The two of them were so strange that they were almost completely different.

And just when Mu Ying looked over, these strange human models seemed to have noticed her sight and turned their heads to look in her direction almost at the same time.

They were uniform and their movements were extremely synchronized.

Mu Ying could even clearly see that these human models did not have obvious facial features, but their faces had eyes, noses and mouths drawn with black lines, just like children's graffiti.

Some of them opened their mouths wide, and it was unclear whether they were crying or laughing. Some of them had twisted eyes and noses, which looked ugly and scary.

This scene undoubtedly scared Mu Ying. After all, she was quite afraid of these ghosts and the like. In her previous life, she didn't dare to watch horror movies or play horror games.

As for the last dimensional rift in Longcheng, that is, the white ghost incident that Robin had to deal with, she was able to complete the task calmly at that time, all because of the detailed intelligence and Robin's ability to soothe fear and force calmness.

But now she is not Robin!

However, because she is not Robin now, she is still afraid of the scene in front of her, but not much.

All fear comes from insufficient firepower. Although these ghosts are scary, what if she has the ability to blow up the entire copy with one punch?

In other words, if Mu Ying wants, she can turn the table over at any time. She didn't do so now because she was afraid of exposing Sam's true identity and fearing that she would accidentally hurt her teammates. But if she is really scared, no one will play anymore!

"Huh——" Mu Ying patted her soft chest and calmed down. In her heart, she secretly remembered this grudge, 'I told you to scare me, wait! I will burn you to ashes in a while! ’

“What…what happened?” Mu Ying just trembled, and the soup dumpling who was hugging her tightly naturally felt it, but she didn’t look around like Mu Ying, so she didn’t know what happened.

“Nothing, let’s go.”

Soon, the two came to their class, which was the second class of the first year.

Mu Ying put her hand on the front door of the classroom. The paint on the door had faded long ago, revealing the old wooden board with cracks underneath. In the gaps of the cracks, she could even hear the sound of spiders or other insects crawling.


As she pushed it open, the tone went from high to low, and an extremely harsh sound also sounded. Then, Mu Ying’s eyes swept across the whole room. Just like the first class just now, this second class was also filled with human models except for two empty seats, and now they all looked towards her position.

Mu Ying, who had been prepared, would not be frightened a second time, but the soup dumpling next to her was different. In an instant, a piercing female high voice resounded throughout the classroom, and even the entire first floor and even the second floor could hear it very clearly.

"Ah ah --- !!!!!!!"

At the same time, a black shadow suddenly stood up behind the desk. Mu Ying saw that the other party seemed to slap the table, but because the decibel of the soup dumpling was too high, she did not hear the sound of slapping the table.

"This student, this is a class place, no loud noise is allowed!"

There is no doubt that the identity of this 'black shadow' should be the teacher of this place. After standing up completely, this guy is about two meters tall. It can't see its legs, but it is directly connected to the ground in the form of a black cylinder. It has no eyes and nose. You can only see a mouth that is almost full of shark-like teeth.

"And you! What does the school rules say? Girls are not allowed to have their hair down, their hair is not allowed to be longer than their shoulders, and they are not allowed to dye their hair!" The more the black shadow spoke, the wider its mouth widened and the sharper its voice became. The more school rules students violated, the greater the "punishment" it could naturally inflict.

Hearing this, Mu Ying's mouth twitched slightly. This so-called "school rule"... is a little more normal, right?

For ordinary people, the way out at this time should be to "quickly comply with the school rules." In other words, if Mu Ying cut her hair short on the spot, tied it into a ponytail, and then dyed it black, she could probably avoid the attack of this black shadow?

But this is absolutely impossible!

Looking at the black shadow teacher in front of her and the human models in the classroom, Mu Ying frowned slightly. If she wanted to act out and play according to the normal process before this,

Play this copy, but now, she directly closed the front door of this classroom with her backhand.

This time, the wooden door creaked from low to high, and Guan Tangbao quickly turned around, but only saw the "automatically closed wooden door".

This was like the last straw that broke the camel's back. Guan Tangbao was originally the type who was very afraid of ghosts. She entered the classroom and was almost scared to death after seeing the situation in the classroom. At this time, it appeared again, which is very classic in horror movies. After entering a place, the door will automatically block and block.


Suddenly, her eyes rolled up, and the whole person was directly frightened and fainted.

"Uh..." This was unexpected by Mu Ying. She looked at Guan Tangbao, who was hanging on her and had entered a high-quality sleep state, with a helpless look on her face. However, in a sense, this made it easier for her to take the next action.

The blue light gathered from her hands. Holding this transformation device, Mu Ying did not choose to transform this time, but used another function of it.


Just like a Jedi Knight's lightsaber, a green blade suddenly extended from the top of the transformation device. She held the soup dumpling in one hand and the sword in the other, aiming at the black shadow in front of her.

"Sorry, I'm not a good student. What's wrong with me violating school rules?"

You know, even if she doesn't transform into Sam, it doesn't mean that Mu Ying has no fighting power.

The next moment, she took the initiative to move forward and took the lead in attacking. There were no fancy moves, just the most ordinary flat slash. The green sword light passed through the air, leaving a clearly visible tail mark.

And what dissipated with this tail mark was the black shadow that was split into two halves.

In fact, Mu Ying didn't know whether this 'light sword' in her hand, this technological weapon, could work on the ghost in front of her.

But anyway, try it first, and use other tricks if it doesn't work.

As for the result, it was obviously successful. The "teacher" of Class 2 was like an overturned ink bottle, splashing all over the floor.

"That's it? A ghost that is not immune to technological weapons? That's too bad, isn't it?"

However, Mu Ying didn't know that it was not because this "black shadow teacher" was not immune to technological weapons, but because the weapon in her hand was too powerful.

It's a very simple principle. If a ghost can be immune to bullet shooting, then can it be immune to nuclear explosions?

Probably, maybe... it can't be, right?


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