As for why they didn't attack Mu Heng, she guessed that it might be because they were afraid of her identity as an 'official' and her 'combat power'.

Everyone knows that everyone in the Investigation Bureau is an evolver or a transformer, and there are no ordinary people at all. Although Mu Heng herself was panicked and scared, in the eyes of others, she was calm and reliable.

Moreover, Mu Heng never introduced herself. Among the more than 100 people present, except for a few fans who had seen her videos, no one else knew her, did not know her strength, and did not even know her name.

The unknown will naturally arouse vigilance. If Mu Heng is the "bad guy" hiding in the crowd, she will definitely pay more attention to the "official personnel" because the official personnel will be the biggest obstacle to his (her) actions.

If the "official personnel" can be killed, then in this closed space, can't you do whatever you want? But the biggest problem is here. Once you act rashly and fail, the ending will be a "flight".

In other words, the more mysterious Mu Heng is at this time, the greater the deterrence to the "enemy".

Of course, the above premise is that the enemy is really a human being, and Mu Heng's doubts are also here. Why do they kill each other? And why did the person who was killed disappear out of thin air? How did the murderer do it?

Mu Heng still doesn't know these things, but she at least has a goal and a direction now. She makes bold assumptions and carefully verifies them to try to pull out the "enemy" hidden in the crowd!

In fact, when she thought of this, Mu Heng couldn't help but think of the figure of the male student before. It's no exaggeration to say that this person directly became her first suspect.

Because it was too coincidental. Why did he run out of the toilet when she went to the toilet and said that he was going to find her? If you think about it from another angle, is it like he just committed a crime and found that the police happened to come, so he tried to find an excuse?

As we all know, the discoverer of the body is generally a big suspect.

However, Mu Heng has no direct evidence. All this is just her guess. Even if she really locked the murderer and found evidence, she would not reveal the murderer's identity.

The other party was afraid of her because of the unknown, and she was the same? Mu Heng had no idea how strong the other party was. She only knew that she was weak. If she exposed the enemy's identity, it would only lead to the other party's death.

Soon, Mu Heng returned to the hot pot restaurant. She clapped her hands, and after everyone looked over, she announced, "I'm sorry to tell you that although the surroundings are calm now, in fact, at least three people have died."

The crowd around was visibly agitated, but she continued, "But I also found out that the enemy this time is not a monster, but a human. The murderer is hiding among us, waiting for an opportunity to strike!"

While speaking, her eyes swept across everyone present, as if she was "looking" at the so-called "murderer".

If it were a normal situation, Mu Heng's words would definitely cause opposition and hostility between people, but because of her ability, everyone remained calm to the highest degree.

"Next, I will divide everyone into groups of five. From now on, no matter what you do or where you go, you must not be too far away from the other four people. If anyone finds anything strange, be sure to notify me as soon as possible."

Although Mu Heng is not 100% sure that the murderer is a human, it does not prevent her from saying so at this time, because if the murderer is really a human, he will naturally keep a low profile when hearing her words at this time, and if the murderer is not a human but a monster, then there will naturally be no impact. This is a gamble that will win without losing.

The next step is a complicated statistical and grouping work. Mu Heng uses Cheng Hui's power bank. She randomly calls five people without any rules and writes down the names of these five people in the notepad of her mobile phone as a group.

In fact, she can completely say 'When you want to do anything, call four people together'. Such fixed grouping is really too energy-consuming and time-consuming, but what if Mu Heng is afraid that the murderer is more than one person?

This is like playing a werewolf killing game. What if two 'wolves' act together and stab other people? And fixed grouping can completely eliminate this problem. Everyone

The names of the murderers were all on Mu Heng's phone. Once the murderer took action, his group would be short of people, so he could be locked immediately.

The process of statistics and grouping lasted for a long time. It is worth mentioning that when the male student came over, Mu Heng took the initiative to talk to him for a few words, probably to comfort him and tell him not to be sad. During this period, Mu Heng always paid attention to the other party's expression and looked at his eyes, but the male student also looked at her normally and did not show anything strange.

No, in fact, Mu Heng's approach was wrong in itself. She suddenly realized that because of her ability, everyone was in a very calm state, and this naturally included the murderer, so no matter how she tried, she could not find out anything.

Soon, after the hot pot restaurant was divided into groups, Mu Heng went to the supermarket next door and repeated the same operation, but after excluding the bald man, the total number of people at this time was 181, which means that the last group will be six people. Mu Heng formed the last group with himself, Cheng Hui, and four other randomly selected two men and two women.

Until the division was completed, everyone was very cooperative. In addition to Mu Heng's ability, another very important factor was that her instructions were very clear and reassuring.

Everyone was very clear about what to do and how to do it. If someone indecisive came at this time, hesitating for a long time and didn't know what to say or what to do, then there would be a big problem.

When Mu Heng returned to his original seat to rest, it was already past noon, and Cheng Hui had woken up. She rubbed her eyes and yawned, "Ha~ How is the situation?"

"Not bad." Mu Heng habitually smoothed a strand of hair on her forehead to the back of her wings, but she did not retract her hand, but rolled the sky blue hair into a curl and wrapped it around her fingertips, "If I guess correctly, if the 'murderer' is timid, there may be no dead people later."

In fact, no matter who is killed, it will be exposed, and now the most dangerous person has become Mu Heng himself, but there is no way, this is already the best solution at present.


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