The monsters were indeed strange and hard to describe.

As the soldier [Jani] said before, these monsters are indeed strange and hard to describe. They look like large octopuses crawling on the ground, but their bodies are as wrinkled and rough as dry tree trunks.

Mu Ying didn't see the heads of these monsters, nor did she see eyes or noses. These guys just rolled and crawled on the ground with five or six tentacles like tree roots.

Simply saying this, these monsters don't seem to be very powerful, but what if the volume of each monster is at least more than three meters, or even close to four meters?

Mu Ying circled again. There were no human soldiers around. It seemed that they had all withdrawn, so there was nothing to hesitate.

Directly [Fight! Cool! 】

If this was the real world, Mu Ying might have hesitated, but this was just a temporary copy derived from a dimensional rift, and there was no one around, only a large group of miscellaneous monsters. Isn't this the best place for her to test her skills?

The next moment, a 'meteor' fell from the sky, carrying a scorching flame and smashing hard on the ground.


Without using any moves, just an ordinary and extremely handsome landing, with Mu Ying as the center, the land within a dozen meters around, all turned into black scorched earth at this moment, and the monsters originally in this range were all ignited in an instant and burned out in just a few seconds.

Even the monsters more than ten meters away were ignited by the boiling heat wave and began to burn.

Aiming at a direction at random, randomly picking a lucky person, Mu Ying raised her right hand, clenched her fist to her shoulder, tilted her body slightly, and made a posture of charging.

Suddenly, surging flames burst out from her right fist.

[BHF-Booming Flame Advance]!

In the helmet, Mu Ying could see the name of this move. Of course, despite the cool name, this was actually just a normal attack.

A distance of more than ten meters was instantly crossed, and a fist carrying flames hit the lucky guy that had just been locked. Suddenly, the three-meter-tall monster burst like a watermelon, and because of the high temperature carried by this punch, the blood in the monster's body also evaporated at the same time. Mu Ying did not need to consider the situation of splashing blood when the enemy died.

"So crisp..." Looking at the scene in front of her, Mu Ying couldn't help but sigh silently in her heart.

When she just landed and cleared the screen, she didn't have this feeling, but now she really punched out and hit these monsters, she clearly felt that she was just hitting a piece of paper.

If this was a game, she would have to give a poor evaluation at this time.


At the same time, the perspective came to Wesley. They had just left the inn not long ago, and before they started the formal investigation, a team of fully armed knights appeared in front of them.

From a distance, they felt a burst of "murderous aura".

Well, to be more precise, they smelled a "stink".

The armor of these knights should be silver-gray. After the other party approached, Wesley could clearly see that there were a lot of pits and some dark red, long-dried blood on the armor.

And this stench should come from these armors. These soldiers have been fighting for many years and have been on the battlefield for a long time. How can they have time to clean their armor every day?

Over time, the enemy's blood splashed on the armor and solidified. In addition, these knights wore such a set of metal armor in the hot weather. The sweat and blood on their bodies mixed together to form this unique stench that can be smelled from a long distance.

In a sense, as long as you smell this smell, you can know that this knight must be an experienced warrior who has killed many enemies, so it is not wrong to call this smell "murderous aura".

The stronger the smell, the more enemies have been killed, which is equivalent to the stronger murderous aura.

Just when Wesley and the other four looked solemn, the leading knight suddenly knelt on one knee, and a strong voice came from his helmet, "Everyone, the city lord invites you!"

Wesley, "?"

However, he thought about it and accepted the invitation.

Soon, under the leadership of the knight, several people went straight to an old mansion in the middle of the city and saw an old man with white hair and beard. His eyes were almost narrowed into a slit, and he was leaning on a cane.

, without asking any servants to wait, he stood at the gate of the mansion, waiting for Wesley and others.

The moment he saw Wesley, the old man's eyes, which had been narrowed into a slit, couldn't help but widen, and his turbid eyes looked a little clearer, "I've waited, I finally waited for the man of destiny!"

The old man walked forward excitedly and grabbed Wesley's right hand, "The former national teacher used his life to make a prophecy. When the [Araham Republic] was in a life-and-death situation, when [Feide City] became a frontline city, the man of destiny who could save the Republic would come here!"

"They are noble in character and do not ask for anything in return. They are handsome and beautiful in strange clothes that have never been seen before. They appear without warning, and no one knows where they come from, and in the end... they have unimaginable powerful means!"

If Mu Ying was here, she would have to complain, good guy, the main task is released, right?

They can only leave here if they meet the clearance conditions, so their character must be noble?

Wesley was silent for a while and then said, "What do we need to do?"

This is actually a good thing. It seems that this [different space] does not have any twists and turns, but is a simple test of combat effectiveness.

Therefore, the enemy's intelligence is naturally crucial.

Soon, Wesley and the other four were invited to a room. After the servants brought some tea, the old city lord continued, "The monsters attacking the Republic are getting stronger every moment. At the earliest, they were not even as good as beasts. They were like insects and did not attract the attention of the Republic at all."

"But after a few years, they quickly grew to the size of an adult. At first, an ordinary person could kill a monster with bare hands, but later, ordinary iron tools could hardly hurt them. The Republic still relied on enchanted weapons to kill them."

"But this year, they grew again. Their height is close to three meters, and their skin is extremely hard. Even the sharpest enchanted weapons of the Republic are difficult to break! This is the reason for the defeat on the front line some time ago..."


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