"You don't have a good social life, so you have difficulties in positioning yourself. It might be good for your career because you can show your dominant side. But it will have different results if you want to have a close personal relationship."

"You have to 'hit the brake.' Ah, how should I put it?" Nathasya is getting confused.

"Hold back." Hendra offers.

"Ah, yes. You need to hold back your dominant side."

"What do you mean?"

"Try to look at everything through different perspectives. And in this case, in your future wife's perspective." Nathasya explains.

"You also have to learn what she likes and accept her for what she is." She adds.

"Ah, shit! I have told her to dress the way I like for tomorrow." Hendra ruffles his hair in desperation. He looks cute.

_Oh my God, this man is totally in love_ Nathasya can't hold back her grins.

"Don't worry. There's still plan B." Nathasya seems confident regarding this. Actually, Hendra has one friend whom he regularly speaks to (Surya). But both men are useless in love matters, so Nathasya seems promising.

"Really? Wah, you're really the master!" 

"Of course! So the plan B is you have to praise her beauty. You are so beautiful. I believe she will be over the moon!"

_Especially if the man has a face like yours_ She adds more to herself.

"Really? Does it work?" Hendra looks at her in disbelief.

"The worthless words are the plan B?"

Nathasya slaps her own forehead in disbelief over the man's question.

"If women were not weird creatures, Kahlil Gibran wouldn't write so many love poems for May Ziyadah."

(Their long distance relationship between US and Egypt was only revealed after Kahlil Gibran died, through their love letters.)

"Who is May Ziyadah? I knew Gibran had a close relationship with Mary Haskell. And I like Mary Haskell because she proved that she had brains by accepting the marriage offer from Florence Minis, a rich businessman from Georgia, rather than living with a poor artist." Hendra retorts fiercely as if this is a personal story between Aruna, him, and an artist that he doesn't want to mention.

"That's why!" Nathasya is shocked seeing Hendra's expression.

"You! How dare you…"

"Stop! Remember, you are getting more dominant. My statement before just to remind you as a friend. You have to learn to hold back your anger over these mere statements." Actually, Nathasya blurts it out by mistake and she tries to cover it well.

"Oh, so that's what you mean."

And Hendra accepts her poor excuse.

Nathasya thinks that the Wenceslas Group CEO is quite innocent.

"Aside from the worthless words, I mean the praise," Nathasya adds,

"You have to act sweet."

"Act sweet?" Hendra seems to be deep in thought.

_Oh my God, do I have to spell it out again?_

"For example, you guard her steps. If there's a puddle in front of her, you should take off your suit and cover the puddle with it so she wouldn't be splashed!"

"Really?! I think that's too much!"

"It IS too much. Because you are quite innocent, I thought you would buy it." Nathasya is testing the CEO sitting in front of him.

"Excuse you, I'm serious."

"Hehe, sorry. Make sure that you mind your pace with hers, don't walk too fast. Because your body is taller, your steps will be wider."

"I'm sure you walk faster and sometimes leave her behind." Nathasya adds.

"Wow, how do you know?"

"It's so simple. Because your character is more dominant, I can guess how you treat her." Nathasya also advises him to talk more politely to her and starts to pay attention to simple things. Including telling him that he has the advantages over his competitor, that Hendra has the woman physically.

"You just have to start a good habit, and it will grow into love. If that has happened, you will become the winner and have her heart."

"Okay, I can sleep well tonight." Hendra looks pleased after the discussion with Diana's junior doctor.

"Actually, there's one more important thing that I want to know."

"Shoot! I will answer any question." Hendra gives her a chance.

"Why don't you just tell her about the syndrome you have? I'm sure she can accept your condition. I guarantee you, she can help you." Nathasya finally asks the question that her whole team is dying to ask.

"Because I really like her."

Nathasya frowns, doesn't understand the meaning behind the statement.

"I don't want her to care for me because she pities me. I want to win her love in the right way. Not because of pity. I want to be loved, not being pitied. It's similar but different."

Nathasya doesn't think that her patient has a deep feeling for his future wife.

"Tell Diana, don't decide it by herself. I know she cares for me. But I have the rights to do what I want to do."

"I just knew that a man can have pure love towards a woman." As a woman who often fails in her love life, she is astonished to hear his confession.

"Just take a rest. Thank you for helping me tonight."

"You're welcome. I wish you all the best for tomorrow." And the young doctor disappears from behind the closed door.


The two couples shake hands. Obviously, Hendra looks more dominant with his tall posture and his more than average visual. He speaks eloquently while looking at his partner in an understanding manner. He introduces Aruna politely. It's a whole different man from whom she knows on a daily basis.

… Does he have multiple personalities?... Aruna asks herself, this crazy CEO has changed 180 degrees. In the morning, he praised her for being so pretty and hugged her in his warm embrace. Huh, her face is getting red now.

"Are you okay? Let's go." Hendra leads her to the living room of Riswan's household. The big hand is still plastered on Aruna's back.

"Hendra, let go of your hand!"

"Why? I do it so you won't fall."

"It's uncomfortable! You are touching my bra!"

"Ah, really? Sorry, sorry."


A moment later...

"Aaa.." Aruna trips on the carpet in the living room. But before she falls, Hendra can hold her in his arms.

Riswan and Camila look back and watch the young couple hugging each other while half sitting down on the carpet.

_Aaah… This is so embarrassing! Why did I do something ridiculous in front of my idol! Aruna just wants to cry.

"Are you okay?" Camilla asks.

"Hehe…" Aruna smiles shyly, her face reddens due to embarrassment. Hendra immediately hugs her to help her stand up on her feet.

"Are you okay, Aruna?" Hendra's question is met with a small nod. The blue-eyed man spontaneously smooths his future wife's hair, making them look sweet to each other.

"You guys are so sweet." Camilla's praise makes her cheeks redden. She is so honored for being able to meet the mayor's wife.

Four of them enjoy their afternoon tea with a chat.

"Hendra, when can I take a photo with them?" Aruna whispers.

"Be patient. Do you see their staff is taking our photos together? I will ask him for a copy later." Hendra calms her down.

"Thank you."

_Ah, her smile is so comforting._


When the men are talking about a more serious matter, the women excuse themselves from the conversation. The mayor's wife invites Aruna to take a look at their house. Filled with beautiful flowers, Aruna knows that the flowers are planted by the elegant woman beside her. She followed Camilla's Instagram.

"Can I take a photo with you?" Aruna asks for permission.

"Yes, of course." Camilla agrees and they look around to find a good spot in the middle of Camilla's flowers.

"I have met you before," Aruna says.


"Yes. I was one of the youths that got a special invitation to have lunch with you when I was active as a volunteer for teaching unfortunate children."

"I still saved your photo." Aruna shows their photo together and they start to chat and laugh together.

Hendra is looking at Aruna from afar. He just realized that Aruna can get along with others easily. 

She can laugh and steal the attention of the woman whom she proclaims as her idol.

The blue-eyed man remembers that his future wife was panicking during their ride to the mayor's house.

"What should I say to them?

"Hendra, do I look good?"

"Is it still far?"

And many other questions which are quite not important.

He still remembered what the woman who successfully steals his heart and mind whispered to him: "Fighting! I'm going first, good luck!" Her hands are balled into fists before going behind Camilla.



"You have been looking at her for too long. Don't forget to blink." Riswan tries to make a joke. Both of them are too serious after the women left them alone.

"Can we also be close?" Hendra changes the way he sits. And he doesn't look at Riswan as friendly as before.

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