The beauty collector of halberd

The Beauty Collector of Halberd Eater Chapter 64

After charging the duck with a simple pump, Lin Feng stared at the deep pot, Tian Suohui with a cautious face, smiled and shook his head, and then walked towards the cabinet.

To make roast duck, cooking wine is needed.

In fact, the effect of Coke is better, but Lin Feng did not find it for a long time, and finally had to use red wine to replace 0.8.

Just as Lin Feng reached out to take down the red wine placed in the cupboard, one hand suddenly took the red wine away.

Lin Feng turned to look. It turned out that it was the blond young man who had met before. The latter smiled wildly and said, "Lin Feng, promise to challenge me and this bottle of red wine will be yours."


The perseverance of the other party reminded Lin Feng of Xingping Chuangzhen.

However, under the staring gaze of the other party, Lin Feng stood on tiptoe, took a portion of cooking wine from the top of the cabinet, and said with a smile: "Since you like red wine, then give it to you."


Looking at the distant figure of Lin Feng, the blond youth stood still, while the fat boy behind him covered his mouth and chuckled.

ps: Brothers, the results are very bad, please first order, really, please support!.

Text 67. Did not put the other party in the eyes at all (seventh)

The two challenges raised were all understated by the opponent, which made Tacmi Aldini feel frustrated.

The next second, I saw him holding his throat and looking at Lin Feng's back and shouted: "Student Lin Feng, you are nothing more than that. You dare not even accept my challenge directly, you"

Before that, Lin Feng suddenly turned around and looked at Tacomi Aldini with a smile, who couldn't help but mutter.

"To be honest, I can't take any interest in your challenge at all, because you are too weak for me at the moment, and I can't even beat my opponents."

Have you ever seen a tiger get angry because of the provocation of ants?

At this moment, what Takmi had done seemed to Lin Feng as a child who had not grown up.

"The defeated man?"

Takumi's expression stagnated, and he didn't realize what Lin Feng meant.

The conversation between the two naturally caused everyone in the dining room to wait and see. Hyugako, who was sitting in a chair, looked at all this with a smile, without any intention of stopping.

Hasn't Lin Jun already rejected him, so why come to challenge him again?

Thinking of Lin Feng returning to the academy and facing a large wave of food halberds, Tian Suohui stared at Takumi angrily, and felt that the other party was a little annoying.

Under the gaze of everyone, Takumi's expression changed dramatically when he was said in public that he was too weak.

"Lin Feng"

Takumi gritted his teeth, clenched his fists and said: "Don't deceive people too much, I am"

"You mean you're a chef who has faced diners and entered the kitchen, right?"

Lin Feng put the cooking wine on the kitchen counter, interrupted Tacmi's words, and said with a sneer: "That happens to be, classmate Xingping, like you, grew up in the kitchen."

"I think he must be very happy to come as your opponent."

It seems to be an understatement of disaster, but in the eyes of everyone, Lin Feng clearly did not put Takumi in his eyes.

Moreover, in Lin Feng's view, without a year and a half of effort, Takumi could not win Xingping Chuangzhen at all.


Xingping Chuangzhen glanced at Lin Feng blankly, and it took a long time to react.

Damn, how many times have you used yourself as a shield?

Since Xingping Chuangzhen was defeated by Lin Feng, whenever there was a challenge, Lin Feng would directly push him off. He also said that he wanted to exercise his cooking skills. It was really shameless.


Being ignored by Lin Feng once again in public, Takumi aggressively walked up to Xingping Chuangzhen, and stepped on his shoes without saying anything, and yelled: "Xingping Chuang is really true, right? Let Chef Gan be a witness , I will not only defeat you, but also"


Before he finished speaking, Takumi took a sharp breath, with a pained expression on his face.

"Although I hate Lin Feng a bit, but if you say you want to defeat him, then you can defeat me first." Then, Xingping Chuangzhen stepped on Tacomi's right foot in turn, increasing his strength, "Moreover, you don't May beat me."

Having been with Lin Feng for a long time, when Xingping Chuangzhen spoke and acted, he also had a trace of Lin Feng.

Although I really don't like Lin Feng talking to him in a superior tone, especially when he often arranges his opponent to challenge him.However, with constant challenges, Xingping's culinary skills have also improved, a lot higher than when he first entered Yuanyue Academy.

Therefore, over time, Xingping Chuangzhen also obeyed Lin Feng's wishes.

Moreover, Xingping Chuangzhen was very dissatisfied with Tacomi's blatant behavior of not putting himself in his eyes and going to challenge Lin Feng.

"Ah, wait for me, I must look good!"

Tacmi turned around with a painful face, and saw his brother Isami still smiling, and immediately said: "Don't laugh!"

Hearing his brother's words, Isami quickly covered his mouth, but from the expression on his face, it can be seen that the other party is still smiling from ear to ear.

"Is there really no problem with Xingping?"

Tian Suohui looked at Lin Feng who was dealing with wild ducks, and asked with some worry.


Lin Fengchao glanced at Xingping Chuangzhen, who had already started cooking, and said, "If you can't even deal with this kind of opponent, then you don't qualify to be my right-hand man."

"The right arm?"

A look of doubt appeared on Tian Suohui's pretty face, and she did not understand what Lin Feng said.

"Little attendant, is the warm water ready?"

"Ah, well"

After hearing Lin Feng's question, Tian Suohui quickly opened the lid of the pot and glanced at it, and replied.

"The time is just right."

With that, Lin Feng picked up the treated wild duck and put it in the pot.

After washing back and forth with boiling water, the duck's body gradually swelled. Lin Feng took out the soup spoon and rolled the duck back and forth, then took out the duck from the pot.

For roast duck, the most important thing to pay attention to is the sauce, which determines the quality of the whole dish.

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