How did Zong Zhenglin and the government of the Weiguo confess, Mu Xiyao did not inquire. All her attention has been shocked by the looting of the Zhangzhou in the Wei Dynasty.

In the early spring, it is the best time to graze in the north. At this time, the winter has passed, and even if there is no grain, the hunter should be able to live full.

This time, it bypassed the three places of Chen Bing in the Eren Kata Mountains in the northern Wei Dynasty. Only a few dozen people broke into the Xingtian Village in Guang'an Town, the northernmost part of Cangzhou. They burned and robbed a pass and walked away to three village women. After that, the horse rushed into the forest and has not been arrested. It has escaped from the foothills.

Zhangzhou, it seems that the previous investigation was far from satisfactory. In the chaotic land of the Three States, the spies buried by the parties are difficult to remove in a short period of time. This seems to be the case of the squadron, but in fact it is the most disturbing people.

It is already an intensive confession of the courts and horses. Now, under the wrath of Yuan Chengdi, it is even more urgent.

Most of the martial arts divisions under the jurisdiction of Zong Zhenglin and the private army under the jurisdiction of Zong Zhenglin have been rushed to Kunmu. The leader of the army, it is Yuan Chengdi appointed veteran Cao Chong. Mu Xiyao and Yuan Huai and Ye Huaiwen, who had made up their minds early, led the battle from Sanpin. However, Mu Jinzhi, but it was because she had appeared in front of Yuan Chengdi before, this time invested in Yuan Hao's account, led the position of the four-product department, half a month ago has been with the army to leave Beijing.

In the courtyard, Mu Xiyao took people to read the book. Not only in her house, but also with the books in the six-story study room, she was also vacated by her brain.

Zong Zhenglin went to the Ministry of War on the day before, and he was only able to return home when he was busy last night. She wondered, and it was not far from the days when he left the army.

"Master, how should these lonely bes?" Molan carefully held the book in the room under the temple, and turned his head to Mu Xiyao to discuss his ideas. The master and the temple are all lovers of books. In the past years, Tian Guanzhi sent people to take charge of this matter. Now I have to change her to do it. I need to be careful.

"Lonely on the drying table, occasionally flipping, do not directly expose to the sun. Next to the words, this miscellaneous note will be placed wherever, blowing the air to disperse the moisture. Be careful not to roll the pages."

While talking about going to the house, I took a few volumes of the Zong Zhenglin case and spread it out personally. One of the books was placed on the drying table. I was about to put down the "Wei Shi Shi Dian", and I took another one and put it on, and the corner of my eye just happened to see something, and it seemed familiar.

Going back and picking up the pages with my fingertips, I’m going to see what’s in my eyes, and Mu Xi’s mouth slowly reveals a smile. Reach out for the bookmarks, **** and one turn, turn and play. The laces have some hairs on the corners, the veins have not changed in color, and the meridians are smooth and flat. It is obvious that the owner is very caring.

Zong Zhenglin's study review documents, many nights, there are actually this bookmarks accompanied... Mu Xiyao remembered that since the two people met each other, sent that thing... one finger has never been assembled, finally understand the boss When I was angry, I gnawed her teeth and called her "small but heartless". It seems to be somewhat reasonable.

In addition to the bookmarks, count the ring, add up to a sachet that was returned... Mu Xiyao has a fever on his face. Compared to the boss, she is not a drizzle.

So this afternoon, Zhao Wei discovered that the master had kept his mysterious secret in the house, and even the gimmick that sent the tea to the water was useless. In the middle, the young master of the Qing Dynasty was noisy to see the hustle and bustle in the garden. The master was only slightly out of the way. When he smashed the person, he called him to play with him.

Giving gifts to the Sixth Highness, the mind is up, and the skills are also available. Otherwise the man is picky and can't look up.

Mu Xiyao concentrated on the case, so he went down and unconsciously went to use the meal. The sky was dark outside the window, and I didn’t know when I had the light. If it is not a stomach call, I am afraid that I will still be buried inside and not return to God.

