The two sides of the river were in chaos, and the two sides were in chaos.

The perspective came to Kong Zhiwang. He and the second mobile team, the three people from the White Eagle, the foreign minister of the Sakura Country, 'Hojo Tatsuya', and all the staff of the entire airport, all appeared in a huge garden at the same time.

Looking around, all the colorful flowers are in sight, but the few people are not in the mood to appreciate these things now. Kong Zhiwang looked directly at Hojo Tatsuya, "Do you know anything about this dimensional crack?"

The main thing is that this thing appeared by coincidence. Why did it appear in this city when the Dragon Country and the White Eagle were meeting?

"I... I really don't know!" Hojo Tatsuya was sweating profusely and entered the crazy apology mode again.

At this time, fully armed soldiers in armor appeared in the garden. They pointed their weapons at everyone present, "Who are you!? How did you get here!"

"Soldiers..." Kong Zhiwang muttered, then looked at the three White Eagles, "What do you say now?"

At present, the three White Eagles seem to be victims. They are all shocked and puzzled at this time. They did not expect this to happen at all. In other words, this is probably not a trap set by Sakura Country and White Eagle, but really just a coincidence?

"What else can we do? Director General of Dragon Country, let's work together to deal with this incident." The hunter sighed.

As for how to deal with it, everyone present is experienced and veteran. Naturally, as before, they will find a way to find the goal of passing the level, and then follow the rules, step by step to the end, and pass this dungeon.

"This place is probably the king's back garden or something like that. In short, let's follow these soldiers first and meet the king of this place. It is likely that we can know the information of this world." The wizard said.

However, when Kong Zhiwang was discussing with the hunter and the wizard, only Kuangshi was confused throughout the whole process and had no idea what others were saying, because... he couldn't understand Japanese.

The profession of 'wizard' is a high-intelligence profession. It is normal for wizards to know multiple languages. Hunters have traveled around the world and have mastered many mainstream languages. Kong Zhiwang, as the director-general, and Hojo Tatsuya, as the foreign minister, know multiple languages, which is also the basic skill among basic skills.

So among all the people, only Kuangshi can speak his mother tongue and no other foreign language. So in order to take care of him, everyone spoke English in the previous meeting. However, after coming to this dimensional rift, because the soldiers around him just spoke Japanese, everyone else seamlessly switched to Japanese to communicate.

"Hey! You guy, translate for me, what are they talking about!" Kuangshi grabbed Hojo Tatsuya's collar and yelled at him.


About ten minutes later, in an extremely spacious hall, more than a hundred people, including all airport personnel, were all here.

Fortunately, because the airport needed to receive foreign leaders, all ordinary flights were delayed. Otherwise, how could there be so few people in the entire airport? I'm afraid the place would be so crowded that there would be no room for standing.

At the front of the hall, on the three steps covered with red carpet, there is a throne inlaid with various gems. At this moment, a 50- or 60-year-old man wearing a crown and looking majestic is sitting here, staring down, "Who are you? What is the purpose of sneaking into my back garden?"

Needless to say, this guy should be the king of this country, but... Listening to the other party's standard Japanese, Kong Zhiwang always felt a little out of place.

However, he still communicated with the other party very sincerely, "We are not from this world, but from another place. We are here under the guidance of the gods and obey the call to help you solve your problems. Your Majesty, I don't know if your country has any enemies or disasters that bother you. I think we can help you solve them..."

Kong Zhiwang certainly does not believe in God, but it does not prevent him from saying so verbally. In such a worldview, it should be much easier to pull up the banner of God for subsequent actions.

In fact, aren't these people who were pulled in by the dimensional rift almost the same as the messengers of God? They fight for life and death without asking for anything in return, and help the local natives deal with various problems.

But the majesty frowned when he heard this, "Other worlds

? The messenger of God? The heroes summoned from another world by our country have already set out on the road to destroy the monsters! You bunch of lowly people, don’t you just want to steal the flowers in my garden? What a lame excuse! "

No, can you really summon people from other worlds?

And the other party's words contain a lot of information. It can be basically confirmed that this should be the classic world view of heroes fighting demons. So, is killing the demon king a goal to pass the level?

