The explosion was so intense that the explosion was so intense.

"Bang!" "Bang!" "Bang!"

At the same time that the Fireworks Doll said 'I won't explode', a series of crisp sounds rang out from the window of the Sakura Country. If you turn your head and look outside at this time, you can see colorful fireworks rushing into the sky and exploding, leaving gorgeous patterns in the air.

"..." The deputy director had already hidden under the table. A super explosion that could destroy a country in an instant would definitely have unimaginable aftermath, but... there was no shock at all. When you looked up, you could see the display still in the video call state, as well as the fireworks outside the window.

"What... what's going on!?"

"How is it? This is a surprise I have carefully prepared for a long time. Isn't it beautiful?" Fireworks smiled at this time.

"Gift!?" The deputy director was confused.

"If you don't understand, you can look at your phone." Hua Huo said.

Upon hearing this, the deputy director immediately reached for his trouser pocket, but... it was obviously difficult for him to take his phone out of his pocket in this position curled up under the table.


With a little force, his head hit the table violently. In the end, he had to cover the back of his head and slowly crawl out from under the table, and then he successfully took out his phone.

As soon as you open the webpage, you can see a very popular news.

[Sakura Country, announced unconditional surrender! ]

This was a notice issued by the current "Prime Minister" less than a minute ago, when the fireworks just went up.

Suddenly, the deputy director showed a look of horror and disbelief, "How is this possible!?"

It's like a soldier on the front line, still fighting with the enemy, using all his strength to fight the enemy bravely, and the rear suddenly surrendered? Is this really not a joke?

Moreover, the deputy director was very familiar with the new prime minister. In the deputy director's impression, this person should be a very typical hawkish element. How could he surrender privately?

The next second, the deputy director reacted and looked at Hua Huo angrily, "Did you do it!?"

And, he thought of the Hua Huo doll that did not explode, the strange detonation command and termination command, and his face turned green, "You have been lying to me from the beginning!?"

"Correct~" Hua Huo's mouth corners slightly raised, and spread his hands, "But there is no reward~"

"You...! You...!" The deputy director stretched out his trembling right hand and pointed at Hua Huo. The next second, he coughed violently, and a mouthful of blood stained the white ground red.

He was so angry that he vomited blood!

The deputy director now had ten thousand words in his mind to greet Hua Huo's family, but he was so angry that he couldn't say a word at this time. He just kept opening and closing his mouth, as if there was a problem with his language system.

"Oh my, it's so funny. You were holding a super cute doll and thought it was a super bomb. You looked so stupid. Fortunately, I recorded it. When I have nothing to do, I always play this video~" Hua Huo tilted his head slightly, holding his cheek with his right hand, his face full of excitement.

"You...! You...! Ahem!" The deputy director spit out blood again.

You know, the deputy director is really the kind of person who can give everything for victory, and he did give everything. He thought he was playing "Russian roulette" with his life as a bet. He paid with his dignity, shouting "I am Hua Huo's dog" and barking like a crazy dog.

In the end, he got a trump card, and he pinned all his hopes on this trump card.

But Hua Huo suddenly told him that all this was fake, and all of this was actually a huge joke! The hope of victory was just a bubble in the end.

"Puff——" The deputy director's expression was distorted, painful, and regretful. Not long ago, he had just experienced the mental journey of falling from heaven to hell, and now, it was even more exaggerated than this. He fell directly from heaven into the bottomless abyss and was smashed to pieces!

The next second, when the deputy director was spitting blood and glaring at Hua Huo, his head flew high without warning, and blood splattered.

Then, a figure appeared behind the headless corpse. The hermit was also a little difficult to describe his current mood. He murmured, "What a good show that makes people happy..."

The moment this guy appeared, Hua Huo knew that his

The speculation was completely correct, and she seamlessly continued, "Isn't it? I think so too~"

For the hermit, seeing his 'enemy' show such an expression is undoubtedly very, very relieved, but at the same time, looking at the lovely girl in front of him, he became more wary.

Whether it is the ability to play with a person like this, or the fact that Hanabi was not surprised to see him at this time, as if she remembered him, it made the hermit extremely vigilant. After thinking for a moment, he asked, "So, what is the deal?"

"It's very simple, just end this war, that's all." Hanabi said.

"You want to protect Sakura Country?"

"No, no, no, hasn't this country surrendered now? It's already your country's territory, so there's naturally no need to continue fighting, right?"

"..." After a moment of silence, the hermit said, "No, this is not a war, but revenge!"

The meaning of this sentence is very clear, that is... Even if Sakura Country surrenders, the hermit still wants to continue fighting!

However, Hua Huo said, "And this is exactly what the deal is about. I can provide you with a list of all the people involved in creating that huge dimensional rift and planning to kill wizards and hunters."

"How is it? Compared to venting in war, this kind of revenge with a precise target is faster, right?"

It is not difficult to guess the other party's demands. After all, the hermit suddenly launched a war because of the death of wizards and hunters. Although Hua Huo did not know the specific reasons, she did not even know who the hermit was avenging, but the problem was not big. The other party could not refuse this list!

And the fact is indeed so. After a moment of silence, the hermit pointed at the deputy director's body and said, "How do you prove that you will not lie to me like you lied to this guy?"

"Because this is a deal." Hua Huo played with a strand of hair on her forehead with her index finger, "You also know my request, which is to stop the war. As for this deputy director? Because her purpose conflicts with mine, I just teased him a little, and you are a trader, of course I will not tease you~"

Tease a little? The hermit pondered over these four words. He even suspected that if he hadn't taken action just now, the deputy director might have been angry to death. How could this be called "slightly"?

However, this deal was so tempting that the hermit finally nodded, "Okay, deal!"


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