The target has been locked, and the execution is immediate.

"The target has been locked, and the execution is immediate."

Accompanied by an emotionless voice, a move [Supernova Overload] landed directly in the middle of the battlefield. In an instant, flames and explosions swept all the enemies. Ten seconds later, Mu Ying found herself leaving this dimensional crack and returning to the real world.

She took a look at the completion of the fierce battle on the system, which had reached an outrageous 65%. It had been two days since she announced that she would not join any camp. During these two days, she had been brushing the dimensional cracks crazily, causing the progress to increase rapidly.

You know, Liuying has only appeared in this world for about a week, which is many times faster than the original robin, but another very serious problem is in front of her.

The dimensional crack just now is the last one on the high seas, and it can even be said that it is the last dimensional crack on this planet at this moment. All the leveling points have been penetrated by her!

If Mu Ying wants to continue to brush the completion of the fierce battle, she can only wait for new dimensional cracks to slowly generate. The most important thing is that she doesn’t know where the new dimensional cracks will appear and what type they will be.

And for now, Sam only has the right to intervene in dimensional crack events in the European Union territory. As for other countries, he has not negotiated yet.

"Forget it, forget it, let's go back after the fight." Mu Ying did the same thing and returned to the beach. The tourists here changed batches after batches, but she stayed here for so long that some stall owners nearby remembered her appearance.

After seeing her coming, an uncle selling barbecue smiled and said, "It's the same as last time, right?"

"Yeah." Mu Ying nodded. She had come here to buy several times. She could only say that the barbecue tasted very good and the price was very affordable. The most important thing was that the stall owner was a Chinese, and Mu Ying could even communicate with him directly in Chinese.

"But I probably won't come again tomorrow. I've been playing for several days. It's time to take a rest." While waiting for the meal, Mu Ying said casually while playing with her mobile phone.

"That's right. I see you've been here for several days. Although the beach scenery here is nice, you'll get tired of it every day." The stall owner smiled, "Anyway, just have fun these days."

Hearing this sentence, Mu Ying couldn't help thinking. Strictly speaking, she did have a lot of fun these days, although it was not quite the same as what the stall owner imagined. She didn't play with water or sand, but drove a mecha to play the game of Warriors.

At this moment, she suddenly saw that the group she often visited suddenly became active, so she clicked in to take a look:

Today I want to eat soup dumplings: "By the way, I remember Shu County Cat, Invincible Brother, Red Cape Man, and Peace Dove, are you all in Longcheng?"

Shu County Cat: "Yeah, what's wrong?"

Today I want to eat soup dumplings: "I have to go to Longcheng recently for something, do you want to meet up? It's just right, you guys have been looking at my pornographic pictures for so long for free, you shouldn't do your best to treat me to something good?"

Shu County Cat: "Group leader, are you coming to Longcheng? When?"

Today I want to eat soup dumplings: "Probably leave in the next two days."

Shu County Cat: "I think it's okay!"

Shu County Cat's idea is very simple. He has worked with Invincible Brother and Red Cape Man (Lv Heng) and is very familiar with them. What's more, what the group leader said is not wrong. They finally came here, so shouldn't they treat them to a meal and have some fun?

Of course, there is another reason. Shu County Cat is actually very curious about what the ‘Peace Dove’ looks like. This is the breadwinner who introduced him to the job. What’s more unfortunate is that the other party is not a colleague of Robin. It was very uncomfortable that he didn’t see him at the last concert, but it’s not a big problem. Isn’t this the second chance?

Then, Shu County Cat quickly @ed everyone.

Peace Dove: “Ah?”

Invincible Brother: “Ah?”

Red Cape Man: “Ah?”

Free Eagle: “Ah?”

Free Eagle: “Meet in person!? I want to go too, but it’s a pity that I’m not in the country, alas.”

Although the four people said the same thing, there is no doubt that Mu Ying was surprised, and the two people behind her were horrified, and the last person was repeating.

Invincible Brother has now successfully joined the company and become the seventh member of Zhong Wanhong’s team. He and Lu Heng are looking at each other in the investigation bureau at this time.

Invincible Brother is confused

"Fuck, what should we do?"

Lv Heng, "I don't know!"

There's nothing wrong with meeting in person, but the problem is that 'peace doves' are not allowed to be called!

They couldn't imagine what expression Zhong Wanhong would look at them with if they met offline.

"No, that's not right!" Lv Heng suddenly realized that they would be extremely embarrassed if they were seen by Captain Zhong, but the same is true in reverse!

Captain Zhong should even be more embarrassed, after all, they are two young people, what's wrong with looking at some erotic pictures? How normal is this? But Zhong Wanhong, you are old, and you are also doing this, isn't it a bit strange?

As long as we are not embarrassed, the other party will be embarrassed!

Lv Heng said immediately, "This is a great opportunity to catch Captain Zhong with a super big handle!"

Thinking of this, he immediately said in the group chat:

Red Cape Man: "I think it's okay, it's good! @Peace Dove"

Invincible Brother: "I listen to @Red Cape Man, he is right."

Obviously, Invincible Brother's approach is a bit opportunistic. It seems that he agrees with Lv Heng, but if something happens later and Captain Zhong gets angry, he can completely pass the blame.

I'd rather die than die with my friend. Sorry, brother.

All of a sudden, everyone agreed to meet in person, except for the peace dove. All of a sudden, the pressure came to Mu Ying.

She was hanging out in her own group of porn pictures, and she was chatting enthusiastically with her friends in the group every day. If she was discovered, could she just escape from this planet?

Hmm? No, Mu Ying suddenly realized something. If it was a week ago, when she was still "just" a robin, this would undoubtedly be a death sentence, but now it's different. She can go to the meeting in person as a firefly!

As for the setting of Robin's colleague mentioned before, it can be said to be just talk. It's normal for the Internet to have truth and falsehood.

If you are asked how to find a job for Shu County Cat? Just say that you are good friends with Robin and that's it. At worst, you can find a chance for Robin to admit it. Perfect!

It just so happens that the dimensional cracks have been almost cleared now. After a few days of busy work, it's not a bad idea to take a break.

Thinking of this, Mu Ying typed directly:

Peace Dove: "What time?"


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