The weather was very hot, but the weather was very hot.

European Union, because of the time difference, it was still around 1pm here. Mu Ying had just returned to her "home" in the European Union. She took out the USB flash drive sent from Hua Huo, opened a laptop, and plugged it in.

The information here is naturally very complicated. At the beginning, there are a lot of professional terms in front of her, which made Mu Ying dizzy.

"What is this?"

"What is this?"


She scratched her head, her face full of confusion.

But there is no way, this thing is related to the possibility of whether she can "go home", so no matter what, she has to finish reading it.

Of course, Mu Ying didn't need to understand all the principles here, she just needed to understand the general idea.

However, this also made Mu Ying suddenly realize one thing, what would happen if she pulled out a scientific character from the system in the future, such as Ruan Mei, Heita, or Mebius, etc.?

The vests pulled out have no memory, and 'Mu Heng' himself is not a scientist. Doesn't this mean that if you draw out such a person who is famous for his IQ and has no special abilities, isn't it equivalent to drawing out a blank ordinary person?

According to the style of the system, the current task goal is very likely to be closely related to the vest drawn out in the current period. If a scientific character is drawn out, and the task goal is to let her invent something, this task may not be completed in this lifetime.

Then, Mu Ying hurriedly shook her head and threw these messy thoughts out of her mind. Whether it will get stuck or not is not something she needs to worry about now. The focus is still on the current information.

Time passed slowly, and finally, just when the sun was setting in the European Union, she probably understood what the information was about.

Mu Ying ate the pizza in her hand while concentrating on the display screen in front of her.

It is worth mentioning that in order to avoid the news that Robin ate three meals by himself, this time Mu Ying ordered two takeouts, eating one for herself and sending one to Hanabi.

Back to the topic, in short, through long-term observation and research on dimensional cracks, Sakura Country invented a special "deep diving observation device".

As the name suggests, this thing is like a diving device, which can dive into the dimensional cracks and maintain communication with the outside world, sending the scene inside the dimensional cracks to the outside.

However, this device can only maintain contact for about five minutes. After this time, it will lose contact directly.

But even so, this device is powerful enough. As soon as this thing was invented, Sakura Country deployed one of this thing on almost all types of dimensional cracks.

There are many types of dimensional cracks, but the most common ones can be roughly divided into four types: birth, curtain, attachment and different space.

As for the first three types, after the "deep-diving observation device" is put in, the image transmitted back is really like being in a dark deep sea, with darkness all around. Even if the light is turned on, nothing can be seen, and the light itself seems to be swallowed up.

The experimenter once controlled the "deep-diving observation device" to move up, down, left and right. This thing is equipped with propellers and small jet engines. Then, no matter where it moves, it is not restricted. But even if it moves in a single direction for five minutes, it has not reached the end. The surroundings are still pitch black and nothing can be seen.

As for the last type of dimensional crack of different space, after the "deep-diving observation device" is put in, you can see a completely still world. These "worlds" are all kinds of strange and varied.

If it was just like this, and they could only "watch", Sakura Country would naturally have no way to know the detailed information inside the dimensional crack, but after that, the doctor at the research base invented a "black box". Put this thing around a dimensional crack, and after about eight hours, you can "record" this dimensional crack.

Theoretically, there will not be two completely identical dimensional cracks in this world, and the impact caused by each dimensional crack is unique, but this "black box" can trigger the recorded dimensional crack again.

The moment Mu Ying saw this, her first reaction was that if this recorded a dimensional crack that could create a transformer,

Or if there is a dimensional crack of an outsider, and then it is triggered crazily, then wouldn't Sakura Country be invincible?

And Sakura Country itself thought so, but later found that this thing only works for 'normal' dimensional cracks of different space types.

So, the dimensional crack of the supernatural school in Longguo was actually recorded by Sakura Country using this 'black box'. They have entered it many times, and some people have successfully passed the level, so they naturally know all the information inside.

In other words, let others play one round, and they themselves are multi-round players.

"Is that so?" After eating the last bite of pizza, a little habit that she had not completely changed in her previous life, her hand almost rubbed on her pants, but fortunately, she interrupted her action.

Because she didn't have pants at all now, but was wearing a short skirt and white silk!

She had to run to the bathroom to wash her hands, and then came back to continue reading.

The above mentioned 'normal' dimensional cracks in different space, so naturally there are 'abnormal' ones!

After the 'black box' could record and release dimensional cracks, the doctor continued his research on this basis, and his first idea was to manually modify the 'recorded' information and try to release a new dimensional crack.

After many experiments, even if only a very, very small parameter was modified, the black box could not work properly, but just when the doctor was about to give up, his last experiment was successful!

He successfully created a small dimensional crack, and nothing happened, just a dimensional crack.

No monsters were born, no curtains were produced, no strange items appeared, and people would not be pulled into different spaces.

Then, after investing in the 'deep-diving observation device', the doctor saw... a world that was 'active', and it was amazing that this 'deep-diving observation device' lost the five-minute loss of contact limit and could be active until the energy was exhausted!

Behind this report, there is a message from the doctor, "We...maybe we have discovered a new world!?"


ps: It's my birthday today, meow~

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