Although the school has been quiet for half a month, it still looks clean and tidy except for a few fallen leaves on the ground.

Looking at the empty campus in front of him, even though it was afternoon and the sun was hanging overhead, Mu Heng still felt a slight chill, not knowing if it was an illusion.

"By the way, aren't you afraid?" Mu Heng looked at the two policemen holding guns and standing by.

These two people were her assistants in this operation, a forty-year-old policeman and a young policeman in his twenties who had just joined the job.

Hearing this, the young policeman smiled energetically and said, "Miss Robin, don't you have us here? This mission is only for you and the two of us, which means that the mission is not difficult."

"This is my first time to carry out a mission related to dimensional rifts. If I'm lucky, I can become an evolver. I also want to do something for the country like you in the Investigation Bureau."

In contrast, the older policeman said seriously, "Of course I'm a little scared, but if you need me to do something, just tell me, and I'll do my best to do it."

It can be said that the answers of these two people are completely opposite to what Mu Heng expected. Normally, experienced old policemen should be calmer and less afraid of danger when handling incidents, while younger policemen, because they have no actual combat experience, should be afraid to rush to the battlefield with guns, right?

But Mu Heng could see that the old policeman's right hand was trembling slightly. He was really scared, while the young policeman looked at the teaching building in front of him with excitement and excitement in his eyes.

‘Is it because of the many experiences, encounters with more terrifying monsters, and witnesses of more deaths that they are afraid? ’While thinking, Mu Heng asked the old policeman, “How many dimensional rift incidents have you assisted the Investigation Bureau in handling?”

“The first time.” The old policeman said, “Usually, we only need to evacuate the crowd and provide some other off-site assistance. The police do not need to enter the dimensional rift site. Everything is left to the Investigation Bureau to solve.”

“If the solution is successful, there is no need to say more. In the worst case, if the solution fails, there is no need for the police to take over. It is meaningless to let the police go if the Investigation Bureau cannot handle it. If this really happens, notify the remaining personnel of the Investigation Bureau and ask for help from the [Special Mobile Team].”

This makes sense. If both policemen are doing it for the first time, the young ones will naturally be braver than the old ones.

At this time, the young policeman said, "So, under normal circumstances, we have no chance to enter the scene. Now we finally have such an opportunity, so why not seize it! Maybe we can really become an evolver!"

"You... Alas..." The old policeman opened his mouth, but finally said nothing, just sighed.

In fact, when Bai Yuanju explained the characteristics of the white ghost, he really mentioned the way to become an evolver, that is, if you can survive eight hours without dying after being possessed by the white ghost, you can in turn "consume" the ghost in your body and gain special abilities such as "transparency" and "flying".

But this is very, very difficult. So far, only one person has succeeded and became an evolver in this way.

Mu Heng looked at the young policeman and did not tell him the meaning of this method. Instead, he explained how to act later. In short, everyone observes the surroundings through the camera of the mobile phone, and after finding the target, wait for the other party to get close to a certain distance, she will "sprinkle powder", and then the two policemen can shoot freely.

Then, Mu Heng used her ability, and invisible ripples spread out from her center to the surroundings, allowing the three people to enter a very calm state.

The fear of the old policeman was soothed, but the excitement and excitement in the heart of the young policeman were still there.

"Tap tap~~"

Mu Heng walked in front and entered the main teaching building of the school. The empty corridor echoed with the footsteps of three people. This was not strange in itself, but thinking that there might be five ghosts wandering around, the atmosphere suddenly became a little scary.

As for Mu Heng herself, whether she is afraid of ghosts or not, she is actually a little afraid. If she is asked to watch a horror movie now, what will probably happen?

Halfway through, the two wings behind the ears directly blocked the eyes.

No need to cover with hands, it's more convenient.

But now, because she used her ability, she would not be affected by fear. Mu Heng took out the glass bottle of [Transformation Dust], opened it and poured some out on her hand, then held the phone in the other hand and started the search journey.

In fact, there is no need for a particularly detailed search. After all, this is not playing hide-and-seek. The white ghost will come over by itself after sensing someone nearby.

Feeling the increasingly cold temperature around, finally, at the corner of the stairs leading to the second floor from the first floor, Mu Heng saw a white shadow floating straight towards her.

The full appearance of the monster can be clearly seen on the phone. It has a human-shaped outline, but it is impossible to tell whether it is a man or a woman. There are no facial features on the face, giving people the feeling that it is like those human models in the costumes.

The 'white ghost' stretched out its hands towards Mu Heng, as if it wanted to hug her. However, the more it did so, the calmer Mu Heng became. She quickly threw the powder in her left hand and shouted,



Almost at the same time as she spoke, the young policeman had completed the action of aiming and shooting. In such a short time, the bullet even hit the head of the white ghost accurately.

Although this kind of monster has no clear weakness and it doesn't matter where you hit it, Mu Heng still has to sigh that this shot is so accurate!

Just like a balloon being blown up, the monster did not make any screams or any other movements. It disappeared in front of Mu Heng in almost an instant, as if it had never existed before.


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