The so-called 'new world' is naturally the other world with the heroes and the Four Heavenly Kings, and coincidentally, when the doctor discovered this place, the four heroes were just summoned.

Sakura Country also learned about the background setting of this world and the abilities of these heroes, and thus made subsequent plans.

In fact, the doctor realized at this time that if they could find a world rich in resources, stable and safe, they might not need to compete for the position of the top five, and could just take everyone to the new world.

He did propose this to the Prime Minister of Sakura Country, but the answer he got was:

"It's a good idea, but wait until you really find such a new world."

However, even though the doctor later conducted research day and night, he still hasn't figured out why modifying these parameters at that time could create an "abnormal alien space" dimensional crack. No matter how he tried, he didn't succeed the second time.

"This..." Seeing this, Mu Ying had a complicated face. In other words, for now, being able to discover this real alien world is completely a coincidence. It is unrealistic to want to master the way to go to other worlds just by relying on this information in hand.

After all, even the creator of this information, the doctor, couldn't do this. Thinking of this, Mu Ying's first reaction was to return this information to the doctor, or directly kidnap him and let him continue researching.

emmm, wait, it doesn't seem necessary? Because the research base was not destroyed, but all the information was copied. There is still the original information in the research base, so when the doctor wakes up, he will definitely continue researching, right?

Then, we just need to let Hua Huo go over and check every once in a while to see how the progress is. If there is any progress, we can steal it again.

Uh... Why does it feel like a joke from hell?

It is worth mentioning that some time ago, the doctor was found by the soldiers of the research base who woke up from coma one after another, and then moved back to the base.

Then after a while, when the doctor gradually woke up from his daze, he opened his eyes and saw a group of researchers who were worried and surrounded him in three circles.

"Doctor! You finally woke up!?" The real assistant couldn't help but say excitedly, "I don't know why, all of us..."

However, before the assistant finished speaking, as if some key words (all people) were triggered, the doctor rolled his eyes and fainted again.

"Everyone fainted in the warehouse for no reason..." The assistant looked at the doctor who rolled his eyes and was stunned, "Wait, no! Doctor, wake up!"

"Doctor! Where is the doctor!?"


The perspective returned to Mu Ying. She couldn't help but sigh and unplugged the USB drive from the notebook in front of her. After reading the information, she already knew what the deputy director's back-up plan was.

Mu Ying took out her mobile phone and searched the news. With just a glance, she saw the content she expected in the top three hottest news:

[The second concert of Dragon Country super singer Robin was successfully completed, with an angelic face, picture.jpg]

[The 'human skin book' of the Extraordinary Association was stolen, and it was initially suspected that it was done by Great Britain]

[More than a dozen dimensional cracks appeared in the sky above Sakura Country at the same time, and the scene was extremely spectacular, picture.jpg]

Ignore the first and second hottest news above, the focus is on the third one.

"However, such a big event is only the third most popular in the European Union?" Mu Ying muttered to herself.

Time moved forward a little bit, just in the early morning, when the sun just rose, warships arrived at the shore of Sakura Country and carried out landing operations at more than a dozen ports at the same time.

But what is strange is that these ports, without exception, did not show any decent resistance. In some places, there were even workers carrying goods. Looking at the warships that suddenly appeared on the sea, they all showed a confused expression.

There was no exchange of fire, no casualties, and the White Eagle army successfully arrived on the shore. The whole process was as normal as returning to their own home. Even the White Eagle generals who led the troops were confused. They even

Do you wonder if you have gone the wrong way?

In history, a similar situation occurred during World War II. British troops landed in Germany, but because the landing was too sudden, the Germans did not react at all, and the British troops successfully occupied the shore.

Then... the British general did not see any German soldiers and did not resist. He thought he had gone to the wrong place, so he ordered a retreat. After returning to reconfirm the location, he found that he had not gone wrong.

But the second landing was strongly resisted by German soldiers, resulting in heavy casualties on the British side.

However, now is different from the past. Technology has developed. You can tell whether you have gone the wrong way by looking at your mobile phone.

"Keep going!" said the White Eagle General.

But at this moment, three plainclothes soldiers from the Sakura Country were ambushing at the dock. After seeing all the enemies landed, they showed an expression of being ready to die and resolutely started the "black box" in their hands.

"For the motherland!"

"Give your heart!"

The next second, a dimensional crack like a black sun was generated in the air.

The entire dock became empty in an instant!

This happened in all the ports where the landing took place. Sakura Country actually used this device that could actively cause dimensional cracks in the war!

No matter from which angle you look at it, this is an extremely bad behavior!

You know, if you compare dimensional cracks to natural disasters such as earthquakes and tsunamis, they are even more terrible than these things, but Sakura Country is now artificially creating these natural disasters on a large scale?

And the most important thing is that even if this trick is used, it can only delay the time for White Eagle to win. As long as it cannot counterattack White Eagle's homeland, Sakura Country will never win this war.

So, in the capital of Sakura Country, the civilian staff of the Fireworks version looked at the deputy director in front of her. She couldn't figure out and couldn't understand why the other party did this.


ps: Another chapter will be later

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