After all, the murderer was still alive.

Next, it depends on how brave the murderer is. But you have to know that it took only one night and one morning to determine that the murderer was a human. This will naturally bring more pressure to the other party and make them more afraid of Mu Heng.

At this time, Mu Heng was glad that he could give the "enemy" a halo. The murderer must be very calm, not dominated by emotions, and would not do irrational things because of impulse. In other words, if there is no absolute certainty, the probability of the other party taking action is still very low.

It is no exaggeration to say that Mu Heng is gambling with her life. She is gambling that the murderer dares not to take action. If the murderer really dares to take action...she will dare to die in front of the other party.

"Next, we have to wait. Can the Qingcheng Investigation Bureau be faster?" Mu Heng muttered to himself, playing with his hair.

Time passed slowly, and soon it was night. Because Mu Heng "confessed" that the murderer was a human, not a monster, many people no longer cowered in hot pot restaurants or supermarkets, but chose to go out in groups to other nearby stores to get food and drinks, or simply chat in the middle of the street. After all, staying in one place is too boring.

So far, no one has come to report a disappearance. At eight o'clock in the evening, Mu Heng counted the number of people again and confirmed that no one died. It seems that her method is still quite effective.

However, she also knew that tonight when everyone was asleep might be the most dangerous time for her. If the murderer wanted to attack her to the death, there would be no better opportunity than tonight. Mu Heng looked at Cheng Hui and the other four people in her group and ordered a plan to take turns to keep watch.

"Always pay attention to the surroundings. If someone suddenly stands up and approaches us, wake me up immediately." It is worth mentioning that Mu Heng did not whisper to conspire, but used an ordinary voice without any intention of covering up.

Naturally, many people around heard her words, and this was actually Mu Heng's purpose. If the murderer could hear her words, the possibility of attacking at night would naturally decrease.

"Then, I will rest first." After Mu Heng and others finished this sentence, she lay on the table and squinted. As long as she was not too unlucky, the murderer happened to be one of the six people in her team who were on night watch, or the murderer wanted to fight to the death in such a situation, there was a high probability that she would be fine.

And she really slept until four o'clock in the morning, which was the time when she changed shifts to watch the night.

Mu Heng propped her chin with one hand, looking at the scenery outside which had not changed at all, "Has it been one day and two nights already..."

Since the dimensional rift appeared and the curtain fell, she personally felt that it had been a long time, but now that she carefully calculated, it was not a long time.

She looked around idly, and her mind began to think wildly.

The five people did not dare to tear their faces apart when acting collectively, and did not launch an attack at night, which meant that the murderer's strength might not be strong. Then, she could even think of a plan to actively lure the other party out, which was not a difficult task.

Mu Heng thought of her "big move". If she sang a song and comprehensively amplified the power of ordinary people, could everyone rush up and catch the "murderer"?

But in the end, she shook her head and gave up the idea. In a sense, this was betting on the lives of other innocent people.

No one can say anything about betting on your own things, but is it too immoral to push others to the gambling table without their consent?

"In the final analysis, I am still too weak. When can I unlock the next vest..." Mu Heng glanced at the system. The goal completion rate of the singer has reached [5%]. Although she disappeared from the Internet during this period, it did not affect the spread of her previously released songs and the crazy increase in popularity.

It's a pity that I can't go online now and see how much my fans have increased.

Just as Mu Heng sighed, she suddenly felt the ground tremble slightly. She changed her previous dazed look and instantly became energetic.

Because this vibration is too familiar, it is exactly the same as when the dimensional crack just appeared.

Mu Heng suddenly raised his head and looked out the window. He could see that the originally airtight black curtain was like a punctured balloon, gradually dissipating from the top. In just a few seconds, the curtain disappeared completely, and the stars and

The moon reappeared in the night sky above.

"The curtain has dissipated!?" Then, she heard hurried footsteps, and four uniformed investigation bureau staff ran on the street, and then saw the crowded supermarket and hot pot restaurant, and couldn't help but freeze in place.

"What's going on?" The one walking in front was a girl with snow-white hair, blue eyes, and a pair of cat ears on her head. She couldn't help but reveal an extremely confused expression.

In fact, when the curtain fell, the investigation bureau guessed that the situation this time might be similar to the last time.

In the last dimensional rift incident, a 'hunter' will appear in the area covered by the curtain, just like the 'wolf' in the Werewolf game, the 'murderer' in Mu Heng's mouth, this 'murderer' will have a very special weapon. Every time he stabs a person with this weapon, the person stabbed will die directly and disappear, leaving only a set of clothes to prove that he once existed.

Every time a person is killed, the overall physical fitness of the ‘murderer’ will increase, just like absorbing the vitality of the victim.

It is worth mentioning that, just like the Fancheng virus, the ‘murderer’ can only become stronger by killing people in the curtain, and the special weapon is only effective against people in the curtain.

The fixed space, the strangers, and almost no traces left after killing people, there is no doubt that these conditions are very, very favorable to the ‘murderer’.

Generally speaking, when encountering such a situation, most ordinary people are naturally very scared and will most likely find a hidden place to hide.

Of course, it is not ruled out that a few people will lose their minds because of excessive fear, and do a lot of abstract things to create chaos, which will undoubtedly further ‘help the murderer’.

In general, what the murderer has to do is to lurk in the crowd and stab people secretly in the early stage, and when the strength rises in the middle stage, he will kill people indiscriminately, and play hide-and-seek in the later stage to find some fish that slip through the net.

Normally, when there is only one survivor left, the curtain will open automatically. However, due to the last incident, the Bureau of Investigation has already had a certain understanding and research on the curtain. After working outside all night for a day and two nights, the curtain was finally opened.


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