"If you don't need anything else, please excuse me."

"Can I know why you and your friends laugh when I ask you to give me medicine to relieve my chest pain? Aren't you all doctors?!"

The young doctor tries to hide her laugh behind her polite smile, but the effort is futile. She has to close her eyes and lips tightly to gain composure, but can't stop the small smile on her face.

But the young boss in front of her is looking at her coldly.

"Because there is no such thing to relieve the chest pain that you are experiencing. It's called jealousy. Even I have known that since elementary school."

"Since elementary?" Hendra is shocked.

"Maybe because you are trying so hard to resist any contact with women because of the syndrome you have, that's why you are late in realizing your feelings."

"That means you have been involved with boys since you're in elementary." Hendra moves his hand to describe the height of an elementary school student as if trying to say that 'you've been dating when you were still this tall.' The CEO of Wenceslas Group is shocked.

"Yes." The young doctor's face is reddened due to embarrassment.

"But, I'm single now. Although I date around for so long, my love life ends up in a mess. I think I got karma."

"How do you know if you are falling in love?"

"It's easy. Do you think about her often? Even though you find it difficult to understand, by hearing your brief consultation session with Doctor Diana, I know you've already fallen in love with your future wife".

"Can you prove that I've been falling in love?" Hendra's brain works more logically. If this chat is part of the consultation, that means what this young doctor says is a hypothesis. And a hypothesis has to be proven.

(A hypothesis or a basic assumption is a temporary answer to a problem that is still presumptive and it must be proven. The presumed answer is a temporary truth, which will be verified by research. 

Scientific hypotheses provide temporary answers to problems that occur. The hypothesis is tested if all the symptoms that arise do not conflict with the hypothesis. To prove the hypothesis testing, researchers can deliberately create symptoms, this deliberation is called an experiment or experiment. A hypothesis that has been verified is called a theory).

(^ _ ^ Quoted from: Vardiansyah, Dani. Filsafat Ilmu Komunikasi: An Introduction, Index, Jakarta 2008. P.10 and Uma Sakaran, Research Methods for Business: A Skill Building Approach, New York: John Wiley & Sons, 1992, page .7-19)

Hendra needs theory compared to some bullshit the psychiatrist utters. If Hendra's case is a comparative hypothesis, then Diana's team can come up with another question for comparison. And Hendra will use his feelings as data.

"You are too clever, just as Doctor Diana mentioned. Tell me, what should I do to prove it to you?" The blue eyes look at her curiously. She knows the man wouldn't accept her statement just as it is.

"Okay, let's start."

"You said that you graduated with cum laude, right? Let's prove your hypothesis!"

_Is this man crazy? Obviously, he has been involved in an experiment for a long time_

_Wait! Isn't post-traumatic disorder also a part of a stress disorder? Maybe he is stressed out. Who is in the right mind to prove love with a hypothesis analysis?_ The young doctor tries to comfort herself as she feels pressured by Hendra's strange request.

"Let's do the easiest way, The Comparative Hypothesis. Give me comparative questions, isn't it easy? I have all the data you need. I will be honest with you this time."

The doctor who just finished her master's degree smiles bitterly.

"Okay, let's try."

"Please sit down," Hendra asks her to sit after standing up for quite a long time. 

"Emm…" She rolls her eyes. Now, she is the one who's getting stressed out. Her brain juice is drained by her patient's request.

"Comparative, huh? Okay, let's get started! The null hypothesis (H0) is the feeling that Mahendra feels towards his future wife is love. The alternative hypothesis (H1) is the feeling that Mahendra feels towards his future wife isn't love.

… Crazy, this is super crazy!... She is starting to perspire.

"No, I don't agree! H0 and H1 that you explain can be categorized as Descriptive Hypotheses. Are you truly a cum laude graduate?" Hendra has mastered many things in detail.

_I'm so dead! He is so detailed!_ The woman seems to panic.

"If I'm using the comparative hypothesis. For example, H0: the level of love that Mahendra feels towards his future wife is the same as the level that she feels. If we use your perception as data to measure your future wife's feelings, then your data will be subjective. Although psychiatrists tend to use subjective data, if it's taken from the second party, it will be considered very weak.)

