Just as Mu Ying was thinking, footsteps sounded near her, and soon, four uniformed figures appeared in front of her.

The blue pupils and sunken eye sockets proved that these people were "foreigners". Well, in fact, for these people, Mu Ying was the foreigner at this time.

These people observed the surroundings and moved forward vigilantly. Naturally, they saw Mu Ying at the first time, and then the leader said a lot of words.


Mu Ying, "?"

I don't understand, I really don't understand!

Seeing her confused look, the other party seemed to realize that the language was not accessible, and switched to another language.

"Wer bist du?"

Mu Ying, "..."

Then, the other party spoke a third language, and this time she finally understood a little, because this time it was English, "Who are you? Why are you still here? Why didn't you evacuate?"

Mu Heng's English level can only be said to be average. In addition to the vocabulary inherited from his previous life, the rest of English was even learned by the way when he used the body of the robin to learn to sing English songs.

She reluctantly communicated with the other party until... A member of the other team patted his captain on the shoulder and handed over a headset.

After adjusting the preferred language and putting it on, Mu Ying couldn't help but sigh at the outrageousness of this headset. The moment the other party finished a sentence, her headset sounded the translated Chinese almost without delay.

After a conversation, she finally knew where she was.

[European Union]!

Long before the dimensional rift came, due to the huge pressure from the East and America, more than 20 countries in Europe formed a relatively loose alliance. Then, after the dimensional rift appeared and new threats emerged, this alliance gradually became more solid and stable.

Today, these more than 20 countries have been highly bound together and can almost be regarded as one country.

The captain of this team and Mu Ying spoke French and German respectively. In this country, it doesn’t seem strange that each person can master three languages. Maybe in the eyes of local people, this is like three dialects.

In Longguo, isn’t there also a situation where two villages can’t understand each other’s words even though they are separated by a village?

And the person who was responsible for talking to Mu Ying also understood her identity, [Outsider]!

The European Union has a very powerful technology called the dimensional rift prediction device, which is similar to an earthquake early warning device, but much more powerful than this.

This device can predict the exact location of the dimensional crack about five minutes before it occurs, and then give an alarm. This is why Mu Ying didn't see any pedestrians on the street just now, because everyone had evacuated.

And Mu Ying appeared here inexplicably. It was obvious that she was not a local. She didn't speak the language and didn't know anything. If she wasn't an outsider, what was she?

It is worth mentioning that whether it is White Eagle, Bear Country, or even Dragon Country, they are all envious of this technology, but there is no way, the European Union's confidentiality work is too good.

Even other countries want to buy one for use, but they can't, the European Union doesn't sell it at all.

Back to the topic, after knowing Mu Ying's identity as an outsider, the captain first introduced himself, "You can call me [Wesley]. I'm sorry... Miss, I have to tell you something very regrettable. You may need to live in this world for a long time in the future."

"Is this... like this?" Mu Ying lowered her head and whispered.

In Wesley's opinion, this might be a sign that the girl has difficulty accepting reality. After all, leaving her hometown inexplicably and being forced to come to a completely new place is not something that everyone can accept in a second.

But in fact, Mu Ying lowered her head to prevent the other party from seeing her expression. Although she is an outsider, it is not the "first time"!

This is her second time as an outsider. Should she act a little unfamiliar with this world? What if she is exposed?

It must be said that she may have been exposed too many times on the Robin side, causing her to have PTSD.

But on second thought, she seems to have nothing to expose now. She is a genuine outsider, and she is not very familiar with this world.

It doesn't matter if she is familiar with it or not, she can explain that the world before it is similar to this one.

Anyway, what the world was like before she crossed over is up to her alone.

Looking at the girl in front of him who gave people a feeling of pity for no reason, just when Wesley wanted to say something to comfort her, something strange happened. The dimensional crack that was originally hanging in the sky suddenly "expanded", just like a balloon that was constantly inflated and expanded, and soon became more than three times larger than before.

"Ding ding ding~"

A device on Wesley's waist also rang the alarm frantically, and his face changed, "Bad, this sign is..."

The next second, Mu Ying felt dizzy, and when she came to her senses, she found herself lying on a soft grass, the smell of grass filled her nose, looking around, the blue sky was cloudless, and the warm sunshine shone on her body, making people feel a little comfortable.

However, Mu Ying raised her eyebrows, and her expression gradually changed from blank to confused. What's going on? She crossed over again?

No, what happened today? How did I travel back and forth?

She sat up slowly and looked around. The four members of the European Union's Investigation Bureau were not far from her. Well, the European Union is not called the Investigation Bureau. It seems to be called something like the [Superhuman Association]. That is, the superhumans such as evolvers, transformers, and aliens are collectively called superhumans, but this is not the point.

The four people were also observing the surroundings. After Wesley saw Mu Ying wake up, he came over and explained to her, "Sorry, there was a little emergency. We may have been pulled to another place by the [different space] type of dimensional crack."

After saying this, he remembered that the girl in front of him was an alien and might not even know the definition of dimensional cracks, so he added, "Anyway, we will find a way to solve this problem. Don't worry."

Mu Ying nodded in confusion, but in fact, she was thinking, different space type dimensional cracks?

She had seen intelligence about this type of dimensional crack in the Investigation Bureau, which was completely opposite to the dimensional crack of the [Birth] type. If the ‘Birth’ type was to throw some monsters into this world, then the [Alternate Space] type was to pull away the people of this world and throw them into another ‘world’.


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