The beauty collector of halberd

The Beauty Collector of Halberd Eater Chapter 87

"Hurry up, Lin Fengjun, I can't wait to taste your cooking." Gan Hyugako who finally waited for this moment said to Lin Feng impatiently.


Although he knew that Gan Hyugako had a second-degree character and was still an authentic foodie, every time he saw the other person's appearance, Lin Feng felt a little emotional about how the other person became the chef of the fog house.

Under Gan Hinata's expectant gaze, Lin Feng took out the food that was warmed in the oven, put it on the plate, and then delivered it to Gan Hinata.

"This is" Gan Hyugako said with some surprise.

In the center of the snow-white porcelain plate, there is a square white solid, with Italian cheese salad dressing dotted around the plate, which is very plain and cannot make people's eyes bright.

"Lin Fengjun, is this the creative breakfast you came up with?" Gan Hyugako asked incredulously.

There is no special feature, no surprise. Is this still a breakfast made by people who have defeated the seniors of the four houses?

"Chef, I think you can gently touch the white solid with a spoon."

Just when Lin Feng was about to speak, a loud voice came.

In the next second, two handsome men walked to Lin Feng's cooking table.

One is wearing the uniform of the chef of Yuanyue Resort, the other is a suit and collar, and should be a foreman.

"It's you"

Gan Hyugako turned his head to see the person's face clearly, and said irritably.

If it weren't for her wit, I'm afraid that if she came to the b meeting place to do the reviewer's work, she would be ruined by the two men in front of her.

"Hello, this is Hiroyuki Sena, the sous chef of Totsuki Resort."

"I'm the service foreman of Totsuki Resort, Tokihiko Sakuma."

Seeing Lin Feng's puzzled eyes, Sena Hiroshi and Sakuma Tokihiko quickly introduced themselves.

Ask for flowers

After greeted the two of them, Lin Feng realized that the fact that he had eaten the halberd with the chef of the fourth house had been spread among the senior leaders of the resort, and many people wanted to meet him who could defeat the chef of the fourth house.

"I also happen to be good at Jiuzhen French Vegetable Jelly, and I just happened to win over Chef Si Gong."

Seeing the light shining in Sena Hiroshi's eyes, Lin Feng said humbly.

"Forget it, I originally wanted to play with you. It really is." Hiroshi Sena shrugged helplessly and said: "However, my review is very strict. You have to be mentally prepared. "

"I am also confident to satisfy you all."

Lin Feng responded with a smile, thinking that after finishing the accommodation study, he wanted to rush back to Yuanyue Academy immediately.

.......... .......

Listening to Hiroshi Sena's tone, it is estimated that countless chefs at Totsuki Resort want to challenge themselves.

If you win, you can increase your reputation at most; if you lose, it is impossible to lose, but Lin Feng doesn't bother to do this thankless thing.

At the same time, Hyugako had put the spoon on the white solid, and then a surprising scene happened.

The white solid is like a sponge, sinking directly where it was touched by the spoon, but when the spoon was picked up by Hyugako, it returned to its original state.


Gan Hyugako was stunned, and suddenly felt that Lin Feng's breakfast was not as simple as it seemed on the surface.

"Well, not bad, delicious."

"Can you have another one?"

Just as Hyugako was stunned, Seana Hiroshi and Sakuma Tokihiko on the side had already feasted on their images.

The white solid entrance quickly bounced after touching the tip of the tongue, constantly impacting the mouth.At the same time, the scent of cream and the sweetness of honey slowly drifted through the mouth.

This unique taste and flavor made the two of them fall into it after a bite.


Lin Feng smiled and spread the plates all over the table. At the same time, he put the dishes on the plates, garnished them with salad dressing, and placed them in front of them.

Anyway, as long as the goal of 200 servings is fulfilled, it doesn't matter to Lin Feng how many people come to taste it.

ps: There will be everything, don't worry (the old driver understands what the cat says).

Text 89. Lin Fengjun is mine, no one is allowed to grab it (fourth more)

"One more!"

"I want two copies!"

"Don't grab it, it's mine"

"Don't worry, there are all of them, No, this belongs to the senior sister"

With that said, Lin Feng put the plate in front of Gan Hyugako and reminded: "Senior sister, this is the sixth one. Are you sure you can eat it?"

"Hahahahahaha, I am hungry all night and come to eat your breakfast, not delicious"

Saying that, Hyugako picked up a spoon to dig a spoonful of food, then put it in her mouth to chew.

On the other side, Hiroshi Sena had put down the spoon, wiped his mouth and asked, "What is the name of this dish?"

"You can call it the'beating yolk cheese'." Lin Feng explained.

At the same time, the reviewers who looked around, when they saw Gan Hyugako and others gathered in front of Lin Feng's kitchen to taste the food, they quickly came over.

"It looks like a cake!"

"I don't know what the flavor will be?"

"Give me a copy."

"I also want"

Under the urging of everyone, Lin Feng calmly put the plate full of dishes on the table in front of everyone.

In the next second, the reviewers who couldn't wait to taste the food hurriedly picked up a spoon, scooped a small piece of food, and chewed in their mouths.


The girl with the double ponytail couldn't help but let out a sigh of relief. Her beautiful eyes were misty and she looked at the white solid in the plate, and a blush appeared on her face.

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