After hearing what Robin said, Zhong Wanhong couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief. They had a good relationship and were good people. Is there any more reassuring 'guarantee' than this?

After breathing a sigh of relief, Zhong Wanhong continued to ask, "How strong is Sam?"

"Very strong."

"How strong is very strong?" Zhong Wanhong paused for a moment, "How does it compare with your brother?"

"Emmmm..." Hearing this, Mu Niao was silent for a while. If compared with Sunday in the strongest state, that is, the fetus of philosophy, Liuying would definitely not be able to compare. Although she is strong, she has not reached the level of a commander. She is just an 'ordinary' destiny walker walking on the 'end' destiny.

But if compared with Sunday in normal state without summoning ‘Dominicus’, should Firefly be stronger?

However, at this time, Zhong Wanhong must be referring to ‘Sunday, the fetus of philosophy’, so Mu Niao said, “My brother should be more powerful.”

But what she didn’t know was that Zhong Wanhong was scared by the time she just spent thinking silently.

Regarding the powerful and well-known guy in Robin’s previous world, Zhong Wanhong only knew one, Sunday, so he made a comparison with Sunday.

The scary thing is, do you need to think so long to compare with Sunday? Although Mu Niao said that his brother is more powerful here, thinking about this question for so long itself means that the gap in strength between Sam and Sunday will not be too big? ? ?

In an instant, Zhong Wanhong realized what kind of ‘big Buddha’ appeared in this world.

The only good news should be that this Sam is quite familiar with Robin, and seems to be a good person?

The importance of this information is too high, and unlike before, in the dreams of the martyrs, no matter how outrageous their experiences were, no matter how terrible that Sunday was, it was all fake and in the past, so just write a report, but now, this Sam is real!

A few hours ago, he was still flying around in the Arctic Ocean!

Zhong Wanhong said immediately, "I will go to inform the General Investigation Bureau now, Robin... You may have to go to Beijing later."

And the facts have proved that the efficiency of Longguo has always been very, very high in important matters. Half an hour later, Mu Niao got on the plane, and two hours later, she came to the capital of this Longguo and stood at the main entrance of the headquarters of the National Investigation Bureau.

A building at least 20 stories high came into Mu Niao's eyes. A large number of people walked in and out of the door, looking very busy. This is normal. After all, it is not just this city that is under the jurisdiction here, but the entire country.

"Let's go, Miss Robin." A young lady in a black investigation bureau uniform said next to Mu Niao.

Of course, Zhong Wanhong did not follow. He was the captain of a team and could not leave his post without permission, so he left after sending Mu Niao to the airport. There was another person in Kyoto who was responsible for the pick-up, that is, this young lady.

Under the guidance of the other party, the two walked into the Investigation Bureau. Along the way, Mu Niao could not help but look around curiously. The layout here gave her the feeling of a luxury hotel. There was a very conspicuous reception desk in the center of the first floor. The surrounding area was very spacious and filled with tables and chairs for rest.

And there were three photos hanging on the wall behind this reception desk, just like the excellent graduates posted in schools, the professional doctor's resume posted in clinics and hospitals, and it was similar here.

The three photos showed two men and one woman. Mu Niao read the following words softly:

"Ji Shixian, male, 31 years old, the first director of the Investigation Bureau, the first evolver of Longguo, and the founder of the Investigation Bureau."

"Chai Xin, female, 26 years old, the second director of the Investigation Bureau, has personally handled thousands of dimensional rift incidents, and is the founder of Longguo Abnormal Research Bureau."

"Kong Zhiwang, male, 49 years old, the third director of the Investigation Bureau, the former captain of the First Special Mobile Team [Qiuniu]."

It is worth mentioning that the first two directors certainly could not have retired normally, but passed away at such a young age for various reasons.

The director of the Investigation Bureau is certainly not an easy and safe position, but a very dangerous one.

Mu Niao and the others continued to walk inside and soon came to an elevator. Coincidentally, as soon as they arrived, the elevator door opened automatically, and a man in a white coat came in.

A man in a gown walked out of the room, and it seemed that he was just going downstairs to leave.

However, the moment she saw this person, Mu Niao was stunned. She watched him smile at her, then walked past her and walked towards the gate of the General Investigation Bureau.

It was not until the young lady from the Investigation Bureau next to her called her that she came back to her senses.

"Miss Robin, do you know Dr. Jiang?"

"Who is he?" Mu Niao did not answer this question, but asked instead.

"The director of the Third Research Institute of the Research Bureau is a very powerful person. He invented many practical things. The penetrating bullets of our Dragon Country were made by him."

The Research Bureau, whose full name is the Abnormal Research Bureau, is a department that complements the Abnormal Investigation Bureau. As the name suggests, if the task of the Investigation Bureau is to solve the dimensional rift incident and the various impacts it brings, then the task of the Research Bureau is to study the secrets of the dimensional rift and provide various weapons and equipment for the Investigation Bureau.

And the person who was just called Dr. Jiang was the [Owl] of the Fuguang Society, whom Mu Niao had met once.

No wonder she was so surprised. Isn't this equivalent to meeting the enemy boss in our headquarters?

Has this organization infiltrated the General Investigation Bureau?

No, maybe not. Mu Niao calmed down and thought, how could the official organization of a big country be so lame? Rather than being infiltrated like a sieve, Mu Niao was more inclined to believe that the General Investigation Bureau knew the true identity of Dr. Jiang, but still employed him.

Just like the young lady next to Mu Niao said, Xiao is very capable at work, and even developed a standard weapon with low threshold and amazing power, the "penetrating bullet".

Xiao is undoubtedly a talent. From this point alone, the benefits he can bring to Longguo are so great that it is unimaginable.

And at this time, even if they know that the other party is an extreme hawk, should they arrest him or not?

Mu Niao doesn't know what the General Investigation Bureau considers, but if it is her, perhaps... letting him stay in the Research Bureau and monitor him under their noses is the best choice.


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