After opening the door, there is a small space of no more than ten square meters. A five-layer cabinet faces the door, on which are placed glass bottles filled with white powder. Bai Yuanju said, "Take this with you, and then go to the warehouse and pick any weapon. Just sprinkle this dust on the ghosts and they will be materialized for a short time. Ghosts are very fragile in nature. Just shoot them at random, no matter where you shoot, as long as you hit them, you can kill them directly."

"Of course, if it doesn't work, I can help you call a few policemen to follow you, and you can just sprinkle this stuff and let them shoot."

This made Mu Heng very confused. She asked in confusion, "According to what you said, wouldn't it be better to just let the police solve this dimensional rift? One more or one less won't make a difference."

He even shot at ghosts. It's no exaggeration to say that the last time Mu Heng shot with a gun was in his previous life, when he killed two people with a volley of bullets.

One gold headshot and one silver headshot.

Of course, it was in the game.

The dimensional cracks this time are of low risk and not difficult to handle. If there is any flaw in the whole operation, then this flaw is undoubtedly Mu Heng herself. If she is "optimized", the task should be easier, right?

However, Bai Yuanju explained slowly, "Because this dust can only be used by members of the Investigation Bureau. In the hands of others, this thing is just ordinary powder and has no effect."

Shi Han, whether this person is cute or not, is really amazing in the technology of making props, and almost all the props made by her have a feature, "Only people from the Dragon Country Investigation Bureau can use it."

The reason is simple, to prevent the props she made from being stolen and used by outsiders with bad intentions.

So even if someone is jealous of these strange props of the Investigation Bureau, they can only be jealous. Even if they are given to them, they can't use them. It can be said that the anti-theft technology is fully utilized.

" does this prop determine whether I am a member of the Investigation Bureau?"

"I don't know about this. After all, I didn't make this thing. I can only say that this thing is quite idealistic." Bai Yuanju took a bottle from the cabinet and handed it to Mu Heng. This thing is probably similar to a can, with a glass bottle and a metal bottle cap.

After taking it, Mu Heng couldn't help but mutter in his heart, 'Why is this packaging like Lao Gan Ma. '

She shook the bottle, and the powder inside looked like flour.

Bai Yuanju said, "You can just pour this thing on your hand and sprinkle it out. It itself has no harm to the human body, and it's even okay to eat it. However, I don't recommend you to do this."


"Because the material of this thing seems to be the ashes of something."

Hearing this, Mu Heng immediately showed a somewhat disgusted expression, and even took the bottle in his hand a little further away.

The two did not spend much time in this special warehouse. After getting the things, they left here and returned to the ordinary warehouse. Mu Heng picked a small female pistol that looked pretty cool, and spent about five minutes asking Bai Yuanju about how to use it.

How to turn on and off the safety, how to change the bullet and load it.

Guns are a fool-proof operation mode, which is very simple to use. However, it is limited to the most basic "use", that is, to pull the trigger and shoot the bullet.

Maintaining guns, modifying guns, and aiming and shooting are not something that can be mastered in a short time. Mu Heng can only shoot a gun at best, but where to shoot is completely up to fate.

On the way out of the warehouse, Bai Yuanju kept reminding him, "The [White Ghost] has no entity and is difficult to be seen by the naked eye in a dark environment. Even if there is sufficient light, you can only see a rough outline. If you don't pay attention, you may even miss it. But through any electronic device, you can easily see it, so you can turn on the shooting mode of your mobile phone to search."

"The White Ghost will lower the temperature around it. If you can clearly feel the temperature drop, it means it is not far away from you. Be more careful. Also, the White Ghost can pass through walls and can appear from the ceiling or under your feet. Don't just stare at the front, but also pay more attention to the surroundings."

"Finally, if you are really possessed, don't be afraid. The White Ghost is not particularly aggressive. At the beginning, you

You will just feel a little weak, like a cold or fever. Your life will be in danger only if the possession lasts for more than three hours. You can even sprinkle some [Transformation Dust] on yourself, and then shoot at a non-lethal place, which can also kill the White Ghost. "

"Don't worry, I have the superpower of healing. As long as you are still alive, I can save you, and there will be no scars. "

It can be said that Bai Yuanju reminded Mu Heng of all the things that needed to be paid attention to and that might happen. Mu Heng was stunned. She felt that this was not like going to perform a task at all, but like taking the answers to an exam.

You can imagine that when this monster called White Ghost first appeared, the Investigation Bureau probably only knew that a dimensional crack had appeared, but nothing appeared, and nothing happened, until some time later, some strange rumors began to spread in the area near the dimensional crack.

For example, white silhouettes wandering in the moonlight late at night, being able to see something attached to your back when looking in the mirror in the bathroom, seeing another person behind you when taking a selfie, temperature bases, strange rooms with inexplicable coldness, and the mysterious deaths of people at home. The innocent.

The Investigation Bureau can only try to find the "truth" from these horrible rumors. No matter how you look at it, it's the same as a traditional ghost story. If Mu Heng was given the clues in the style of "ghost stories" above and asked to deal with them, she would probably be scared to death.

But after the efforts and dedication of each member of the Investigation Bureau, with the accumulation of time, all the characteristics of this monster have been understood, and targeted props such as [Transformation Dust] have been developed. Monsters that may have been difficult and dangerous in the past have now become the lowest level minions.

Twenty minutes later, a police car stopped at the gate of a school called [No. 11 Middle School]. Mu Heng didn't expect that the next time he returned to school after so many years of graduation would be in this way.


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