The wizard, one of the eight White Eagles, is good at using various magics and making powerful magic props. His combat power is probably at the middle level among the eight White Eagles, but apart from these, the wizard himself has a very fatal shortcoming, that is, his physical fitness is very average, just like an ordinary person.

Or, this should be a common problem of various magic professions. In a certain world view of dnd, the health value of a first-level wizard is not even as high as that of a goblin.

However, this shortcoming is not usually exposed. Among the ten rings worn by the wizard, five are magic props related to protection, and the necklace on his neck is also a magic item with life-saving effect.

But at this moment... all these props, all external objects, are all ineffective.

The reason is all on the dagger in Chief Fujiwara's hand, [Ordinary Blade]. This thing looks like an ordinary knife that can be bought anywhere in the store outside, but it is actually a trophy obtained by Sakura Country in a certain dimensional crack. The effect of this dagger is extremely outrageous.

It can cancel all the "super-real abilities" touched by it.

For example, if a fireball created by magic flies towards Fujiwara, he only needs to aim at the fireball and raise the dagger. The moment the two touch each other, the fireball will disappear out of thin air, as if it had never existed.

Because of this, the wizard's many life-saving magic props did not work, or in other words, all these props worked, but at the moment of taking effect, they turned into ordinary rings and necklaces, losing all their magical effects.

This is the main reason why the sneak attack was successful. The wizard relied on his magic props and never alerted others. He never thought that a local dog he kept at home would suddenly pounce on him and bite his throat.

"Damn it!" The wizard wanted to cast a spell immediately. Even if his heart was pierced, there were still many magics that could turn the tide of the battle. But the next second, he widened his eyes because he found that he could not sense any magic power now, let alone cast a spell. He seemed to have become an ordinary person in an instant.

At first glance, this ordinary blade is simply outrageous to the extreme, but it also has fatal shortcomings. First of all, "super-realistic ability" can basically be understood as magic and superpowers, and it has no effect on technology and biology.

For example, Mu Ying used this dagger to poke Sam. Isn't this really funny? And all the Fancheng virus evolvers in Longguo will not have anything to do with being stabbed, and their abilities will not disappear.

Even, this ordinary blade is just as its name suggests. Apart from this effect, it is really just an ordinary dagger. It can be destroyed and resisted. Even if the wizard wears a police stab-proof vest, he can avoid death.

But there are not so many ifs in everything. You know, just this ordinary stab, Sakura Country has been preparing for several years!

A few days ago, ‘Sohei Moriya’ created a dimensional rift in Dragon Country and attacked the local investigation bureau personnel. Naturally, it was planned by Sakura Country, but their purpose was not to avenge the martyrs or to sow discord. These are all misleading. In the final analysis, it is just to let White Eagle and Dragon Country come to their territory for a meeting.

So, Soohei Moriya is actually a discarded child, a dead soldier. His mission is very simple. Either kill a few people from the Investigation Bureau, and then be caught by the local Investigation Bureau when leaving the dimensional rift, reveal some information appropriately when being interrogated and then commit suicide, or reveal some information in the dimensional rift before dying.

As it turned out, this guy completed the mission very successfully. If they wanted to set up a trap to kill Dragon Country and White Eagle in the meeting on Rope Island, then there would definitely not be enough time. But what if they just wanted to rush to deliver a truck-sized device that could trigger a dimensional rift? There would definitely be enough time.

When everyone is trapped in a dimensional rift of the alien space type, it means that they have lost contact with the outside world. During this period of time, Sakura Country will have enough time to achieve their goals.

If we talk about who knows White Eagle best in the world, it is naturally Sakura Country. After all, they have been dogs for so long. It is precisely with this understanding that Sakura Country has made a detailed plan to kill the other seven people of White Eagle in addition to the [Prophet].

Specific methods.

This even includes martyrs, because when the plan was formulated, the martyrs were still alive. At this time, Sakura Country only used the death of the martyrs to formally implement the plan.

In other words, no matter who the White Eagles sent to the meeting, as long as they were not the [Prophet], Director Fujiwara was confident that they would be killed.

As for Dragon Country, Sakura Country did not formulate a method to kill Kong Zhiwang, because it was meaningless. Killing enough eight White Eagles would greatly weaken the White Eagles' strength, and at the same time, it would cause the White Eagles to fall into chaos and leave them no time to take revenge, while Sakura Country could take this opportunity to take power, which was their ultimate goal.

Why can't the world's top five countries replace them? Sakura Country just picked the easiest one to start with.

And if 'Kong Zhiwang' was killed, it would not achieve the goal of weakening Dragon Country. Even the next day, Dragon Country might elect a new director general and retaliate against Sakura Country, which would be a loss.

It can only be said that the national conditions are different.


After watching the wizard in front of him completely lose his voice, Director Fujiwara pulled out the dagger and whispered, "Looks like luck is on me..."

In the plan against the seven people, the wizard is the easiest to kill. As for the others, they must rely on the dimensional rift carefully prepared by the Sakura Country and the Four Heavenly Kings here.

Then, Director Fujiwara looked at the people around him who were already scared and said to the Minister of Foreign Affairs, "Take everyone here away from this city, as far as you can, and then, live as much as possible and hold on until this dimensional rift ends."

As for discussing food issues with the king and saving the extra 1.5 million civilians? No, no, no, Director Fujiwara doesn't have the time to do these things.

This dimensional rift was created by the director himself, and he naturally knows what the consequences are. All the residents of the entire Rope Island are abandoned in this operation. No, it can even be said that the entire Sakura Country itself is a huge bargaining chip.