瞧瞧 漏 , , , , , , , , , , 用 用 用 用 用 用 用 用 用 用 用 用 用 用 用 用 用 用 用 用 用 用 用 用 用 用 用 用 用 用 用 用 用 用 用 用 用 用 用 用 用Come back sometimes.

There was a lot of fatigue on the face, and I was closing my eyes.

He walked over with his hands and feet, and before he got to the front, he was suddenly pushed into his arms by the man.

"The lack of coquetry, sleep well."

Mu Xiyao put his thumb on his eyes, gently pressed, and his mouth was smug. "You will remember the benefits of this. When you leave people unreasonable, how can you not sleep?"

Even if he did not sleep well, Zong Zhenglin did not answer.

"In today's hiding room, is it a secret portrait of the temple?" When he returned to the government, he happened to run into the woman's full attention, and the outside should change, completely ignoring. I still felt that I didn't see her welcoming the door. It was not so happy. When I was close, I found out that the little woman was on the scroll, and it was the case when he was reviewing the papers in the house.

Such a shot, painting the man's sword and eyebrows, very powerful. The six sorrows of the temple were dissipated, but they followed suit. The woman is the master portrait, in the Wei, the table is the love. What's more, Mu Xiyao's paintings are vivid and vivid, and it is obvious that a small woman secretly looks at him on weekdays.

So clearly understand Mu Xiyao's heart, Zong Zhenglin is naturally used very much. Do not disturb her, a person is resting in the soft bed in the house. A few steps away, I watched her side face, the face is delicate and beautiful, except for a pair of eyes, the squat is especially pleasing. The flesh and blood are slightly curled up. When you don't talk, it looks like you are laughing and laughing. So soft and soft, a little man, when he is in his arms, he is most reluctant to let go.

"I thought about giving you a surprise, I know you were stolen. You have to pay attention to it!" Surprise is gone, Mu Xiyao is not willing to take his crown, and smashed it twice.

"This is reasonable." Zong Zhenglin caressed her delicate face and was very good at speaking. "This temple is broken and delicate, when it is as soon as possible." After the words were finished, they buried her high-pitched cherry red mouth.

The small tongue is naughty and dodging, and Zong Zhenglin’s nephew is slight. "Hey, send it over. Call this temple to solve the thirst first."

Mu Xiyao glanced at him, twitching his eyelashes and smashing it up. This is obedient, the bad thing that is all due to the lower abdomen. At this time, when you resist, you won’t have to use rice. It’s better to ask him to take advantage of it and to talk about it.

The room was very quiet, and occasionally I remembered it, and it was called Mu Xiyao. Zong Zhenglin kissed him very much, like chewing her into the abdomen, but occasionally letting her breathe, she would also gently wipe her back behind her neck.

"Jiaojiao, after seven days, the temple needs to bring troops out of Beijing. This is going to be less than a year, and more, then goodbye is two years later."

Being sucked by his relatives and teasing his lips, he came up with such a sentence, and told her to lift her throat.

So fast? It is said that the imperial edict of the Japanese emperor will not be under. National events are also a good time for all parties to fish in troubled waters.

"Here are these days, huh?" I caressed her, and Zong Zhenglin was stunned. The month of January has arrived, but only two drugs have been broken in the middle. When he did not pay attention, he told the woman to sneak a trick. At this time, I will continue to raise it.

It is a pity that a few days before leaving, I lived up to the good times.

I do not know the regrets of the six halls, Mu Xiyao squatting on his shoulder, a pair of scorpions bright.

Of course you have to be a little better! Mu Xiyao nodded his neck and nodded. Before leaving, I will add more strength, and I will miss her a little while from the boss. After Zong Zhenglin’s war, she will be the king of the wind and the light. At that time, the prince of the prince is the yellow flower of tomorrow, the life of cannon fodder.

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