The beauty collector of halberd

The Beauty Collector of Halberd Eater Chapter 296

"Mr. Chef, you said that I am very interested, but what I really want to know is" Tom said.

"You want to know why our sous chef showed such a fanatical side when facing Lin Feng?" George responded.

Hearing the sound, Tom nodded and said: "Yeah."

"Hu" George took a deep breath, looked at Lin Feng, who was already surrounded by the restaurant staff, and smiled: "Because he is"

"Because he is the second most valued person after Ah Yin!"

Text 38. Dojima Gin is a former idol?

ps: At the end of the previous chapter, it should be'the commander's most important person after Shiro Ichiro'. This chapter has been corrected.

After coming out of the city hall, Dojima Gin and the accompanying secretary rushed to the Starlight Restaurant on Second Avenue.

Then, he rushed to the restaurant, Dojima Gin, stood at the door and witnessed a scene where customers tasted Lin Feng’s steak dishes and gave a very high evaluation.

Immediately afterwards, when the customer asked the restaurant's chef George about the identity of Lin Feng, he walked into the restaurant and said at the same time: "He is the most important person after Joichiro, the commander in chief."

The commander-in-chief is naturally the founder of Totsuki Charyo Cooking Academy, Nagari Senzaemon, who is known as the devil of food.

Gan Hyugako, who was holding Lin Feng's shoulders, saw Dojima Gin Empress hurriedly free her body from Lin Feng's arms, then blushed and said, "Mr. Dojima, why are you here?"

Hearing the sound, Dojima Gin took off his suit and handed it to the secretary accompanying him. After pulling his tie a few times with his right hand, he smiled and joked: "If I don't come, will I still be kept in the drum by the two of you for a while? You two really can stand your temper. You are not surprised at the eight-hour flight."

"Who said that we didn't show the slightest bit of greasiness." Gan Hyugako rubbed his cheeks, and continued: "We went to the bathroom halfway, although we only went to talk for a while."

Dojima's mouth twitched a few times. What do you plan to order in the toilet?

Seeing that the atmosphere was changed by Kanhyugako's words, Lin Feng hurriedly walked out of the crowd, covering Kanhyugako's mouth with his hand, dispelling the other party's desire to continue speaking, then looked at Dojima Ginza and said with a smile: "Actually The two of us have just confirmed our relationship soon, so we didn’t have time to tell Brother Dojima you."

Just when Dojima Gin was about to scold Lin Feng, the assistant chef Ande came forward with a hesitant expression, and then asked, "Excuse me, are you the chief chef of Dojima Gin in Totsuki Ligong?"

Dojima Gin's straightened his clothes, his face solemnly said, "It's me."

"Sizzle" Chef George fell into a sigh of relief. Tomotsu Rikiya knew very well that it was the only five-star restaurant in Japan that passed the battle for star qualification.Because of this, even Dojima Gin, the head of Yuanyue Ligong, had known him.Thinking that the other party had been the first seat of Totsuki Ten Jie, who had overpowered the wandering chef Koheijo Ichiro, he was about to move inwardly, wanting to have a hearty food showdown with the other party.

After hearing Dojima Gin's response, Ande finally calmed down like Shi Lezhi, reaching out and holding Dojima Gin's right hand that was too late to dodge, and excitedly said: "Former idol, I finally saw you!"

Dojima Gin looked at Ande with a blank face, wondering if this guy just claimed to be a fan of Lin Feng?How come the other party’s idol is you in a blink of an eye?

Waiting for a while, Dojima Gin suddenly felt something was wrong, and asked aloud, "What did you just say I was yours?"

"Idol?" Ander responded.

"Really?" Dojima Gin's brows frowned and said softly, "How do I think what I just heard should be three words?"

"Oh, it was this? What I just said was that you are my former idol." Ander said straight, as expected, a blond guy who likes to go straight.

Hearing the sound, a few black lines appeared on Dojima's silver forehead. He had heard the laughter of Lin Feng and others behind him. While he was talking too much, he stretched out his hand to straighten his clothes again and forced a smiling face to ask. Said: "Then your current idol is not Lin Feng, right?"

Being able to meet two idols in one day, Ande only said that the goddess of luck was taking care of him, and the merciful God had not forgotten him as a devout believer.

Later, after hearing Dojima Gin's question, Ande nodded hurriedly and continued: "I think Mr. Lin Feng will be able to have his own star chef title in the world in the future, and his future achievements will not be better than Mr. Dojima. How bad is it."

"Moreover, the most important thing is that Chef Lin Feng has promised to teach me to cook carving dishes. Although it is not the Dragon Yin who has amazing star qualifications, I don't think it will be much worse."

After hearing that Ander praised him so much, Lin Feng, who was only planning to teach a few counter-top dishes, suddenly changed his attention and planned to teach the other party a good dish.After all, this is the fan he dug from Dojima Silver, and he is also his first fan in another country. Naturally, he has to treat it well.

Ask for flowers

At the same time, Dojima Gin's complexion was calm, but his heart was secretly proud.Although it was introduced by Cai Pau Ichiro at the beginning, it was him who really brought the other party to Yuanyue, the chief chef of Yuanyue Ligu!And along the way, it was Dojima Silver that gave Lin Feng the most help.

