The food was delicious.

"I think this dish is super delicious."

"Yeah, it's true. It's much better than what I ate in Europe, and the price is not expensive."

"Yeah, I said it's a good place to go!"

"Are there any other recommendations around here? Let's go after we finish eating~"

A very cute silver-haired girl and a tightly wrapped weirdo were chatting 'happily' while eating.

Except that the second person was wearing sunglasses and a hat while eating, which looked a little strange, there seemed to be nothing special about these two people. They were just ordinary friends eating together.

But this was just the look of other people. For 'Mu Ying' and 'Mu Niao' themselves, this conversation was very, very embarrassing.

Imagine that the above conversations were not between two people, but were spoken out loud by one person while eating and talking to himself?

It is no exaggeration to say that at this time, both Mu Ying and Mu Niao had their toes curled up and started to scratch the soles of their shoes.

She felt that she was already very good because she was not embarrassed to the point of running away, and this was thanks to the experience of Robin during this period. It can be said that after holding that concert, she became a little bit more socially skilled.

But anyway, the result of the first experiment was good. It seemed that as long as this embarrassing mentality was overcome, it would not be too difficult to chat with oneself, and this was only in the case of two people. If there were more than three people, and other people joined the chat, it would be easier.

However, if a third person really joined the chat, it should be soon discovered that the concepts and ideas between Liu Ying and Robin were very similar, and the two had a tacit understanding.

This is not a bad thing, it can perfectly prove the relationship between the two "besties".

Although it seemed that they would go somewhere else after dinner, in fact, after dinner, Mu Ying and Mu Niao went back to their own homes.

She was not a real foreigner. She had been to all the places to eat and have fun in Longcheng, so there was no need to go again.

Time quickly came to the next day, and today was the day everyone in the group agreed to meet.

At nine o'clock in the morning, Mu Ying left home and went to the agreed place, a famous park in Longcheng. She felt that she should have left early, but as soon as she arrived, she could see Shu County Cat, Invincible Brother and Lu Heng, sitting on a long wooden bench in the park and chatting.

Mu Ying thought about it and realized that these three people had met and knew each other a long time ago. Before the agreed meeting time, they might have had breakfast together, so it was not strange for them to appear together.

However, although she saw people, she did not go up to say hello directly, because 'Liu Ying' did not know these people, so she took out her mobile phone to open the group chat and typed:

Peace Dove: "I'm here, where are you?"

I want to eat soup dumplings today: "I'm here, where are you?"

Almost at the same time, the group leader said exactly the same thing as her. Although every word was the same, Mu Ying was sure that this should not be a repeat.

Immediately, she put down her mobile phone and looked around curiously. Then, she found that a girl who was less than five meters to her left, wearing red-framed glasses and a single ponytail, also looked at her. The moment their eyes met, they both showed surprised expressions.

"Are you a soup dumpling!?"

"Are you a peace dove!?"



Mu Ying was surprised. No, how could the artist who draws the erotic pictures and the group leader of the erotic picture group be a girl? Is this reasonable?

Guan Tang Bao was also surprised. No, how could a group member who spoke in an old-fashioned manner and often commented on pornographic pictures in an extremely calm tone be such a beautiful girl? Is this reasonable?

Undoubtedly, both of them fell into a brief silence, and soon, both of their phones rang at the same time.

Shu County Cat: "Where is it? Why didn't I see it?"

Red Cape Man: "The three of us are together now, on the bench at the entrance of the park, it should be quite conspicuous, @Invincible Brother, hurry up, stand up and call a few times so that they can identify the direction."

Invincible Brother: "?"

After taking a look at the phone, Mu Ying looked up at the direction of the bench again, and saw that Invincible Brother and Lu Heng were looking around, as if looking for someone

They looked like they were standing at the entrance of the park, but it was obvious that they would not be able to find the so-called Captain Zhong.

Peace Dove: "I think I saw you. I'm standing at the entrance of the park. I have silver hair and should be very conspicuous."

I want to eat soup dumplings today: "The two of us are together. The ordinary one with glasses next to the super cute silver-haired girl is me."

Peace Dove: "Huh?"

Finally, after this exchange, the three people on the bench finally turned their eyes to the direction where Mu Ying was, and Mu Ying could clearly see that the three people opened their mouths and eyes at almost the same time, revealing an extremely surprised expression.

The funniest thing is that the process of their expressions changing is almost exactly the same, just like the 'Lord of Shadows' and his clone.

In fact, when Mu Ying just came to the park, the three Shu County Cats saw her. After all, such a cute girl, with white hair (although silver hair, but it's almost the same), how could they not notice her?

But none of the three people thought about whether this was a group friend who came to meet in person, or in other words, normal people would not think so!

The netizen you chat with every day and get along with very well is actually a super beautiful girl? What kind of light novel plot is this? How could it happen in reality?

And the outrageous thing is that such a thing actually happened.

Shu County Cat, Brother Wudi and Lv Heng stood up, scratching the back of their heads, and slowly walked towards Mu Ying and Guan Tang Bao.

Just before, Shu County Cat was still fantasizing that after meeting Brother Heping, he would go up to him and put his arm around his shoulders and thank him. As for Brother Wudi and Lv Heng, they both planned it. One of them recorded the video in the back, and the other went up and said in surprise:

"Captain Zhong, how could it be you?"

"I didn't expect you to be this kind of person?"

"Ahem, you don't want the fact that you are in this group to be known by Robin himself, right?"

The result is good. The plan can't keep up with the changes. The moment they really met, the three guys were directly awkward in place. The one standing on the left looked to the left, the one standing on the right looked to the right, and the one standing in the middle looked down at his shoes.


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