The two of them were so busy that they had to work together.

Hanabi took out a piece of paper that looked like it was torn from a notebook. On it was a person's name written in a delicate handwriting. Even the current location of each person was detailed behind each name, which was very considerate.

For Hanabi, it was not difficult to obtain such information.

And now she inexplicably remembered a hell joke:

'Actually, you were not on the list originally, but I have some connections, so I temporarily added your name to the list. '

In the future, if she is unhappy with someone, can she find the hermit and apologize to him, saying that the list she gave at that time missed a person, and then add one more person?

Just as Hanabi was thinking about it, the hermit stared at the list and asked, "Hanabi... You are an outsider who has just come to this world recently, right? I can't figure out what your purpose is?"

As for the name, the deputy director of Sakura Country has already revealed it, Master Hanabi.

As for the identity of the outsider, it is not difficult to guess. If such a powerful person existed a long time ago, how could there be no news at all?

Therefore, the hermit can't figure it out. An outsider appeared in Sakura Country, and judging from her appearance, her country's preference should also be this country, so why would this girl stab this country in the back?

"Isn't my purpose in the transaction content? It's to end the war and it's peace." Hanabi smiled, "As for the deeper reason, you can understand that I like happy things and hate bad things."

"After this war started, everyone was frowning~ How bad is this? I just want to end this not-so-good time quickly!"

There is an old saying in Dragon Country: 'When the world prospers, the people suffer, and when the world perishes, the people suffer. ’

For ordinary people, what they want most is just an ordinary and peaceful life.

Remember that Hua Huo had given away many ‘wish-fulfilling buttons’ door to door before? In the current situation of war, especially when the enemy is at the doorstep, we can appreciate the beauty of peace. I believe that most of the wishes made by ordinary people are to end this war!

Of course, it is said that most of them, there must be a small number of people who wish to rule the world, revive their families, have unlimited money, etc. These don’t matter, the key is that [most of them].

So, at this moment, the ‘wish-fulfilling button’ did satisfy the wishes of many people, and the so-called button itself was actually a firework. At the moment when the war ended, the countless buttons that were previously distributed by Hua Huo were all ignited and flew into the sky at the same time.

This is an extremely gorgeous firework, an extremely grand joy! That is... world peace!

Because of the deputy director's fun, and because at this moment, millions of Sakura people's "wishes come true", they have realized their wishes, and Hua Huo can see that the percentage of "joy" on the system is rising at a very fast speed.

It is worth mentioning that if someone presses the "wish come true button" and wishes that Sakura can win, and after the wish is fulfilled, Sakura surrenders directly, isn't this another kind of fun?

After glancing at the system, Hua Huo turned his attention back to the hermit and said, "So, if you have anything in the future, you can ask me for help~ As long as it is fun enough and interesting enough, I can help you for free~"

"..." The hermit didn't know what expression to make. It must be said that Hua Huo's answer at this time was completely different from what he expected, but for some reason, he felt it was somewhat reasonable.

I don't understand! I can't figure it out!

For the girl in front of him, the hermit could only come to this conclusion in the end.

Without saying anything else, the hermit disappeared from the room with the list in hand. Of course, Hua Huo also disappeared with him. In the entire office, only the body of the deputy director was left. It was unknown how long it would take for it to be discovered.

At this moment, on the Internet, the news of the unconditional surrender of Sakura Country was spreading like wildfire. Hua Huo, who was near the Investigation Bureau of Sakura Country, opened her phone and looked at it. It seemed that everyone on all platforms was discussing this matter.

Of course, Hua Huo must have been looking at the website of Dragon Country:

"Ah? That's it? They surrendered just now? How long has it been? Half a month? This is too fast."

"It's too bad to use weapons that create dimensional rifts to achieve such a record."

"Tsk tsk tsk, boring. I was hoping to fight longer and have more Sakura people die. They just deserved it."

"No, I think it's good to end the war early. War and death are not good things after all."

"Huh? Are you a Sakura spy? Why are you on Sakura's side?"

"Don't put a hat on me. I'm just talking about the facts."

The thumb with red nail polish swiped the screen. The two people quarreled for more than ten floors. Obviously, for everyone who stayed away from the war, after knowing that the war was over, there were probably two views:

Think it's a bad thing, hope to fight longer and have more people die, and think it's a good thing and it's good to end it early.

There is no doubt that the sudden surrender of Sakura was caused by Hanabi, and as long as someone feels happy from this incident, it actually meets the requirement of "joy", and can increase the percentage of the task target "joy" in the system for her.

There is no strict definition of joy. No matter who you are, no matter how you do it, as long as you are happy, you can be considered "joyful".

So, within a few hours, the percentage of joy in the system went from more than 3% to more than 50%, and it is still rising at a visible speed.

However, Huahuo also found a problem, that is... although the percentage of joy is growing fast now, it is probably not realistic to grow it to full in this wave.

In summary, the definition of joy is extremely broad and very easy to achieve, but the corresponding price is that the "required value" of this joy goal is very high!

For example, if the system goal of Liuying's fierce battle is [0/100], which requires her to fight a hundred battles, then joy is [0/1000]. Although it is easier to achieve, it requires doing a thousand fun things.

This is also the reason why she did a lot of things and had a lot of fun before, but her joy was only more than 3%.

"Is that so? Then I'll add fuel to the fire." While Hanabi was talking to herself, a clone in the Internet cafe clicked the Enter key on the keyboard and started uploading the video.

It was from a perspective without the influence of hallucinations that the deputy director of Sakura Country hugged a funny pillow and thought it was a super bomb, a video of a crazy dog ​​barking.

Hanabi didn't lie, she really recorded the scene at that time.


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