The two of them were in a state of panic, and the two were in a state of panic.

"What does this mean?" Shu County Cat asked in confusion, "Why was I assigned a class?"

"We are still in the same class." While speaking, Brother Wudi pointed to his chest, [Class 3, Year 2, Ling Zhun].

"Some dimensional cracks in different spaces will have some identities assigned to them when entering." Among all the people, Lu Heng, who had already joined the Investigation Bureau, naturally had the most say, "We haven't figured out the situation here yet, so we'd better act according to the assigned identities and don't do anything too outrageous."

In fact, Mu Ying had experienced similar dimensional cracks before. In the Arctic, in the closed square room, wasn't she assigned the identity of a 'player', and then she punched through that place with one punch.

At this time, Lu Heng continued, "Looking at the style here, it should be like a horror-style campus background, or it can be said to be a rule-based weird talk, but there is actually no big difference between the two. If you do something wrong and trigger the monster's hunting mechanism, something will come out to attack us, but on the other hand, as long as we don't do anything wrong, there will generally be no danger."

"Rule weird talk?" Suddenly, as if triggering some keywords, Mu Ying suddenly said, "Are there people from other countries here? Will everything we do here be broadcast live? If we succeed in passing the level, can the country get any rewards?"

Hearing this, Lu Heng looked at her with a confused face, "...Ah? What are you talking about? No, this is inside a dimensional crack. There is no signal. How can there be a live broadcast? Moreover, in this dimensional crack, life or death is our own business. What does it have to do with the country?"

"Dimensional cracks in different spaces are different from other types. After entering here, it means that we have no reinforcements. We can only rely on ourselves here."

"As for other countries, this dimensional crack is in Longcheng. Of course, there will be no foreigners, but..."

Speaking of this, Lu Heng also looked around in confusion. Logically, this dimensional crack appeared in Longcheng Commercial Street, which is a very prosperous area. How could only the five of them come in?

Is it because the others appeared in other places, or...

Just when Lu Heng was thinking about this, a ringing sound with some noise suddenly rang, echoing throughout the corridor.

"Ding Ding... Zi-Ding~"

"This is the preparatory bell. We have to hurry to our classes." Brother Wudi stared at the floor of the corridor and said suddenly, "Be careful, you are not allowed to run in the corridor. Once the speed exceeds two meters per second, it will be judged as speeding, and then a large number of [Penumbra] hidden under the floor will emerge."

Shu County Cat, "Ah?"

Lv Heng, "What is it?"

Mu Ying, "?"

Guan Tangbao didn't react, but Mu Ying could feel that she was hugging her tighter.

In the eyes of normal people, this is an old school full of horror elements, but after Brother Wudi used his ability, everything he saw could show extremely detailed information.

The walls in this corridor, the classroom door next to it, the floor under his feet, when these things were generated, what they were made of, and whether they had any special effects, all can be seen clearly!

For example, at this moment, Brother Wudi looked at the floor under his feet:

[Name: Solid wood floor infected by ghost energy]

[Material: Oak]

[Completion time: 17:21 today]

[Current status: Attached by Penumbra monster]

It is worth mentioning that 5:21 is actually the time when several people were pulled into the dimensional crack, that is to say, this "world" was temporarily generated at the moment when several people were pulled in, and it did not exist before that.

On this floor, the Penumbra monster, which should be in a lurking state and invisible to ordinary people, can be seen very clearly by Brother Wudi. There are densely packed strange black shadows with only the upper body crawling on the ground, staring at the five people present with their empty eyes.

Normal people would probably be scared if they saw this scene suddenly, but... Brother Wudi can clearly see what characteristics these monsters have, what their attack methods are, and even their weaknesses are clear.

Fear comes from the unknown. When you fully understand an enemy, what is there to be afraid of?

In a sense, Brother Wudi's ability is a natural counter to this type of 'copy'!

"There is not enough time now

, I can't explain it clearly, anyway, let's go to the classroom first, and then gather here after class. "As he said that, Brother Wudi started walking towards the stairs, followed by Shu County Cat, but he quickly reacted and turned to look at the other three who didn't move.

"No, we just left them behind?"

It is naturally very safe to follow Brother Wudi, who has the "real vision", but the others are not in the same class as them.

And there is no doubt that the class that will be held later will definitely not be an ordinary class, and there is a high probability that it will be dangerous!

"Don't worry, Peace Dove and Soup Dumpling should not be in danger. Instead of worrying about them, you might as well worry about the lone Cape Knight. "Wudi said. Obviously, when he used his ability to check the surroundings, he naturally saw Mu Ying and learned her identity as an outsider (the panel is at the end of the previous chapter).

Shu County Cat and Wudi were assigned to the same class, Mu Ying and Tangbao, but Lv Heng was unlucky. He was not even a student.

[Cleaner, Lv Heng]

"No, what does a cleaner do? Where should I go?" Lv Heng looked helpless, "Damn, why are you all students and I am not, do I look that old?"

"Anyway...come on! "Mu Ying finished speaking, pulling Guan Tang Bao towards the location of Class 2, Grade 1.

In fact, she wanted to transform on the spot and blow up the whole school, but the problem was that she couldn't transform in front of these people, right?

Even if she found a place where no one was and successfully transformed, it would be difficult for her to use her ultimate move directly. Not to mention that these four people were still here, and this dimensional rift might also pull other ordinary people in, and she didn't know where they were. What if she killed all her teammates with a big move?

Suddenly, Mu Ying realized the benefits of solo play. There was no need to worry about anything, just blow it up and it was done.

While thinking, she and Guan Tang Bao passed by "Class 1, Grade 1". Through the small window at the door of the classroom, Mu Ying could see that the classroom was full, but the students sitting in the seats were not students in school uniforms, but strangely shaped human models.


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