Soon, Mu Ying and her friends came to the second floor of the hotel and found their room. Although the environment of this city was not very good, the room was spacious and clean. Of course, it might also be because Wesley came directly to the best hotel in the city and bought the most expensive room. Then, Wesley evenly distributed the thick stack of banknotes in his hand to everyone, even Mu Ying got more than ten. Wesley looked at his three teammates, "Next, let's go around the city and continue to collect intelligence."

After giving this order, Wesley turned his eyes to Mu Ying. He pondered for a while, "As for Miss Liuying..."

"I'm nearby, I won't go too far!" Mu Ying replied in seconds, "You can go without worry, I'm fine!"

"Okay." Nodded, but after saying this, Wesley thought about it and took out a pistol from his body and handed it to Mu Ying, "This I'll give you the things for self-defense for now. By the way, Miss Mu Ying, can you use a gun? "

Mu Ying, who intends to create an ordinary persona for herself, naturally shook her head and said, "I know guns, but I've never used them..."

Afterwards, there was another period of basic learning, and she was taught from scratch how to turn on and off the safety, how to aim and how to shoot. Wesley also reminded her a few more words, "If possible, try not to go to places that look very remote, just stay on the street, there shouldn't be any danger in this city."

"Yeah!" Mu Ying nodded humbly, and she didn't breathe a sigh of relief until Wesley and the other four left.

Finally, it's time for a happy free activity!

Outsiders don't necessarily have strong combat power. It's also possible for ordinary people to travel through time. Mu Ying disguised herself as an ordinary person mainly because she was in Europe, and she couldn't stay in Europe all the time.

If she shows strong fighting power, it will be difficult for her to leave the country. According to normal people's thinking, if a powerful outsider appears in their own country, they will definitely try every means to keep him in their own country, right?

And if Mu Ying's attitude is very tough and her fighting power is far beyond the imagination of the [European Union], in simple terms, her hand is strong enough, the country may let her go, but what about after that?

Why does such a powerful outsider want to come to Longguo? Longguo will definitely be wary of her.

In short, just imagining it is full of troubles, so the best way is to pretend to be harmless, apply for an identity certificate with the help of the [Superhuman Association], and then go to Longguo as an ordinary foreigner. This is the most convenient.

Of course, the most important point is that Liuying's harmlessness has nothing to do with me, "Sam"?

After Wesley left, Mu Ying couldn't wait to leave the hotel. Without any hesitation, she went straight to the remote place that Wesley told her not to go to.

A large number of refugees with pale faces and thin bodies could be seen sitting on the roadside. Their eyes were dull, just like zombies. Even when Mu Ying passed by these people, their eyes did not waver.

Then, Mu Ying walked around for a long time. Maybe because there were too many refugees pouring into the city recently, she spent a long time, at least half an hour, to successfully find an empty space without people.

Green light gathered from her hands. Mu Ying looked at the transformation device in her hand curiously and muttered to herself, "Should I shout a cool transformation line at this time?"

"Emmmm..." She thought for a moment, raised the transformation device in her right hand, and shouted, "Flying fireflies rush into the fire, live towards death!"

The next second, a burst of flames ignited around her and wrapped her. After a breath of work, when the flames dissipated, the silver-haired girl just disappeared, replaced by an extremely handsome silver-white mecha, [Sam]!

Mu Ying vaguely remembered that she had seen a question on Tieba before, a beautiful wife who loves you wholeheartedly, and a chance to drive a Gundam for ten minutes, which one would you choose?

Both of them are undoubtedly very tempting, but Mu Ying remembered that question at that time, most people chose the latter!

At most, you can find a wife later, but the opportunity to drive a Gundam may only be this once!

No man can refuse the opportunity to drive a Gundam!

So, wouldn’t it be more tempting if these two answers were combined into one?

Although this wife is Mu Ying herself, and although she doesn't drive a Gundam, it's not a big problem!

Following Mu Ying's thoughts, several grooves opened on the calves, back, and shoulders of 'Sam', and hot flames gushed out from them, while Mu Ying rushed straight into the sky accompanied by red flames.

It is worth mentioning that 'Firefly' may be the vest with the lowest learning cost.

For example, if Mu Heng drew 'Jingliu', she would still have to find a way to learn, or review swordsmanship, but Liuying didn't need to, she only needed to learn how to use 'Sam'.

Is it easier to learn swordsmanship or to learn how to use a weapon? The answer is self-evident.

At this time, Mu Ying felt like she was riding a roller coaster, no, it was even more exciting than riding a roller coaster. As she continued to climb, the city under her quickly became as small as sesame seeds.

Even, Mu Ying thought, if she wanted, she should be able to fly directly out of this planet and go to the universe.

After all, the Grammer Iron Cavalry was developed to fight against the Zerg in space.

However, does the ‘different space world’ generated by this dimensional rift really have the setting of a universe?

After thinking about it, Mu Ying did not continue to fly upwards. After all, what she was most curious about now was her own combat power, and it was urgent to find a poor guy to beat up as soon as possible.

So, Mu Ying found the direction she had entered the city before. Since the refugee team ran from this direction, then flying in the opposite direction must be the direction where the monsters were.

The fiery red meteors were speeding in the sky. It can be said that Mu Ying was slightly afraid and uncomfortable at the beginning, but as she flew, she was left with only joy.

It was so cool!

Mu Ying didn't know how fast she was flying now, but in just a few minutes, she saw a large area of ​​black stuff.

Mu Ying couldn't help but reduce the speed and altitude, and then finally saw the true appearance of these monsters.


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