The beauty collector of halberd

The Beautiful Collector of Halberd Eater Chapter 297

Tom solemnly put his business card in his pocket, his eyes gleaming with hope, and said with emotion: "Even the wandering chef who upset the French cuisine world alone, was it just like that when he was young?"

Having said that, Tom has no idea. Even if he has not studied cooking, he understands how difficult it is to become a rising star in the industry within half a year.And Lin Feng, who can do this kind of thing, still surpasses the Michelin restaurant's queen chef in his heart, and is side by side with the wandering chef, Pau Cheng Ichiro.

"Keep it away." After seeing Tom solemnly put the business card in his jacket pocket, Gan Hyugako said slowly: "When you arrive at the lf restaurant, you will know how this business card can treat you."

There are some things that Hyugako did not tell the middle-aged men face to face. After learning that Lin Feng had won the star-qualification battle and promoted the lf restaurant to a three-star restaurant, several heads of the chaebol group in Tokyo wanted a business card from Lin Feng. But I couldn’t ask for it...Similarly, Dojima Silver also pulled down the bottom and asked Lin Feng for it, but in the end he couldn’t get five of them. He didn’t tell anyone about this dishonorable thing until he learned about Tokyo’s gourmet food. When Zhou Saotome, the president of the association, asked Lin Feng for a business card, he didn't get one, so he took out five of Lin Feng's business cards to show off.

At this moment, after hearing Hyugako's mention of business cards, Dojima Gin's mind immediately came to the face of Saotome star Zhou and the various chaebol bosses.

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but laugh, and then felt everyone's sights falling on him, he took a sip of tea from the cup, and said, "Think of some interesting things, but Gan Ji is right. Lin Feng's business card You have to keep it away. Maybe you will get a 20% discount when you go to lf restaurant for dinner."

Hearing the sound, Tom smiled and did not answer. He can still afford a meal, and there is no need to be complacent because of the 20% discount.However, when he went to Japan on a business trip a few months later and went to the lf restaurant with his colleagues in the company, he learned how a 20% discount at the checkout was worthy of him.

However, these are all things to do. Now he is fine. When George went to the kitchen, he took out a few hundred dollars from his wallet 1.2 and placed it on the table. After nodding to Dojima Gin and the others, he took his wife and daughter. Leave the restaurant.

"He is a caring person," Dojima Gin said.

Hearing that, Hyugako, who has been lying on the table regardless of her image, wanted to break free from her clothes because of the two meat balls being squeezed by the tabletop. She squinted and said, “In fact, I can cook for these people. That’s a good thing."

"Indeed," Dojima Gin nodded, then Asaki Hyugako looked at and continued: "By the way, I have something to tell you. The guy from Shinomiya will be in Los Angeles this afternoon."

"Oh?" Gan Hyugako winked like silk, as if thinking of something interesting, and then said, "I really want to see Jun Lin and Chef Shimiya eating the halberd."

Text 40. The Arrival of Kojiro Shinomiya

At three o'clock in the afternoon, two figures walked out of Los Angeles International Airport one after another.

The leader was a young man with long red hair. At this moment, he glanced around, stretched out his fingers and raised the frame on the bridge of his nose, without looking back, "Aberu, call Mr. Dojima. Ask where they are now?"

Hearing the sound, the blond man called Abelu was busy taking out his mobile phone from his pocket, and after going through the communication records back and forth, he found the phone number of Secretary Dojima Gin and made a call.

The red-haired man was Kojiro Shinomiya who had come from far away from Paris. At this moment, he went straight to the bench and sat on it. After closing his eyes, he thought about the next gourmet feast.

After a while, Aberu, who hung up the phone, walked to Kojiro Shinomiya and said softly, "Senior Ninomiya, Mr. Dojima will be able to get to the airport in five minutes."

"Yeah." Kojiro Shinomiya nodded, then motioned to Aberu to sit in a chair and asked: "I plan to open a branch."