(Subjective data is data taken from a client as an opinion on a situation and event. This information cannot be determined by the nurse as it includes the client's perceptions, feelings, ideas about his health status. For example regarding pain, feelings of being weak, fear, anxiety, frustration, nausea, and shame).

Hendra is silent for a while before nodding his agreement after hearing her explanation.

"This time, I agree with you."

_Fiuh, thankfully he agrees. Actually, I'm not prepared if we have to discuss the comparative hypothesis now. I feel like I have to defend my thesis once again_ She sighs several times and her head starts to throb painfully.

"You can simply answer with 'Yes! Uncertain! No!' for every question that I'm going to ask." This young doctor started to make a simple table on her notes.

"You can't control your heart whenever you are near her?"


"Do you feel uneasy when she is close to other men?"


"You can't ignore her pleas for help?"


"You can't control your instinct to approach her."

"What do you mean by that? I don't understand." Hendra cuts in.

_Oh my God?! That means I have to explain it_ The woman scratches her neck with a smile to cover the urge to slap her own forehead.

"That means whenever you are near her, you feel your adrenaline rushes in. You always want to hug her, kiss her cheek, and even her lips if possible." The young doctor explains with irritation on her face.

"Super YES," Hendra replies as quickly as possible. 

"Huh? What?" The psychiatrist is caught by surprise.

_Finally he understood what I mean_

_Crazy… (stressed out)_ She couldn't hold back the urge to swear at him

5 Questions


10 Questions


20 Questions


And it finally ended after 27 questions, after her brain gave up. Hendra didn't want the hypothesis tested with only 5 or 10 questions. He needs as much as she could give.

"I like your way to approach problems." Hendra praises her. The woman just smiles bitterly, because finally, she can breathe normally.

"But actually, I also have other problems. Can you help me?" Hendra thinks that this girl can be his tutor to approach Aruna.

"Yes. of course!"

_But not now, please. I need my beauty sleep_ She grumbles to herself.

"Um… Because I believe that you will also need some rest, how about if we do it another time? You can contact me." She said while giving him her name card.

"Dr. Nathasya M. Triyuono Sp. Kj, is that your name?" Mahendra asks.

"Yes, that's right."

"How old are you?" 

"26 years old."

"Oh, so we're almost the same age."


"Do I look old?" Hendra frowns.

"Not really. But I thought, someone that holds a high position as you do, will be older than me."

"Hm… you are probably right."

"How old are you?" Nathasya asks.

"You don't read my personal data?" Hendra isn't sure that this woman doesn't know.

"Hehe, I do. You will be 28 years old in one month. Is that right?"

"You... are not an innocent woman." 

"What??" Nathasya is taken aback with Hendra's statement. 

… Wow, those are really piercing words...

"I have told you, I have many experiences in love until I get hit by karma."  He has already known it anyway, so Nathasya  admits her lack of innocence.

"I will be meeting Aruna tomorrow. I want her to be comfortable being near me. At least, that she doesn't feel pressured meeting me. Even that simple thing seems very impossible for me."

"Yeah, I know."

_Even I feel pressured communicating with you, moreover your future wife? And an arranged marriage. She must be so pressured_ Nathasya deducts.

"What do you know?" Hendra eyes her curiously.

"That you make her feel pressured."

Suddenly, his face seems so helpless.

"Don't worry, I can help you."

"Really?" His face brightens hearing her word. 

"Yes, of course. But I need to confirm a few things, just to make sure."

"Is it true that you don't have many friends? I have read it somewhere, since I find your background is very interesting, but I don't believe it 100%." She tries to confirm Hendra's condition.

"Yes, you're right. I'm not close with many people, even with my family after that incident. And I don't need many friends because the so-called friends only come to me when they need something."

"Oh, I see. I understand it now."

"You don't have a good social life, so you have difficulties in positioning yourself. It might be good for your career because you can show your dominant side. But it will have different results if you want to have a close personal relationship."

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