The city was built in 1989.

As natives, Shu County Cat, Invincible Brother and Lu Heng are all very familiar with this city.

"This station used to be a small lake, but it was filled up artificially and built into what it is today."

"This street has been renovated at least three times. I remember that in the earliest days, the tallest house here was only two stories high."

These three people can more or less tell some of this kind of information, but when they were talking about these unpopular things, Mu Ying and Guan Tang Bao stood together, both standing in the position of "listeners", without interrupting or expressing their own opinions.

Although Mu Ying is already quite familiar with this city, anyway, she has only lived there for more than three months. How could she know these unpopular little information that happened a few years ago or more than ten years ago?

It is no exaggeration to say that even though Robin was frantically checking information at this time, Mu Ying could not keep up with the topic.

So, although she attended this meeting as a "Longcheng local" and the host, she apologized and admitted in seconds at the beginning that she was not Robin's colleague, so it was not difficult to guess that she was not a local.

So she spent the whole day with Guan Tang Bao, enjoying the treatment of a "visitor", and the fact was indeed so, she just got off the plane yesterday.

The only dispute was about the payment. Originally, everyone in the group had agreed to share all the expenses among the four people, so that the group owner could come and have a good day, but now they found that there was a "traitor" among the four people, and Peace Dove was not a local, so the three Shu County Cats wanted to share it among the three, but Mu Ying insisted that they had already discussed the agreement and wanted to pay.

In the end, they couldn't beat Mu Ying, so the three Shu County Cats agreed to the plan of sharing it among the four people.

After a morning of chatting, a hearty lunch, and an afternoon of strolling, time flew by and it was soon evening. Lv Heng pointed to a hot pot restaurant in front of him and said, "Trust me, this is the best hot pot restaurant in Longcheng. It's absolutely true!"

Mu Ying believed it in an instant. Of course, it was not because of Lv Heng's words, but because Robin and Yu Lin had been here. This was a good restaurant identified by Yu Lin, a foodie, so the quality was naturally guaranteed.

However, Shu County Cat was suspicious and said, "Is it really reliable? Otherwise, you should listen to me. I know a very good barbecue restaurant."

"I think you just want to eat barbecue, right?"

"What's wrong? Don't you just want to eat hot pot?"

"Ola, ola, ola!"

"Mu Da Mu Da Mu Da!"


Just when the two were arguing happily, a meow suddenly sounded.

Of course, this was not someone imitating the meow of a cat, but there was really a very cute orange kitten, walking slowly in front of the few people with an elegant pace.

"Wow! So cute!" Guan Tangbao was immediately attracted by the attention, and squatted down, stretching the human claws to the cute and innocent kitten, and the cat did not seem to be afraid of people, and even took the initiative to walk towards Guan Tangbao and rubbed her calf.

Naturally, the other four people also came over.

"This should be someone else's family, right? How can a wild cat be so clean and not afraid of people?" said the Shu County Cat.

"But isn't this a commercial area? Is this raised by a store owner?" Lv Heng asked in confusion.

In any case, the cat successfully interrupted the argument between the Shu County Cat and Lv Heng, and Brother Wudi said at this time, "Why don't you listen to me, I know a grilled fish restaurant..."

Before he finished speaking, in the next second, Mu Ying, Lv Heng and Brother Wudi, the three of them seemed to sense something and looked up at the sky almost at the same time.

Then, a black vortex appeared out of thin air at a height of about ten meters.

Dimensional crack!

Then, there was a slight feeling of dizziness. Mu Ying, who had experienced this feeling countless times, knew directly that this was a dimensional crack of the alien space type.

Her first reaction was, what a coincidence?

She had run through all the dimensional cracks on the entire planet, and was just worried that there would be no new dimensional cracks, and this new one was refreshed on her face?

Then, her second reaction was, how could it be such a coincidence?

The world is so big, how small is the probability that a dimensional crack will refresh directly on her face? Is she so lucky?

But on second thought, Longcheng seemed to have not had a problem for a while.

A dimensional crack has been found. The last time it was the white ghost incident in the school that Robin handled. In this way, it seems normal for a new dimensional crack to appear in Longcheng?

Just as she was thinking this, the bustling commercial street and the cute little cat disappeared, replaced by a dusty and shabby school corridor.

If she looked to both sides, Mu Ying could even see the class signs.

[Class 1, Grade 1]

[Class 2, Grade 1]

"Dimensional crack!?"

"Are we entering the dimensional crack?"

The first sentence was said by Guan Tangbao, and the second was said by Shu County Cat. However, the tone of the two people when they spoke was completely opposite. Guan Tangbao's voice trembled slightly, and within two seconds of appearing in this corridor, she was pressed against Mu Ying and hugged one of her arms tightly.

Mu Ying could vaguely feel that she seemed to be trembling slightly.

Although there was a little fear in Shu County Cat's eyes, there was more curiosity. He looked around frantically and finally noticed a small sign hanging on his chest.

[Class 3, Grade 2, Qinshe]

"What is this...?"

Then, Mu Ying also looked at her chest, [Class 2, Grade 1, Liuying], and then looked at the soup dumpling next to her, [Class 2, Grade 1, Sima Yiting].

If the class number is followed by a real name, then this group owner actually has a very rare double surname?


ps: Brother Wudi's data vision can only view information in this world. For example, if Mu Ying did not say her age when registering information in the European Union, and the European Union did not know how old Mu Ying was, then the age that Brother Wudi checked would also be a question mark, and the European Union registered 18 years old, so Brother Wudi would also see 18 years old here.

Liuying panel in the data vision

Name: Liuying

Gender: Female (18 years old)

Occupation: Outsider (?? Level)


[? ? 】:? ? ?

【¥%#…&】:Data@@@¥% deleted

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