The elevator went up and soon reached the 18th floor, where the director's office of the General Investigation Bureau was located.

After taking her to a door, the lady from the Investigation Bureau next to Mu Niao said, "This is it. The deputy director is waiting for you inside. I have other tasks later, so I won't go in with you."

"Thank you for your help." After all, the other party picked her up from the airport and led the way all the way. Mu Niao naturally thanked the other party for a few words.

Afterwards, she opened the door and walked into the office in front of her. After a quick glance, Mu Niao could clearly feel that the first impression given by this place was cleanliness, even so clean that it looked like a new room.

The person in this office at this time was not the third director that Mu Niao had seen in the lobby on the first floor, but a young-looking girl with short white hair, a maid headband, and a maid outfit, who was wiping a cabinet with a rag.

Naturally, her first reaction was, wow, is this director playing such a big game? What era is this? There is actually a maid hidden in the office?

Then she suddenly remembered what the staff member had just said, 'The deputy director is already waiting for you', so this petite and cute maid is actually the second most important official in this place?

After seeing her come in, the maid immediately said, "I'm sorry, the director rarely comes to this office. He is always on a mission outside. Most of the internal affairs of the investigation bureau are handled by me."

"Miss Robin, just find a place to sit."

After Mu Niao sat down, the maid did not sit on the director's chair, but stood there, took out a tablet and a digital pen, and said directly, "It's really troublesome for you to come all the way here."

"However, this matter is really important. The man who appeared in the Arctic Ocean a few hours ago and briefly fought with Great Britain, calling himself Molten Knight Sam, is from the same world as you, right?"

"Yes." Mu Niao nodded.

Although she knew that the other party would answer like this, after hearing this affirmative answer, the maid still sighed.

Some time ago, when she first saw the report on the martyr submitted by Zhong Wanhong, the maid's first reaction was really, 'Is this guy really okay? ’

The main thing is that the martyr was killed by the people in the illusion he created, which is really outrageous. The description of ‘Pinocone’ and the robin’s brother ‘Sunday’ in the report, which is a cosmic force and uses dreams to cover the whole world, is even more outrageous.

But facts speak louder than words, and the bodies of the martyrs prove the authenticity of this report.

However, Zhong Wanhong only asked about Pinocone and Sunday at that time. After all, there is no point in asking more. This is a report, not a novel. Wouldn’t it be off topic to write other things?

Although, just Pinocchio and Sunday are enough to give people a glimpse of the horror of that world, and now, the maid said, "Can you tell me in detail about the Molten Knight Sam?"

Mu Niao sorted out his words and said, "He came from a destroyed civilization called the Grammer Republic. This civilization has a vast territory and is powerful, but later it was threatened by the insect plague and had to produce a large number of war weapons, and Sam was one of them."

There are probably two points about the deeds of Liuying. One is about the Grammer Iron Cavalry, and the other is naturally about the Star Core Hunter.

When he was in the Arctic Ocean before, Mu Ying felt that the title of Star Core Hunter was not appropriate, so he called himself the Molten Knight, so now Mu Niao naturally chose to talk about the first point and give up the second point.

"Insect plague?" The maid repeated.

It has to be said that any novel, movie, animation, and game involving the theme of the universe is almost inseparable from the element of "insect swarm", and it is the same in this world.

This world also has those anime and games with interstellar backgrounds, and there are also creatures like insect swarms in them, so the maid directly understood what Mu Niao meant.

But you have to know that the insect plague in Star Iron is different from the insect swarms that have appeared in other anime and games. Simply put, because

Because of the Star God, the insect plague in Star Iron is much more terrifying!

Mu Niao explained, "The source of the insect plague is the breeding Star God [Taizyuros], who caused this super disaster that swept two-thirds of the universe..."

If the insect swarms in other works rely on laying eggs to reproduce, the insect swarms in Star Iron are not like this. When [Taizyuros] was still alive, his insect swarms reproduced in a way that was almost a 'memetic concept'.

For example, the front line is fighting, and the logistics have to manufacture weapons and ammunition, right? Then the terrifying thing is that these 'manufactured' weapons and ammunition will hatch one after another and turn into insect swarms on the spot.

As long as it is related to breeding, reproduction, replication, etc., the things born from it will become insects!

Even if a person has a little bit of a bitch in his mind, the insect swarm can be born from this idea and drill out of this person's brain.

After explaining the ability to breed star gods, Mu Niao could clearly see that the maid opposite had a confused and bewildered expression, as if she was saying, "Are you kidding me?"

When talking to Zhong Wanhong about what star gods are, Mu Niao had used the example of the intellectual star god, which was actually written in the report.

Deducing the entire universe, isn't this outrageous enough? But after listening to the description of the Breeding Star God, the maid twitched her lips, "How did the people in your world survive such a disaster?"

"It was because of the blessing of other star gods. In fact, the insect plague when the Breeding Star God was still alive was simply unsolvable. No civilization could resist it. After the other five star gods joined forces to kill Breeding, the civilizations in the universe could make a decent resistance." Mu Niao said, "And the battle between the Gramer Republic and the insect plague happened after the death of the Breeding Star God."

"But even so, the insect plague was still very terrible, and the Gramer Republic was therefore caught in a long struggle."


ps: It is the Republic, the Gramer Empire does not exist, and the relevant descriptions in Chapter 93 have also been modified.

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