The beauty collector of halberd

The Beauty Collector of Halberd Eater Chapter 86


Lin Feng, who had just stirred the eggs, and then took out the flour, raised his head again, just looking at the girl.

What catches the eye is the man's wonderful body wrapped in a red cheongsam, with short purple hair and a pretty heroic face. Standing there, Lin Feng has the illusion of facing women in the workplace.

The girl in front of her felt like Hua Mulan who had served her father in the army in ancient times.

"It seems that today is really lucky."

Stared at by the girl's fierce eyes, Lin Feng touched his nose and joked with a smile.

"North, Miyoko Hojo, this is between me and classmate Lin Feng, why are you here?" Mito Yumei seemed to know the cheongsam girl and asked quickly.

"Student Mito, like you, I am here to defeat him."

With that said, Miyoko Hojo looked at Lin Feng as if a hunter had found a prey that was tempting.

I have lived in a famous Chinese restaurant since I was a child, and within a month of learning that the first-year transfer students enrolled, I founded the "Chinese Hot Pot Research Association". I found out that the other party was Lin Feng, who was talking about the opening ceremony, and Miyoko Hojo from that moment. , There is the desire to defeat it.

However, what Miyoko Hojo did not expect was that if Lin Feng hadn't heard her challenge, he was doing cooking on his own.


This time, Miyoko Hojo patted her hand on the table and looked at Lin Feng with a cold face.

"You have seen it too, I'm busy"

Lin Feng pointed to the empty cooking station, and said, "I have half an hour to review. I don't have the time to play games with you."

As he said, Lin Feng put the ingredients in the bowl, and at the same time poured the cream to stir evenly.

play games?

He was saying that our previous challenge seemed to him like a child making noise.

In the next second, Mito Yumei, who was still hesitant before, and Miyoko Hojo, who was so aggressive, shouted in unison: "I am not playing games, this is serious, unless you are a coward and dare not answer."

"Are you sure?!"

After mixing the ingredients, Lin Feng raised his head and said: "If you lose, but you have to agree to a condition for the party, do you still compare with me?"

Seeing Lin Feng’s sudden serious expression, Mito Yumei was taken aback at first, but when he thought of what the other party was saying about playing games, he blushed 567 and said: "Bibibi, just beat you now, and then you can follow those The eliminated students have left Yuanyue Academy."

On the other side, Miyoko Hojo looked at the inexplicable smile on Lin Feng's face, and his firm determination suddenly wavered.It's just that when she recalled the arrogant men in the kitchen, her vacillating thoughts were instantly confirmed.

"I agree, but if you lose, will that condition still be effective?" Miyoko Hojo asked with some worry.

The reason for mentioning that condition is that if she wins, she can hire Lin Feng as her right-hand man, so that when she graduates to take over the restaurant, Lin Feng can complete all the various challenges.

"Of course." Lin Feng agreed very readily.

lose?How could it be possible? Although the one in front of me is a meat expert and the other is a young girl who grew up in a Chinese restaurant since childhood, but in terms of strength, they are not as good as Xingping Chuangzhen, let alone defeating themselves.

What's more, what makes Lin Feng a little puzzled is why the two girls know that they even defeated Kojiro Sinomiya, so they still have the guts to challenge themselves.

However, since they are all here, Lin Feng certainly can't refuse, so use delicious food to conquer them and join the sister group one by one..

Text 88. The'modest' Lin Feng (third more)

"So, how should it compare?"

"What counts as a victory?"

After confirming the challenge, Hojo Miyoko and Mito Yumei asked one after another.

"Whoever completes today's subject test first will win." Lin Feng thought for a while and replied.

"Well, you said, this is not a game."

"Then it will begin."

With that, Hojo Miyoko and Mito Yumei walked towards the cooking station one after another, leaving Lin Feng alone to start cooking.

At the same time, when everyone was busy, Dojima Gin and his party walked in.

Scanning the nervous students, Dojima Gin said, "First, let's introduce the examiner."

Before I finished speaking, I saw that the door of the banquet hall was pushed open, and the crowd with smiles entered the hall.

"Well, many people?!"

"Who are these people?"


Dojima Gin cleared his throat, pointed his finger at the three elderly people behind him, and said, "These are food suppliers that cooperate with Totsuki Resort. They and their families will serve as reviewers for this training every year. I have told in advance that today’s breakfast is an egg dish with surprises"

"In addition, our Yuanyue Resort will also send colleagues from the cooking and service departments to join the review!"

Following Dojima Gin's roll call, another group of men and women in suits and collars walked in. Just standing on the side of the hall made people feel that these people were very strict with regard to food.

"She, shouldn't she be an auditor in another hall?"

Looking at Gan Hyugako who was looking forward to the surroundings in the crowd, Lin Feng was a little puzzled.

The next second, Gan Hyugako's eyes lit up, and he immediately walked towards Lin Feng.

"Good morning, Lin Fengjun." Gan Hyugako said with a smile, with her eyes bent into crescents.

"Good morning, senior sister." Lin Feng responded.

"How about it, isn't it a pleasant surprise? I just came to serve as a reviewer just to taste your special breakfast."

With that said, Gan Hyugako looked into the oven behind Lin Feng and said, "So Lin Fengjun made egg tarts? I look forward to it, I want to eat it."

egg tart

Lin Feng touched his forehead helplessly. Whoever stipulated that the oven should be used to make egg tarts.

At the same time, Dojima Gin finally returned to the topic after saying a lot of useless words: "First, your dish ideas can be recognized by them; second, from now on, the meal will be taken within 2 hours. The target of the number of copies is '200 copies. Those who meet the above two conditions will be considered as passing!"

"Then everyone, please enjoy your breakfast time."

"The review begins!"

When the voice fell, I saw the calm hall, which instantly became noisy.

From time to time, people looked at each cooking station, watching the breakfast dishes prepared by the students, and considering whether to try it.

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