The beauty collector of halberd

The Beauty Collector of Halberd Eater Chapter 65

Of course, Lin Feng has done a lot of research on the seasoning sauce, so he quickly spread the sauce on the duck body, then dipped it with a brush, and brushed the duck back and forth several times to ensure that every place There is smearing.

".~Little attendant, Honey."

"Give you."

"Help me open the cooking wine."

"it is good."

"This should be fine!"

After doing all this, Lin Feng raised his head and glanced at the clocks hanging on the wall. The time left for them was already insufficient.

Therefore, Lin Feng directly found a fan for the air-dried duck meat. Although it was not dried naturally, it was because of the hurry.

"Little attendant, help (Li's good) me cut potatoes and onions."

"it is good."

The two have a detailed division of labor, and everything is proceeding in an orderly manner.

When the pores of the duck meat were completely invisible, Lin Feng took out the scissors and cut off the tips of the duck wings, then wrapped the duck legs, duck legs and other places with foil, and put the processed duck into the roasting pan with potatoes and onions Put it in the middle of the oven.

Next, Lin Feng took out the oven-specific bowl where the marinade was poured in, put it on the bottom of the oven, and turned on the switch at the same time.

Temperature: 170 degrees Celsius

Time: 40-45 minutes


Lin Feng, who was finally relieved, looked at Tian Suohui who was also nervous, and said, "It's just making a roast duck. Don't be so nervous."

"Ah good"

Tian Suohui blushed and nodded quickly, but her tight body still betrayed her..

Text 68. No one is allowed to grab this plate of roast duck with me (eighth more)

The hands of the clock hung on the wall kept turning, and time passed by unconsciously.

One after another, students brought their prepared dishes and put them in front of Hiyukiko for the other person to taste.



"The smell is too weak."

After hearing Gan Hyugako's evaluation, the faces of the students showed despair.There is not much time left for them, and it is impossible to have time to make a new dish.

Seeing the students stunned and motionless, Gan Hyugako shook his head, took a sip from the teacup, and labelled this group of people as being eliminated from the bottom of my heart.

Tom tom tom

The Takmi brothers dragged their plates, and Asahi Muko came.

When passing by Lin Feng, Takumi said softly: "I'm sorry, I'll finish it first."

"Hey "Four Six Zero""

Lin Feng smiled and shook his head. He was really a child who had not grown up.

"Chef, please taste our delicious roasted duck."

Takumi put the plate in front of Kan Hyugako, with a confident smile on his face, and said, "I think it will satisfy you."

Roast duck?

Gan Hyugako looked at the sliced ​​duck on the plate and the green sauce used to garnish, and said, "It looks like an Italian dish."

As she said, she had already raised her chopsticks, picked up a piece of duck meat and put it in her mouth to taste.

For a long time, under Takmi's expectant gaze, Gan Hyugako put down his chopsticks and nodded, "Yes, you are qualified."

Hearing that someone was qualified, the people who had failed before looked at Gan Hyugako, and saw the joyful Takumi, envy rose in their hearts.

"Unexpectedly, he is also quite good"

As he said, Tian Suohui noticed that Takumi's line of sight suddenly glanced at them, just in time to look at them.

In the next second, Tian Suohui pulled off the corner of Lin Feng's clothes, looking quite like an adult.

"It's okay."

Lin Feng stretched out his hand and touched Tian Suohui's head, ignoring Takumi's provocative eyes, put the roasted duck on the plate, and garnished it with vegetables.

"Let's go, little man, our roast duck is also fine."

"This, so fast?"

Under Tian Suohui's wide-open eyes, Lin Feng was already walking towards Asahi Muko with a tray. The next moment, Tian Suohui stepped forward and followed him closely.

"Lin Fengjun, I've said it in advance, Dojima Gin's chief chef specially asked me to make your assessment more difficult."

Seeing Lin Feng walking towards him, Gan Hyugako squinted his eyes and patted his hands, and said with a smile: "That is to say, only excellence is considered qualified. If it fails to meet my expectations, you will."


Before he finished speaking, Gan Hyugako was attracted by the food Lin Feng put on the table.

The tender roast duck seemed to be wrapped in gold, lying quietly in the center of the plate, with green basil herbs sprinkled on the duck skin, special salad dressing dotted around the plate, and a beautiful view appeared in front of Gan Hyugako.


Sniffing the fragrance in the air, Gan Hyugako's eyes seemed to be completely attracted by the roast duck.

On the side, the smile on Takmi's face gradually faded, looking at the dishes on the plate with a solemn expression.

In terms of appearance, his fragrant roasted he duck lost to Lin Feng, which made Takmi very upset.

"I don't believe it, your roast duck will be better than mine!"

"Then Takumi will also taste the roast duck I made, I think you must be very happy."

Just as Takomi whispered, Lin Feng suddenly turned his head and looked at him with a smile on his face.

"What, what do you mean, you look down on me, but I am"

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