The more you understand, the more you will understand.

However, if you have questions and can't figure it out, just ask directly.

In the office, the civilian staff member 'Hua Huo' looked at the battle report on the computer and looked dumbfounded, "What should I do next? Deputy Director!?"

However, the deputy director didn't even look at her and said directly, "Just follow the order. This is not something you should consider."

Hearing this, the civilian staff member 'Hua Huo' trembled and responded, "Yes... Yes!"

However, after saying this, outside the deputy director's field of vision, this Huo Huo couldn't help smacking his lips and showing a disgusted expression.

You old Deng, you wait!

You don't say it, right? Not in a good position, right? Then change to someone with a higher status!

Not long after the two finished talking, a vortex appeared in the office out of thin air. This scene naturally aroused the deputy director's vigilance, but the next second, the deputy director widened his eyes in surprise.

Because, a person who came out of the vortex was very familiar to him, and it was the director of the General Investigation Bureau, Fujiwara!

Needless to say, the real Fujiwara had died a long time ago, and the one who appeared at this time was of course fake. During this period of time, Hanabi's body had left Bancheng and returned to this city.

And with the increase of a lot of defense forces in the General Investigation Bureau, it was easy to sneak in again.

Then, just give the deputy director a little illusion, let him mistakenly think that he saw a portal, and then let another invisible version of Hanabi, Director Fujiwara, appear nearby.

"Director!? You are not dead!?" The deputy director said in horror.

I have to say that the civilian staff member ‘Hanabi’ has been using honorifics to address the deputy director, and now he finally uses honorifics to address himself. Hanabi feels pretty good. Things have changed, little brother!

However, under Hanabi’s deliberate performance, Director Fujiwara’s condition at this time is obviously not very good. He is dishevelled and his clothes are full of holes. It is obvious that he has escaped by luck after a big battle.

This is normal. After all, Director Fujiwara’s opponents are three of the Eight White Eagles. It would be strange if he came back unscathed!

"Ahem... Of course I'm not dead!" Fujiwara ‘Hanabi’ coughed, and then walked straight to the deputy director's position, or more accurately, to the chair where the deputy director is sitting now.

There is no doubt that this should be the director's position in this office.

Seeing this, the deputy director immediately stood up in a hurry, and even pushed the chair forward to the bottom of Fujiwara ‘Hanabi’.

And Fujiwara ‘Hanabi’ was not polite, sitting and leaning, showing a comfortable feeling!

Then, she began to make up a story, "It was really thrilling. We had successfully eliminated the wizard and the hunter, but in the end we almost fell into the hands of that mad lion. The assassination plan failed, and even I was lucky enough to save my life."


When she said this, she paused deliberately, crossed her legs, and coughed again, "Tsk, my throat is a little dry, cough cough..."

"Ah?" The deputy director was stunned for a moment, then quickly reacted, and immediately turned to look at the civilian 'Hanabi' next to him, and said, "Did you hear that? What are you still standing there for? Why don't you go and get a glass of water for the director?"

Civilian 'Hanabi', "???"

Fujiwara 'Hanabi', "???"

No, I was bullying you, how can you bully me back?

Fujiwara ‘Hanabi’ said immediately, “Well, he’s working hard, why are you disturbing him? You, hurry up and give me a full cup of water, do you hear me!?”

“Ah?” The deputy director was confused, but seeing the director’s face gradually becoming unfriendly, he immediately bowed and apologized, and then quickly turned around to get water.

After a while, Fujiwara ‘Hanabi’ drank a sip of the warm water in her hand, um, refreshing!

Then she continued, “The mad lion thought I was dead, but I was not as fragile as he thought, but I survived tenaciously, so when the dimensional rift ended and everyone was teleported back to the airport, I hid as soon as possible.”

“If the mad lion found out that I was not dead, he would definitely chase me to finish me off. By the way, I also used this time to heal my injuries.”

“Originally...Originally! I planned to wait until my injuries were almost healed before

I came back, but look at what you have done? What are you doing? "At this point, Fujiwara 'Hanabi' couldn't help but point at the deputy director's nose and start cursing!

"It's only been a few days? The fleet of Sakura Country was wiped out? The White Eagle started to land directly at our port?"

"And what's even more outrageous is that you didn't send troops to garrison, but instead used the [Black Box] to create so many dimensional cracks. What on earth are you thinking about? ! "

Finally, after a long detour, it's back to the original question, but the current situation is completely opposite to what it was just now.

The former high-handed deputy director is now bowing in front of Hanabi and saying "Private Marseille"!

"Okay, don't do these useless things, can't you say something meaningful?"

"Red Bean Mud Private Marseille!" After bowing and apologizing again, the deputy director said, "I just... There is no other way! If we send out troops and Evolvers to defend, we will definitely not be able to stop the White Eagle's offensive. It is better to... lay a trap in advance, and only a few soldiers are needed to make all the White Eagle soldiers disappear!"

"Then what? What has changed now after you have done all this?" Fujiwara 'Hanabi' said, "You will only arouse the anger of the White Eagle, and even the anger of all countries in the world!"

"After this, the White Eagle will definitely be alert and turn to small-scale infiltration or airdrop troops. What will you do next! ? In my opinion, you might as well surrender directly! In this way, the losses suffered by the Sakura Country may be even smaller! "

While speaking, Fujiwara 'Hanabi' stood up and walked towards the door of the office, "No, I have to contact the leader of the White Eagle, this matter..."

But in the next second, what neither of the two Hanabi expected was that a gunshot suddenly appeared and pierced Fujiwara 'Hanabi's chest, and the person who fired the gun was the deputy director.

At this time, he had a ferocious face, "I just... I just... I don't want the Sakura Country to lose the war, what's wrong with me!"

Hanabi, "???"

No, you Sakura people play like this, right?


ps: I'll take a day off tomorrow, no more

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