14 "Huh?!"

Abelu stood up before his butt was hot, his face was shocked, until he realized that passing pedestrians were looking at him, then he sat back on the chair again and asked softly: "Mr. Shinomiya As the sous chef of shino's, I think I should be qualified to know in advance where you plan to open the branch? Is it New York? Or London? Or where we are now, Los Angeles?"

Hearing this, Shinomiya Kojiro shook his head and continued: "My country, Japan, Tokyo."

"His" Aberu took a breath, and just about to say something, he remembered the character of Kojiro Shinomiya, and he swallowed it abruptly.

Seeing this, Shinomiya Kojiro slowly said: "I know what you want to say. New York and London have been stamped by international food institutions. As long as you can open a restaurant in them, it is equivalent to being with the world. In terms of how well-known shino's is in Paris, these are not a problem. Although it has not been developed, it belongs to Los Angeles, one of the cities where international food institutions will be stationed. Opening a branch here can also start shino's in the future. Reputation."

"But" Kojiro Shinomiya's eyes flickered, and he said in a daze, "Do you know which member of the international gastronomy agency proposed to develop Los Angeles?"

"Yes" Abelu couldn't answer for a moment.

"It's my guide, Mr. Nakiri Senzaemon," said Kojiro Shinomiya.

"Nagiri Senza" suddenly, Aberu's pupils dilated, isn't Nageki Senzaemon the founder of Totsuki Charyo Cooking Academy?At the next moment, he seemed to think of something. He looked at Kojiro Shinomiya and asked in a somewhat uncertain tone: "Mr. Shinomiya, are you?"

"As you think, I used to go to Totsuki Chaliao Cooking Academy, but that's a thing of the past." Kojiro Shinomiya said frankly, but when talking about Totsuki, his face was proud. .

The thoughts in his mind were confirmed, and Abelu’s eyes were full of shock, and he muttered to himself: “I’ll just say that the chefs of the Fourth House who can get the Prusspur Medal before the age of 30 must have an extraordinary background, Gao Wei and others. Don't believe it yet"

Upon hearing the sound, Kojiro Shinomiya showed a faint smile on his face and said, "I thought you would complain about keeping you from you for so long after hearing these things."

"No, no." Abelu shook his head, then seemed to think of something, hesitated and stopped talking.

This scene fell in the eyes of Kojiro Shinomiya. He smiled and said, "Just say what you want."

Hearing this, Aberu took a deep breath, didn't dare to look up at Kojiro Shinomiya, and said softly, "Senior Ninomiya, since you came back from Japan last time, it feels like you have changed."

"Oh?" Kojiro Shinomiya turned to look at Abelu and asked, "Tell me, how did I change?"

"Style, talk." Abelus thought about it, suddenly his eyes lit up, and he said hurriedly: "The former chef of Shinomiya never showed a smile in the restaurant. As long as the staff changes the recipe, he will be thunderous. Furious. But it’s different now. It feels easy to get close to. Youke also mentioned to me that you found out after she secretly modified the recipe and cooked it last time. Not only did she not get scolded, she also pretended not to read it. To"

As early as when Shinomiya Kojiro first opened the shino's restaurant, he attracted countless customers because of the unique taste of the dishes, but the staff in the kitchen secretly changed the recipe, which caused shino's to face the first crisis after opening the store, and it can be said that it was the last. crisis.If Kojiro Shinomiya hadn't kicked the troublemaker out of the restaurant, I'm afraid that shino's would have ceased to exist long ago, let alone get the Prusspur Medal later.

However, the cause of this incident was the jealousy of the restaurant staff. In their opinion, only French cuisine is the most noble and romantic.Because of this, they will change the recipes without authorization to change the taste of the dishes designed by Kojiro Shinomiya.This act of changing the recipe is malicious, 287, and is fundamentally different from the practice of Soyuki Nakata.But because they changed their own recipes, it attracted the hostility of Shinomiya Kojiro.

