The beauty collector of halberd

The Beauty Collector of Halberd Eater Chapter 39

"I will definitely make dishes that make you truly satisfied!"

Lin Feng looked at each other and said vowedly.

There is no burst of clothes, no burst of clothes, and some of the characteristics of the food devil are not reflected in his cooking.

Although shrimp dumplings are only one of Lin Feng's specialties, they are not specialty dishes.However, a good dish without approval is not a really satisfying dish.

Therefore, even if he won Nagiri Erina, he didn't mean to be happy at all.


Nagiri Senzaemon hummed softly, got up, accompanied by his assistant, and walked out of the lobby.

He just didn't take a few steps, and his body suddenly trembled, with a surprised expression on his face.

"What's wrong, Commander." Assistant Murakami asked quickly.

"It's okay, I'll go to the bathroom."

The voice fell, and the figure of Nakiri Senzaemon had appeared in the bathroom.

"It turns out that before I knew it, I was undressed"

"Senior Lin Haotian, remember to tell the members of the association that I will take over the association in the afternoon."

Before leaving, Lin Feng specifically instructed Haotian Lin Qingzhi, and under the latter's crying expression, he walked out of the field.

How to do?Is it true that the association that has been passed down for so long really has to be handed over to that nasty brat?

Even if the opponent won Nagiri Erina, but the commander's words also made it clear that what Lin Fengsheng did was not cooking, it was heart.

Therefore, Haotian Lin Qingzhi didn't think that Lin Feng's real strength could be comparable to that of the top ten.

"Wait, let's see how I can get you off."

Haotian Lin Qingzhi looked at Lin Feng's leaving back and muttered fiercely.

Won, Lin Jun actually won!

Tian Suohui's cheeks flushed with excitement, and her hands couldn't help but clenched back and forth. There was nothing happier than that.

No, I didn't expect that Jun Lin was so good, he could cook even more satisfying dishes than Erina Nakiri.


There was pain in his head, and the scared Tian Suohui shivered. After hearing Lin Feng's words, he looked up pitifully.

"How about it, my little servant, do you really admire me?"

Lin Feng's right hand touched Tian Suohui's head back and forth, as if petting a small animal.


Tian Suohui was stunned for a moment, and then nodded vigorously, "Yes, I always think Jun Lin is very powerful."

"No, this is for you."

Lin Feng handed Tian Suohui a lunch box and told the other party to take it.

"This is?" Tian Suohui asked puzzledly.

"This is a shrimp dumpling specially reserved for you, I can take it if I don't want it."

With that said, Lin Feng stretched out the hand that was protruding out, but when he was quickly held by the other small hand, the bento box in his hand was also snatched away.

Then, Tian Suohui lowered his head, his cheeks flushed, and his hands clasped the bento box tightly for fear of being snatched away.

"Let's go, little follower, follow me to a place this afternoon."

Lin Feng took Tian Suohui's little hand, got up and walked out of the passage.

However, a petite figure blocked Lin Feng's path at the door.

"Lin Feng, stop!"

Xinhu Feisha, wearing a Yuanyue student uniform, blushed on Qiao's face, and shouted at Lin Feng angrily.

"What's the matter, little secretary, what's the matter with me?"

Lin Feng stopped, and Tian Suohui behind him raised his head, looking nervously at Nito Hishasha.

"Miss Nakiri will not lose to someone like you. You are not qualified to have a halberd with Miss Nakiri. Why should you win?"

Nito Hisako became more and more excited as he spoke, his face flushed, and it looked pitiful.

"Honestly speaking, Xiao Naginaki didn't lose to me, but to herself. Her shrimp dumplings were indeed perfect, but she ignored the most basic things."

Lin Feng understands Nito's intentions. As Nagiri Erina's secretary, she has always admired each other, but now the eldest miss has lost the halberd, which will definitely affect her future career in the distant moon.

Therefore, Feisha ran to question Lin Feng angrily.

"I admit that Naruchi is very good at cooking, but my goal is not her. I am a man who wants to stand on the top of the far moon. This is just a turning point in my life."

Lin Feng and Tian Suohui's figure drifted away, Xinhu Feisha standing in place, the words of Lin Feng echoed in his ears, startled.

ps: Nakiri Erina's cooking skills are not bad, so don't worry about this topic.

Text 44. From now on, you have been removed from the Association!

The news that Lin Feng and Erina Nagiri were eating the halberd spread like wildfire in Tomotsu Academy.

In particular, learning that Lin Feng had won the game, which made the old students who wanted to teach Lin Feng a lesson, have suppressed unrealistic ideas.

With the approval of the Demon King of Food, at the same level as the top ten, Lin Feng has undoubtedly become the most dazzling new student.

However, the undercurrent surging in Yuanyue Academy, after hearing this news, some people increasingly had the idea of ​​destroying Lin Feng.

In the afternoon, Lin Feng brought Tian Suohui as promised to the Sumo wrestler Hot Pot Research Association.

Pushing the door open, what you see is a group of bloated fat men in kimonos, each of which is fatter than Lin Feng several times.

However, the fat people didn't seem to have the idea of ​​getting up to meet Lin Feng, but sitting around the table, eating hot pot, talking and laughing.

"Why, this is how you welcome the new president?"

Lin Feng embraced his arms, with a playful smile on his face.

"Oh, it's you."

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