It is also because of the importance of each other that Dojima Gin will not hesitate to give a speech for the lf restaurant when Lin Feng founded the restaurant, and he is also an important member of the Japan Gastronomy Association to help Lin Feng entertain.Similarly, during this trip to Los Angeles, Dojima Gin also had the idea of ​​cultivation and brought Lin Feng to a gourmet feast organized by a member of the international gourmet organization.One is to let Lin Feng's vision grow. After all, although many chefs in Japan want to enter the Yuanyue Chaliao Culinary Institute, it is still too small compared to the international community.The second is because Yuanyue Ligong plans to enter the world next, and the first place to stay is Los Angeles, and he intentionally wants Lin Feng to open the branch of lf restaurant in the city of angels, so this trip is for Lin Feng to feast on food In China, get to know and make friends with the chefs of the American cuisine circle, so that lf restaurant will not be crowded out by locals in the new environment.

.... ........ .......

Dojima Gin patted Ande's shoulder, turned to look at Lin Feng, who was smiling, and said, "Really worthy of such an evaluation."

Hearing the sound, Lin Feng nodded to Dojima Gin, there was bright light in his eyes, everything was silent.

And after hearing that Ande praised Lin Feng so much in front of Dojima Gin, the latter did not object and agreed with the former, which shocked Chef George.He suddenly felt that he didn't even know half of the opponent who had just crushed him to victory, and he still didn't know the secrets of the opponent.


After listening to the conversation with a few people, Gan Hyugako, holding his right hand to his stomach, met the sight cast by Lin Feng and others, and said with no anger: "What to see, don't hurry up to cook, I have been a bite of food since yesterday. I haven't eaten it yet!"

Hearing the sound, Lin Feng looked towards Chef George, and after receiving a signal from the other party, he smiled and asked, "What do you plan to eat for breakfast?"

"Just take care of it!"

Text 39. Cooking for people who really like food is a happy thing!

Although Gan Hi Xiangzi said this, if Lin Feng really dealt with the matter, then after leaving the restaurant, Gan Hi Xiangzi would definitely make Lin Feng scorched for a while.

Similarly, Dojima Gin, who didn't eat two more breakfasts in the city hall because of a bad mood, also felt a little bit malicious when he heard what Hyugako said.

Afterwards, Dojima Gin said unceremoniously: "Make me another one by the way."

Lin Feng glanced at Dojima Gin with angrily, and asked, "Didn't you have breakfast with the mayor? Why, it didn't suit your taste? Didn't you have enough?"

Hearing the sound, Dojima Gin waved his hand and said with a smile: "The food is good, but the person who had breakfast is wrong, so"

Because there were many outsiders present, Dojima Gin did not continue to speak. Lin Feng, who hadn't "four, two, three" thoughtfully, quickly guessed Dojima Gin's illocutionary meaning, with a smile at the corner of his mouth, and he could see it in Japan. Dojima Gin's domineering behavior, it is also a joy to eat in a foreign country.

"That's OK, but you remember to pay for the ingredients." Lin Feng reminded.

In a conversation with the restaurant staff just now, he learned that the reason for the recent sluggish business of the Starlight Restaurant was that the restaurant owner and chef George did not give Mayor Char enough benefits, coupled with the fact that in the past and the Los Angeles food circle a few The chefs fought against each other, so they were targeted by both sides, and ultimately made the Starlight Restaurant located in the bustling street not even more than ten customers.

Although he knows that George is a good person, Lin Feng is not the Virgin who selflessly helps anyone in difficulty. He is also very busy, has his own restaurant to help, and he came to Los Angeles not to clean up the local food circle, but to find The long-lost Yaeko Mineosaki.Therefore, what Lin Feng can do is to make the ingredients for breakfast and ask Dojima Silver to pay George the equivalent.

Hearing the sound, the assistant chef Ande who was waiting on the side said hurriedly: "Mr. Lin, you don't need to pay for this small amount of money yourself. I will pay it when the time comes."

"Moreover, being able to witness the cooking scene of Chef Lin with my own eyes is invaluable to me."

After hearing Ande's words, Lin Feng smiled and shook his head, looked at Chef George, and asked: "You are the owner of this store, you have the final say."

George's thoughts were the same as Ender's. It was the luck of their Starlight Restaurant to be able to see Yuan Yue Li Gong's chief chef Nagadojima Gin in person.And being able to use his own ingredients to prepare breakfast for each other is even more awesome. As for the next day to become more demanding, he will not care about it.

Afterwards, George said: "My idea is the same as Ender, but I only use some ingredients, there is no need to pay."

Seeing that the two insisted on doing this, Lin Feng stopped continuing the topic, turned and walked towards the kitchen. In the next fifteen minutes, he had to finish breakfast for at least eight people.

Thinking of this, Lin Feng couldn't help but said with emotion: "It's a long way to go."

The more I listened to the introduction of the kitchen staff, the middle-aged man Tom became more excited, and then firmly held the business card with the names of lf restaurant and Lin Feng in both hands.

Six months ago, he was still a schoolboy in the kitchen, and six months later he became a new star chef in the Japanese cuisine industry. He even promoted his own restaurant less than half a month ago to a three-star restaurant. This achievement can only be described as a miracle.

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