However, the key point is now. The king does not look easy to talk to. Just when Kong Zhiwang was thinking about how to respond, the mad lion who was originally bending over to listen to Hojo Tatsuya's translation suddenly stood up and roared, "Damn, you old Biden scolded me! ? "

The next second, the man disappeared from the spot and appeared in front of the king like a teleportation, staring down at him with his fleshy face.

After the mad lion stood up, a gust of wind blew in the hall, making the clothes of everyone present rustle.

"There is an assassin!"

"Protect His Majesty the King! "

Suddenly, the guards in the hall raised their weapons, and the Knight Commander, who was standing next to the king and had the most gorgeous and handsome armor, rushed towards the mad lion at a very fast speed, drew his sword and chopped.


But the mad lion didn't even look at this guy. The moment the Knight Commander approached, his right hand, which was originally placed vertically on the side of his leg, seemed to be dropped, and instantly became horizontally raised. It is no exaggeration to say that everyone present, except Kong Zhiwang and the hunter, did not see this guy's movements clearly, and even could not see the figure of the Knight Commander being knocked out.

There was a deafening noise, and the Knight Commander seemed to disappear out of thin air, and on the side of the hall, there was an extra person who could go straight Then he saw the big hole in the sky outside.

After this punch, the whole hall became quiet. Both the king and all the guards were stunned.

Seeing this scene, Kong Zhiwang couldn't help smacking his lips. Although the mad lion was a bit reckless, it must be said that sometimes a proper show of muscle might be countless times more useful than amiable persuasion.

However, he couldn't let the mad lion really kill the king. Kong Zhiwang stepped forward very skillfully to persuade them. After the mad lion's "explanation", the king also completely believed what Kong Zhiwang had just said, and "willingly" let the guards put down their guard and told everyone in detail about the things in this world.

As Kong Zhiwang speculated, this is a brave man. The world of the Demon King is like a tide. On average, every hundred years or so, the magic content of this world will reach a peak. Because of this, a large number of monsters will appear, and four intelligent and extremely powerful monsters, the [Four Heavenly Kings], will be born from them.

However, these [Four Heavenly Kings] are not in the same group, and to some extent they are even hostile.

The Four Heavenly Kings will fight each other. If one kills the other, it can absorb the other's body, and while gaining the other's ability, it will greatly improve its own strength.

When there is only one of the Four Heavenly Kings left, it will instantly be promoted to the "Demon King".

At first glance, this seems to be a good thing for the human side? After all, these monsters will kill each other, but in fact it is completely On the contrary, the Four Heavenly Kings alone are very powerful. If they really give birth to a demon king through the method of raising poisonous insects and fighting, then the power of this demon king will be so strong that it will surpass the whole world.

Therefore, the human side must fight against the Four Heavenly Kings at the same time, kill them before they meet, and hide their bodies.

After talking about the demon king, the topic returns to the part of "brave". Humans also use this magic tide once a hundred years to create a super-large magic, [Brave Summoning Formation]. Because it consumes too much magic, it can only be used when the world's magic content is at its peak. As for its effect, it summons four powerful braves from another world to help the kingdom survive this disaster.

"In this way, the goal of passing this dimensional rift is very clear." Kong Zhiwang looked at the three people of White Eagle, "It just so happens that we also have four people, one person against one, and quickly end this dimensional rift, how about it?"

"I have no objection!" Crazy Lion said first, "I just hope that the Four Heavenly Kings are not too weak."

"I agree too. "The wizard nodded. The hunter did not answer, but directly expressed his thoughts with actions. She looked at the king and asked, "So, where are the Four Heavenly Kings now?"

"This... The Four Heavenly Kings should have been born not long ago, I don't know..." The king wiped his

The cold sweat on his forehead.

This period of time is actually a time for the heroes to develop. The four heroes, starting from the capital of this country, headed in four directions and started an adventure. Isn't it a very classic plot?

"Tsk..." After listening to Hojo Tatsuya's real-time translation, the mad lion couldn't help but smack his lips and sneered, "We have to find it ourselves? How can you be such a waste as a king?"

In response, the king was at a loss, because he didn't understand what the mad lion was saying. ,

After a while, everyone left the palace hall and came outside. It is worth mentioning that when they just came out, they could see a very eye-catching red "shooting star" in the sky, which crossed the sky at a very fast speed and soon disappeared from everyone's sight.

