The beauty collector of halberd

The Beauty Collector of Halberd Eater Chapter 37


Nagiri Erina blanked Lin Feng's eyes. In her opinion, the less confident people are, the more they use other methods to increase their chances of winning.

However, the judges listened to Lin Feng's suggestion and started to mix the dipping sauce according to their own taste.

When everything is ready, the judges fork the shrimp dumplings, roll them back and forth in the plate, and then chew them in their mouths.


The hot-tasting reviewer blushed, got up directly from the chair, and shouted: "It's irritating to me!"

The pungency is like a volcanic eruption, erupting in his mouth, like a rough sea, impacting the taste buds over and over again.

Not only did he lose his attitude, the other reviewers also fell into a state of intoxication.

The sourness makes the teeth crisp, the rich fragrance lingers on the tip of the tongue for a long time, the thin dumpling skin collides with the shell teeth, the delicious soup overflows the mouth, and the soft and delicious heart sinks slowly along the soup Flow into the abdomen.


The five judges put down their forks at the same time, with contented smiles on their faces, the blushes on their cheeks seemed to have experienced several orgasms, and an indescribable sense of comfort emerged spontaneously.

One dish satisfies five people, five different tastes, and presents the most delicious taste.

There is no doubt that this is a premium shrimp dumpling.

However, the Norwegian Stinging Shrimp Dumplings made by Nakiri Erina is also not bad, the weight of the two is the same in the judges.

For a time, the judges did not speak, and picked out the most perfect dishes in their minds.

Nageri Erina's beautiful eyes widened, and she couldn't believe the sight before her.

It's just plain shrimp dumplings. Why does it put the judges in a dilemma? What's more, they are all third-rate dishes that can't be served on the countertop. It is impossible to compare with Norwegian sting shrimp dumplings.

"Student Erinai, if you lose later, don't let it go!" Lin Feng joked with a smile.

The personnel have been exhausted, and all that should be done has been done. The next step is to see how the judges choose.

"Huh, you must be the one who loses."

Erina Nakiri raised her chin towards Lin Feng, and said confidently.

"Next, is the last item of the halberd"

"The judges, please choose a satisfying dish."

The atmosphere in the audience suddenly became tense because of the host's words. Everyone was staring at the screen, waiting for the result.

ps: Tomorrow, please make up for the chapter owed today. I have a headache. I haven't eaten yet. I'm sorry. This halberd will also end tomorrow in the first chapter.

Text 42. Winner (seeking flowers)

The first person to score first was the only female judge. After hesitating for a few seconds, she saw her vote for Lin Feng.

"Both dishes are good, but I think Lin Feng's is better." While voting, the female reviewer spoke out her thoughts.

"What a joke!"

"Lin Feng won a vote first?"

"That arrogant freshman is really capable?"

The audience that finally calmed down, because of the vote of the female judges, instantly exploded.

However, after the next two judges voted for Erina Nagiri, everyone showed their expected expressions.


Lin Feng's words suddenly sounded in her ears, and Erina Nakiri looked like a cat whose tail had been stomped on, staring at Lin Feng and said, "No, I must be the winner!"

The judging continued. The fourth judge voted for Lin Feng, and the situation on the court changed again.

"So, I also have hope."

Lin Feng touched his nose and joked with a smile.

Both sides have the same number of votes, and the final destiny rests in the hands of Nagiri Senzaemon. Whoever votes for the other side will win the victory of Shiji.


Under the gaze of everyone, Nakiri Senzaemon opened his eyes, glanced at Lin Feng and Nagiri Erina, wondering what they were thinking.

The air seemed to be filled with lead, and the tension was breathless.

Long, long time.

Under Lin Feng's gaze, Nakiri Senzaemon suddenly said, "Get a pen!"


Everyone couldn't help but took a breath, unexpectedly, even the Food Demon would have to hesitate for a long time before reaching a conclusion.

Jun Lin, we must win!

Tian Suohui folded her hands and closed her eyes to pray for Lin Feng.

Soon, the staff fetched the brush and spread a piece of white paper on the long table.

After receiving the brush, Nakiri Senzaemon got up and walked to the long table, and began to wave the brush to write the name of the winner.

tension?excitement?Still looking forward to it.

Lin Feng watched the brush move little by little on the paper, and his mood kept changing.

If you win, you can get to the next level in Yuanyue Academy.

Lin Feng didn't want to go any further, he would never allow himself to lose, even if his opponent was Erina Nakiri who possessed the tongue of God.

"Let us follow the lens to see who the final winner is?"

"Is it a freshman Lin Feng or ten outstanding Nagiri Erina."

The voice fell, and the scene of Nagiri Senzaemon writing with a pen appeared on the screen.

Lin Feng.

When they saw that the food demon king's writing was not Narakiri Erina, but Lin Feng, the expression on his face could no longer be described as dumbfounded.

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