The beauty collector of halberd

The Beauty Collector of Halberd Eater Chapter 38

"Congratulations to the winner is Nagin"

The host’s words came to an abrupt end, and it turned out that it was not Narakiri Erina, but the arrogant new student Lin Feng.

how is this possible?Can a new-born cooking surpass ten masters?

However, the quality of the host told him that he should not be ugly at this time, so he quickly said: "Congratulations to the winner is Lin Feng!"


There was a boo in the audience, and no one could believe that the opponent who won in the end was Lin Feng. This was incredible.

"Why, how can my cooking lose to that third-rate cooking?"

Nagiri Erina couldn't believe it, and when he recovered, he quickly asked, "I have tasted this dish, and everything is perfect."

"You are wrong, Erina."

Nageri Senzaemon interrupted his granddaughter's words, and slowly said, "Of course the dishes you made are very delicious, but in fact"

"You are just stuffing your own experience into this cooking, but you have ignored the most important aspects of cooking."

"What is it? Isn't it cooking?" Nagiri Erina asked puzzledly.

"It's the heart."

Lin Feng on the side suddenly said, "What the chef wants to do is to satisfy the customers, not delicious dishes."

What is the difference between haute cuisine and third-rate cuisine, but the choice of ingredients, the former is expensive, the latter is cheap.

However, what really impresses customers is not how good the ingredients are, not how fragrant or sweet they are, but how satisfied customers are in all aspects.

"Your cooking tastes better than Lin Feng in all aspects, but you ignore that everyone has a different taste. So, even if the shrimp dumplings taste perfect, they are still bad for the diners. Some. In this, Lin Feng is better than you."

"Moreover, Erina, the answer you want is in the dishes Lin Feng made."

Want the answer?

Nagiri Erina didn't understand what grandpa said. It was obvious that Lin Feng's cooking was a bit worse than her own in all aspects. How could grandpa choose Lin Feng's cooking in the end.

"Konaru cut, why not try it."

As he said, Lin Feng put the remaining cage on Erina's table with a gentle smile on his face.

Looking at the crystal clear shrimp dumplings in the basket, Nagaki Erina hesitated, is it really going to taste the dishes made by Lin Feng in full view?

But, remembering what grandpa said, Nakiri Erina finally used a fork to fork a shrimp dumpling and put it in his mouth to chew.


"It tastes good and the embryonic skin is very tough, but if you change the lard to olive oil, it will work."

"Cut Xiaonaru, you can try to make a dipping sauce, and then eat it with shrimp dumplings."

Just as Nakiri Erina commented, Lin Feng said.

The characteristics of this dish itself are mediocre, but why you choose lard and why you have to work hard on the embryonic skin is because of the dipping sauce.

Nagiri Erina looked at Lin Feng’s eyes, hesitated for a moment, finally took out a plate, poured some chili oil and other condiments, and after stirring, put the shrimp dumplings in it and rolled back and forth, and finally put it on the fork. Into the mouth.


Nagiri Erina suddenly blushed on her face and couldn't help but let out a gasp.

Like Daigo, the hotness and sourness hit Erina Nakiri's taste buds. The whole person seemed to be sublimated, and the body and soul were satisfied at this moment.

"Why, how come?" Nakiri Erina whispered softly.

At this moment, she finally understood her grandfather's intentions, and also knew where she had lost.

"The winner of this game is Lin Feng."

ps: One more 2200, killing me.

Text 43. Angry Secretary

Nagari Erina lost!

This is simply an upset, beyond everyone's expectations.

A freshman who speaks loudly, actually possesses the strength comparable to that of Shijie, which is unbelievable to them.

"As far as the cooking is concerned, Ko Naginaki is better than mine, so"

"you win."

Before Lin Feng finished speaking, he was interrupted by Erina Nagiri.

Although I didn't want to admit it, I just lost. I lost to a third-rate chef who always wanted to drive him out of Yuanyue Academy.

"But next time, I will let you understand what a farewell is."

Even if she lost, Erina Nagiri was still not hit, after all, this was not her best dish.Therefore, she is qualified to speak like this.

"Okay, well, then the three conditions still count?" Lin Feng put on a surrender posture and said with a smile.

In this case, don't mention the things that failed. The woman is calm on the surface, but she can't say that the sea is already rough.


"Then, the first condition, the Sumo Wrestler Hot Pot Research Association is mine."

After being scorned by Tsundere, Lin Feng said indifferently.

Nagiri Erina's expression was stagnant, and she was taken aback for a while, then nodded dumbly.

The neglected Haotian Lin Qingzhi has a look of irresistible expression. The association that has existed since the establishment of the academy has changed hands in a blink of an eye. This feeling is really sour.

The students in the audience hadn't dispersed yet, and the judge sitting in the chair was thinking about today's two dishes, while Nakiri Erina had agreed to Lin Feng's first condition and turned and left.

"It should be the second time we meet, Commander."

Lin Feng walked to the table, looked directly at Nageri Senzaemon and said.

As the man standing on the top of Yuanyue Academy, the Food Demon possesses endless power, and he is also the person Lin Feng wants to challenge most.

"Three times to be exact."

What people did not expect was that Nakiri Senzaemon actually answered Lin Feng's words.

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