However, it was just an ordinary meteor, and it did not attract everyone's attention. The mad lion said, "So, let's each choose a direction to leave? To find the so-called Four Heavenly Kings?"

"Wait, what about these people?" It was Kong Zhiwang who spoke. His eyes swept around. Don't forget that there are not only a few of them present, but also all the staff of the entire airport. What should these one hundred people do?

"They are not missing limbs, of course they are happy to do whatever they want, why bother them?" The mad lion shrugged, "If you don't choose, I will choose first, I'll go to the north!"

While speaking, he waved his hand and walked towards the north.

"Then I'll go to the south, stay away from you, a retard, and the air will be fresher." The hunter turned his head and walked towards the south.

Soon, only Kong Zhiwang and the wizard were left looking at each other, but just when Kong Zhiwang was about to say something, a commotion suddenly appeared from the side, and then several people quickly walked towards the direction of the palace.

At the moment of seeing these people, Hojo Tatsuya's eyes lit up and he shouted, "Director Fujiwara!?"

Obviously, the director of Sakura Country also arrived at Rope Island not long ago, but before he arrived at the airport, the dimensional rift appeared and he was also pulled in.

The man called Director Fujiwara was also stunned when he heard it, "Hojo-san? Master Wizard, and the general director of Dragon Country? You are here too?"

"I heard that the king of this country is here, so I hurried over."

Then, Director Fujiwara explained the purpose of his trip, which was to discuss the issue of "food" with the king.

At this time, everyone was already in this other world, the most prosperous city in this country, but after all, due to the limitations of the background of the times, the entire city has a total of only about one million people, but you know, Rope Island has at least 1.5 million people, which means that the city has more than doubled its population out of thin air!

These people appeared in various locations in the city, and even in large numbers outside the city. The palace didn't know about this news at this time, because the security of the entire city had been completely paralyzed.

All the unnecessary problems were put aside. Just providing enough food for so many people to survive was a huge problem!

"Is that so..." Kong Zhiwang heard this and said, "Then I'll go west."

Just now he was thinking about whether to help the hundred or so people. Even if these people were Sakura people, they were all civilians, ordinary people. He could still help them, but now there was no need. The director of the country was here, so it was better to let him worry about it.

Soon, only two prominent figures, the wizard and Director Fujiwara, were left at the gate of the palace. The wizard sighed, "It seems that I can only choose the east."

While speaking, he walked past Director Fujiwara, "Then go and do your business quickly. There are 1.5 million people. I wonder how many will be left after this dimensional rift ends."

"That's right!" As he spoke, the wizard suddenly remembered something. He stopped and looked back at Director Fujiwara, "You... pretended to be the White Eagle and carried out a terrorist attack in Dragon Country!?"

Indescribable huge pressure appeared on Fujiwara. The director of the Sakura Country bowed his head and bent over instantly, and beads of sweat fell to the ground.

"This... this..."

"I'm really sorry! Master Wizard, we just... we just..."

He stuttered and couldn't say a complete sentence. In the end, he even knelt on the ground and stopped explaining. Instead, he said, "I'm so sorry! We will never do such a thing again..."

Looking at the man kneeling on the ground, this man was like a

The wizard soon lost interest in the man who was a dog. He turned around and continued to walk outside. However, this matter could not be written off just by kneeling and apologizing. "When this dimensional rift ends, I will discuss with others how to punish..."


But before the wizard finished speaking, he widened his eyes, and a sharp pain came from his chest. A dagger pierced his back at some point and pierced through his body.

The one who wielded the knife was undoubtedly Director Fujiwara. His expression was ferocious at this time. How could he still look like a dog who had lost his home just now?

In fact, the purpose of the Sakura Kingdom was not to "sow discord" from the beginning to the end, but the "White Eagle" itself.


ps: Mu Ying is still flying around looking for the boss at this time.jpg

ps2: In the real world, there are things like translation headphones. If both parties carry them, they can communicate seamlessly, but not everyone will always carry this thing with them. In the dimensional rift, people in the copy world naturally do not have translation headphones.

ps3: This chapter is two in one, and the number of words is more than the usual two chapters.

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