The Chinese government has been working hard to help Mu Ying.

With the help of the European Union, Mu Ying completed the formalities in a short time. The next day, she flew to Longcheng, Longguo.

As soon as she got off the plane, she looked at the Chinese signs and a bunch of Chinese shops in the airport. She couldn't help but sigh in her heart, "Chinese is still good."

When she was in Europe, she couldn't understand all the signs. When she wanted to find something delicious outside, she didn't know whether this store was for eating, which was very uncomfortable.

However, although she felt very friendly when she saw these Chinese signs, she would not be stupid enough to buy things in these shops. There was no need to think about it. The prices must be ridiculously high. Even if she was rich now, she would never waste money on such meaningless places.

Mu Ying first went to get her checked luggage, then walked straight out of the airport. As soon as she walked out, a bald uncle approached her.

"Do you want a taxi? Where do you want to go?" While talking, looking at Mu Ying's silver hair, and thinking that the flight that just flew in seemed to be from abroad, the man took out a translation headset from his body and put it on, "Come to Longcheng for tourism? Are you alone?"

This man didn't have any big "malice". After all, no one would be stupid enough to kidnap someone at the airport, right?

This is just a very common black car driver at the airport, that is, he uses high tolls to specifically rip off passengers from other places.

In fact, ordinary cities like Longcheng are okay. If it is some tourist cities, there will even be black cars recommending black shops. That is, when picking up passengers, the driver will keep talking and constantly recommending local specialties and special shops.

You know, most taxi drivers are very talkative and have good eloquence. Once these drivers convince passengers and take them to the so-called special good shop, they will complete a "single task".

These drivers have deals with local black shops. They can earn extra money by bringing a carload of people. Therefore, a world where only passengers are hurt is formed. They are ripped off by taxi drivers and black-hearted bosses of black shops. One-stop service is the norm.

While thinking about this information, Mu Ying said in very standard Chinese, even with a little local accent of Longcheng, "Sorry, I don't take taxis."

Some bald black taxi drivers followed Mu Ying and said a few words, and then suddenly realized, wait, the other party didn't seem to wear translation headphones, and spoke directly in Chinese?

The black taxi driver was stunned in place, a little confused, no, is this really a foreigner?

It must be said that this standard and authentic Chinese directly persuaded him to retreat, and he immediately lost the intention to continue to entangle.

However, this person did not feel embarrassed or discouraged. He was in this business, so what was there to be embarrassed about? He returned to the airport gate. If this order was not completed, he would just wait for the next unlucky guy.

As for Mu Ying, she dragged her luggage and walked a short distance, then called a "fast car" with her mobile phone app. After more than an hour's drive, she arrived at the gate of an ordinary residential area that looked unremarkable.

Perhaps, the only feature is that this residential area is next to the residential area where Robin lives now, and the distance is very close.

In fact, Mu Ying can now go directly to Robin's self, and there is no big problem with the two bodies living together, but she thought about it again. This is nothing in her opinion, but in the eyes of others, a foreigner directly living in Robin's home, isn't this a bit too conspicuous?

Even if the two are very good friends, they can't live together right away, right?

After thinking it over again and again, she finally gave up the idea of ​​living together with two bodies. Robin had bought a relatively close house a long time ago, and Mu Ying could just live in it now.

She came to the sixth floor of Building 3, and then walked straight to the room on the left, lifted the carpet, picked up the key that had been hidden there for a long time, and opened the door.

After a simple tidying up of the room and playing with the phone for a while, it was soon evening. Mu Ying, who was lying on the bed and shaking her legs, got up and went out as if she had received some "signal".

At the same time, Robin, who had just come out of the recording studio, said goodbye to several of his workers, put on his hat and sunglasses, hid his ear feathers, put on his coat, and walked straight in one direction.

In fact... this was just an ordinary dinner date.

Normal situation

, when you ask a friend out for dinner, you always have to discuss with him where to go and when to leave, right? But the robin and the firefly don't need to, because they are essentially the same person. When it's time to leave, they will naturally leave. As for the destination, there is no need to discuss it, it's just in her mind.

Soon, the two "people" met at an intersection. It must be said that this feeling of looking at yourself is very strange, and it's different from looking in the mirror. In short, it's hard for her to describe this feeling.

After meeting, the two "people" didn't communicate at all, and walked side by side to the place where they were going to eat tonight.

It must be said that it was originally just a sudden idea to go out for dinner together, and this meeting directly exposed a lot of problems.

For example, the two of them don't look like good friends at all, but like strangers.

How can two friends meet and rush on their way without saying a word? Besides, it's normal for two girls who have a good relationship to stick to each other and walk hand in hand together, right?

But this is very strange for Robin and Firefly, because holding hands is like holding her left hand tightly with her right hand. Although it is not wrong, who would hold their left hand with their right hand when they are walking for half an hour or an hour?

'This is not okay. If they meet other people, wouldn't the setting that Robin and Firefly are good friends be exposed? '

Thinking of this, Firefly took the initiative and grabbed Miss Robin's hand. The two crossed their fingers and held them together.

emmm... It's okay, no big problem, but the next part is the highlight, chatting... How to chat?

Or, how can a person chat with himself?

Chatting is actually a "discussion on a topic", and most people don't deliberately find topics when chatting. They just say whatever they think of. This is why most people may forget what they just talked about within half an hour to an hour after the chat ends.

Chatting with oneself is the "talking to oneself" after finding a topic. Firefly and Robin said at the same time, "Perhaps, if we speak out the thoughts in our minds one by one, we can achieve a similar effect to chatting?"

Of course, this is just a hypothesis. Whether it can succeed or not still needs to be tested.


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