Now that Aberu mentioned it again, Kojiro Shinomiya couldn't help but think of this past, so he thought of Lin Feng who defeated him with cooking.

"Speaking of which guy has had a pretty good time recently," Kojiro Shinomiya said in his heart. Although he is in France, he is always paying attention to what is happening in the Japanese cuisine world.Therefore, he was very surprised when he learned that the lf restaurant founded by Lin Feng was selected for the star-level qualification competition.After learning that Lin Feng had successfully promoted the lf restaurant to a three-star restaurant, he was so shocked that he was already numb.However, from that time on, he had the idea of ​​having a halberd with the other side in his heart. It was the kind of duel where both sides used their full strength!

For this reason, after hearing that Lin Feng was following Dojima Gin to Los Angeles, he agreed to Dojima Gin's invitation to rush to Los Angeles to participate in a gourmet feast that he was not interested in.

When Kojiro Shinomiya was startled, a car drove slowly in the distance, and finally stopped in front of them.

Afterwards, the window of the car was opened, and a smiling face appeared in the eyes of Kojiro Shinomiya.

"Chef Sinomiya, long time no see!"

Text 41. Memories of'Jiuzhen French Vegetable Jelly'

Second Street, Starlight Restaurant.

Because of the arrival of Dojima Gin and others, and the fact that business has not been very good in recent days, Chef George decided to suspend business for one day.

In the dining room, Kojiro Shinomiya was sitting on the sofa with his legs folded, his hands folded on his knees, a flash of light flashed in his eyes hidden under the frame of the mirror.At this moment, he was looking at Lin Feng who was talking with the sous chef Ande. After thinking for a moment, he took the initiative to speak: "Lin Fengjun, I often hear about you in France recently."

"Oh?" Lin Feng turned to look at Kojiro Ninomiya, and said with a smile: "I thought that Chef Ninomiya would not pay attention to Tokyo when he went to France."

Hearing the sound, Kojiro Shinomiya raised the frame on the bridge of his nose and continued: "If it is someone else, I won't bother. But with you, it's different."

"Moreover, in the media alone, more than a dozen are vying to report about you and the lf restaurant, not to mention those variety shows, magazines, etc. that are slightly related to cooking."

"Actually." As soon as the conversation turned, Kojiro Shinomiya's expression suddenly became very serious, and said: "Remember the words I said to you after we stayed together?"

During the stay, Lin Feng started a food halberd with Kojiro Shinomiya due to some factors, that is, in that food halberd, Kojiro Shinomiya lost in his own cooking.However, this defeat made Shinomiya Kojiro understand why he stopped on the road of climbing cooking.For this reason, Kojiro Shinomiya rejected Dojima Gin's proposal, and did not choose to return to China after staying together, but continued to study in France.

However, before leaving, Shinomiya Kojiro borrowed the mouth of Dojima Silver to convey a sentence to Lin Feng. If he hadn't mentioned it again, Lin Feng might have forgotten it.

At this time, Lin Feng, who was stared at by the other party and hadn't remembered what the other party had said, stretched out his hand and touched his nose and smiled: "I may not have the jet lag upside down. My head hurts a bit and I can't remember anything. "

As he said, Lin Feng looked at Gan Hyugako who was sitting on the right, hoping that the other party could come to the end, but the other party's eyes were all attracted by the magazine at the moment, and he did not hear the conversation between the two.

"Did you forget?" A faint black line appeared on Kojiro Shimiya's forehead. The thing he hates most is that others don't take what he said seriously.

"Nothing." Lin Feng waved his hand, and then cast his gaze to Dojima Gin, who was going to watch the show. The latter put away the smile on his face and said: "I remember that before the departure of Si Gong, he said Next time I meet, I will have another halberd with you. Before that, he doesn't want you to lose to others."

"Fresh halberd?!"


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