapon?"

European Union: "Why don't I understand what you are talking about? Also, don't change the subject. What about the Arctic Ocean Dimension Crack?"

At the beginning, the notices issued by the two countries were quite formal, but later, the gunpowder smell between the two sides became stronger and stronger, and they were almost directly swearing at each other.

Even Mu Ying suspected that this was considered private use of a public account. Did you two countries argue with each other in the news and diplomatic announcements?


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