The reason why the word "world" is in quotation marks is that after being transported by the dimensional rift, it is not surprising that anything happens. For example, the guy named Invincible Brother encountered this type of dimensional rift and entered a "game world". Invincible Brother and 81 other civilians appeared in a village. Each of them has the ability of [Data Vision]. In other words, in the game, it is very normal for players to view their own and other people's panels, right? In that game world, all the NPCs in the village are really the same as the NPCs in the game. They can only stand there stupidly and have only a few fixed conversations. As for outside the village, there are all kinds of classic monsters such as slimes, goblins, wolves that can use wind blades, etc.

When Wudi and his companions go out of the village to kill monsters, they can gain experience, which can be used to improve themselves. Moreover, after the monster dies, it will disappear out of thin air, and then some items will appear out of thin air. These items can be brought back to the village to sell and buy other supplies.

In short, everything in that place is no different from a game.

'If it is this type of dimensional crack, the most urgent thing is to find a [way to pass the level] . ' Mu Ying thought silently in her heart.

Let's take Wudi's experience as an example. At first glance, the game world he was in seemed to have no danger, but on the third day, all the monsters outside the village became crazy and attacked the village.

At first, relying on some simple defense facilities in the village and the efforts of NPC villagers, they could barely hold on, but as time passed, the waves of monster attacks became more and more terrifying, until the seventh day, the village was breached.

A large number of people died in the battle to defend the city. In the end, only Brother Wudi and another survivor escaped from the village. They kept running and running until midnight on the seventh day, and then... the game ended.

The [way to pass] the dimensional rift that Brother Wudi experienced was to survive for seven days, and after achieving this goal, he and another survivor were sent back to the real world.

Moreover, when he was sent back, a panel appeared in front of Brother Wudi, scoring him according to his "game behavior" during this period, such as how many monsters he killed, how many tasks he completed, etc. After these scores were calculated, a "game mall" appeared in front of Brother Wudi, and he could buy whatever he wanted with the scores just now.

Finally, Brother Wudi bought the ability called [Data Vision], which was obviously the template of the protagonist, and he became an evolver.

In summary, this so-called [pass method] will not be told to you directly and clearly, but it must be strongly related to the alien space itself. For example, in the game world of Brother Wudi, the pass method is either to defend for a certain number of days or to survive for a certain number of days. It is impossible that monsters are attacking the city here, and the pass method is to let you knit a sweater.

In fact, the investigation bureau has found that there may be far more than one way to pass the level, but there are many, many, depending on which one you can complete. Therefore, it is highly likely that you will not be trapped in the dimensional crack and cannot get out. You will either die here or successfully pass the level.

As for Mu Heng herself, after she read the information about this type of dimensional crack at the investigation bureau, her first reaction was, how can this thing be like a [copy] created by humans?

It is worth mentioning that on the White Eagle side, the martyr was suspected of encountering this type of dimensional crack and lost contact.

The thought was fleeting. Mu Ying looked at the four "temporary teammates" in front of her, including Captain Wesley, a total of three men and one woman. How should I put it? Did she feel that she was a little face-blind? Except for the last girl, she felt that these foreigners looked similar.

The last girl looked young and was a little shorter than Mu Ying. Her long dark blue hair was scattered behind her, and there was a shell-shaped hairpin on her forehead.

Emmmm... Foreign beautiful girl, good news!

At this time, Wesley pointed to a patch of grass on the ground and said, "The grass here has traces of being crushed and trampled. Not long ago, a large group of people should have passed by here, and the direction..."

Wesley looked carefully for a few more times, pointed his finger forward, "Let's follow and see."

Now we are unfamiliar with the place.

, Mu Ying naturally had no intention of acting alone, and even if she wanted to leave now, these European Union people would not agree.

After all, in the eyes of these people, she is now a powerless little girl, although the fact is not the case at all.

Mu Ying walked at the end of the team, with her hands behind her back, and dots of green light gathered in her hands, and finally formed something that looked like an enlarged version of the "cicada".

There is no doubt that this is Sam's transformation device! In other words, if she wants, she can transform at any time and gain extremely strong combat power.

However, she has no idea of ​​transforming in public now, although she really wants to try it.

Mu Ying let go of her hand, and the transformation device gathered in her hand disappeared just as it appeared just now, turning into dots of green light and dissipating in the air.

By the way, if she gave this transformation device to the robin, could the robin become Sam?

Thinking of strange things in my mind, about twenty minutes later, a team of "refugees" appeared in the sight of several people. This team had about a hundred people, and each of them wore ragged clothes and looked dusty.

The sudden appearance of Mu Ying and others naturally attracted the attention of this team. The crowd began to commotion, but someone in the crowd immediately stood up and seemed to say something, and the crowd that was originally ready to move calmed down again.

Then, this person walked towards Mu Ying and others. Compared with other refugees, he looked much cleaner and neater. He was wearing a chain mail that protected his chest and other vital parts.

Then this guy spoke in extremely fluent French. Mu Ying naturally couldn't understand, but fortunately there were translation headphones.

"Several people, are you also refugees?" However, when he said this, the man frowned and looked puzzled. This was also normal. After all, the clothes and appearance of Mu Ying and others had nothing to do with refugees.


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