When the plan was first made, someone raised a point that the White Eagle prophet could predict the future. Would they be courting death by doing this?

To be honest, this possibility is not small, but immediately, others raised objections:

"If the prophet is really that powerful and can predict everything, then wouldn't the White Eagle have unified the world long ago? Her ability must have some limitations, so that guy's ability must have some limitations! I think it's totally worth a gamble!"

In other words, this is a plan to gamble on the fate of the country. Once successful, the Sakura Kingdom will be able to turn over and become the master. If the plan fails... then naturally it has nothing to do with the group of people who made the plan. They will definitely die. As for what to do with the Sakura Kingdom in the future, it is not their concern.

Director Fujiwara took out a ring, "collected" the body of the wizard in front of him, turned around and left here to prepare for the subsequent assassination plan.


At the same time, the perspective came to Mu Ying, who was flying in the air in the form of Sam.

Although she didn't know much Japanese, she had no problem speaking a few words to the local residents. What kind of hero or demon king, any young man who watched anime would understand it!

Speaking of this, Mu Ying suddenly remembered a news story she had seen before, where a young boss from Dragon Country was working with a company from Sakura Country. This person had never formally learned Japanese, but he successfully completed the entire meeting with the other party using the Japanese he learned from watching anime.

Although in the end, the other party commented that "the tone of speech was unexpectedly cute".

Obviously, many sentence patterns in anime are just to make the characters look more cute, and Sakura people don't speak like this in real life. Just think about it, a grown man saying something like "Hey, brother, what do you think of this plan? ', "Is it okay? Please? Please" and the like, it would be a social failure.

Mu Ying thought about how similar what she had just done was to that "young boss". In other words, when she communicated with the locals, she might have used a lot of very cute sentences without knowing it?

However, the only good news is that she is a beautiful girl, so this is at most "malicious cuteness" rather than "perversion".

Back to the present, after Mu Ying knew that this was a world view of a hero and a demon king, she decisively left the city, and then found a deserted place and transformed and took off.

Just like what she did in the dimensional crack of the different space before, she wanted to find the demon king directly and then speed through this sub-space.

Yuan Crack.

But Mu Ying had been searching for almost an hour now, but she didn't even see the shadow of the demon king, and she found that this 'country', this 'world' was surprisingly large.

At first, she flew around the capital of the kingdom, wanting to search it in a carpet-like manner. As a result, she saw other cities while flying, and found that she had not even left the border of this country, so Mu Ying changed her plan and chose a random direction to fly straight.

Although she didn't go all out and pull the speed to the maximum, she flew not slow. Even so, it took at least half an hour to leave the country.

"This country may cover an area far larger than any country on the blue planet." While talking to herself, she continued to move forward. Then, Mu Ying suddenly realized something. She slowly stopped and turned to fly straight up to the sky. Everything below was shrinking rapidly in her eyes, until she passed through the 'high atmosphere' and completely left the gravitational range of this planet and came into space.

Looking back, a beautiful planet with green and blue colors suddenly came into view.

This world is actually a ball! ?

Well, it seems a bit strange to say this. What Mu Ying wants to express is that this copy is actually a planet?

Normally, with this kind of world view setting of heroes and demons, shouldn’t the whole world have only one continent, with the demon king’s city on the left and the human capital on the right?

And this scene in front of us means that without any clues, finding a demon king whose appearance is unknown on a planet is like looking for a needle in a haystack, which is almost impossible.

"It’s broken, so this time I really have to pass the [plot] and follow the normal process?"

However, this may also be good news for her. This world is so big, and this country is so big, so the number of monsters must be correspondingly large, and the demon king must be very strong, right?

And Mu Ying’s goal of fighting now has only more than 20% left. If she is lucky, this dimensional crack may be directly filled up and the next vest will be unlocked.

While thinking about this, she leaned over and flew downward, preparing to go back to the capital of the kingdom just now.

As her altitude gradually decreased, when she passed through the atmosphere, of course, due to the intense friction, the temperature around Sam rose sharply and ignited a flame. However, this had no effect on Mu Ying. When she entered the secondary combustion state, the temperature was much higher now.

As she landed, she had time to observe the bottom and find the location of the kingdom's capital.

However, what Mu Ying didn't know was that her "meteorite falling from the sky" was countless times more conspicuous than the previous "meteor streaking across the sky". At this moment, I don't know how many people saw the figure of this "meteorite".

Among these people, one person squinted his eyes, stared at it for a while, and then showed an extremely excited expression on his face, muttering, "The direction of the fall, is it this way...?"

With Sam's good reconnaissance module, Mu Ying quickly found the location of the kingdom's capital and chose to land in a wilderness near it.

Although the country covers a large area, due to the limitations of the times, most of the area is wilderness, and humans live in cities.

After landing smoothly, before Mu Ying could make any other moves, a series of rhythmic roars came from the side.

"Boom" "Boom" "Boom"

The next second, a figure slammed into the open space not far in front of Mu Ying, stirring up a lot of dust.

Then, with an excited expression on his face, the mad lion waved his hand lightly, and the wind blew away the dust. The roar just now was actually the sound of this guy hitting the ground after jumping again and again.

With a few big jumps, the mad lion rushed directly from the capital of the kingdom to the place where Mu Ying landed.

He grinned and said, "Sam!? I didn't expect to see you in such a place. This is really... too lucky! Come on, how about fighting with me!?"


ps: It's still two-in-one

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