The Beloved Imperial Consort

Chapter 296: Offsite

Blinking his eyes, Mu Xiyao looked around and looked around. Rosewood Eight Immortals table and chairs, diamond flower mirror, kiln kiln, landscape screen... white porcelain powder box on the makeup table. The things that enter the eye are all strange. It was the bed that she was lying on, and she was on the acacia. It was not the same. It was her house.

Where is she in the end?

Sitting up with his arms up, Mu Xiyao lifted his feet and embroidered his shoes. He touched the jade with no abnormalities on his chest, suppressed the restlessness, and buried himself in meditation.

At the last moment before waking up, Zong Zhenglin was sent to Beijing in front of Zhengdemen.

On that day, Shengjing was empty, and she was also guarded by the disguise of the costumes, secretly hiding in the carriage and smashing the bills, and it was full of enthusiasm.

The car outside the official and noble, the civilians, are all facing each other, shoulder to shoulder. There are many young ladies sitting on the warm car, with her general, guarded by the family, hiding in the dark to watch the Shengjing city is the most praised how the two nobles look handsome, heroic.

People haven't seen it yet, and Mu Xiyao has been a little bit sleepy because he is looking forward to admiration. If it was not after the arrival of the army, the horseshoe sergeant’s voice was neat and uniform, and she was shocked that she immediately came to the spirit. I am afraid that she would lose faith in the master of her family.

When she came, she was justified and righteous. She was very serious about Zong Zhenglin’s request. “I missed my Royal Highness and was the best in the world. I’m sure I can’t eat it. I can’t sleep at night.” It was easy to ask Zong Zhenglin's favor, and he had to answer the door.

At this time, I will see the man who took the lead. Mu Xiyao had to admit her conscience. Her boss, the army, is also the top talent. It’s no wonder that I have lost many of these family ladies. Unfortunately, today is too solemn, no one has the courage to throw incense.

This time Zong Zhenglin led the martial arts division and the private army to rush to Kunmu, to the place of the Wei Wei Bing, and then to lead the garrison, the integration of the three armed forces, from the West Road approaching the emperor of Naibei.

Zong Zhengming was led by the former Prince Edward under the fire camp and the emperor's house, and went to Fengtuo to advance from the East Road.

The main force in the middle of the road is that Yuan Chengdi kissed the generals and the veteran Huo Yinglin and the two deputy generals led the desert. Unlike the two lords who led the army from the opening of Shengjing, the Chinese army had set off from Zhangzhou three days ago and rushed to Xiangbei.

Among the two armies, Yuan Chengdi’s imperial drive slowly drove out. Huagai Zhangzhang, the emperor is coming.

The Emperor burned the incense and sacrificed it, and then gave him two people to save their rights.

Zong Zhenglin bent his knees and took his hands. After getting up, he took a cloak and strode over the front. At present, Wan Jun’s face is a face-lift, but also a cold and awkward.

The voice is lingering, and the sound is square. It is a swearing in the ancient times.

"I am going to the Three States today, and I have no way to go to the wrong place. Mobei has been guilty of crimes, slaughtered women and children, and looted grain grass. Zhu Jun, Jiangshanjiaguo, old father and wife, can you protect?"

"We swear to die!"

The sound should be rumbling, and the 80,000 people will be screaming and shook. It is like a good sign, the sky is bright, and the sun is clear. Bystanding the people to applaud and drink, the scholars and beautiful women are even more excited.

Mu Xiyao held his elbows and held a pair of scorpions. Boss adults look like this, the dark warfare is added, the ankle boots are good. The momentum is even more embarrassing and very prestige.

For the emperor, it is natural and powerful. In the last world, the killing of fruit was like building an emperor. During the reign, he was promoted three times and once. Every time he wins, he is admired by the great Wei people. This battle of Mobei was the first time that Zong Zhenglin led his troops. Six squadrons of the military strategy, the next two soldiers in front of the scene.

Lazy and squinting at the window, who is peeping at the gods, but being taken by a man who is sitting high in the distance, looks like a distant glance.

No, can you catch her so far? Mu Xiyao pulled the curtain, half of the face was hidden behind, and the eyes were rounded.

Sure enough, she was guessed. Zong Zhenglin was incapable of turning to the horse's head, and when he was swearing by Zong Zhengming, his sight was once again.

Quickly pleased to reveal a smile, but also feels not sincere, opened the curtain and nodded. Then I slammed back.

It was amused by her funny appearance, and Zong Zhenglin’s eyebrows were picked up.

Modao is, is the little woman shy?

Her Royal Highness remembered her words yesterday, and she felt that she was actively avoiding her. Only Mu Xiyao knew that she was afraid of being seen by the ladies who had been admiring him all the time, and was exposed on the spot. Women’s intuition is often amazingly accurate.

After that... In addition to the mighty army, Shengjing, the rest of the memory is empty.

With an eyebrow, Mu Xiyao’s face changed. Suddenly looking back at the place where she was negligent, the soft pillow placed on the bed was not the same as her usual use, but it just happened to fit her habit. In the home of the great Wei Quangui, most of them are jade pillows or bamboo pillows with added herbs. As she did, it was the same as the ordinary lady, and it was the pillow used. At first, it was laughed at by the man.

What's more, there is a quilt that she sat up in front of her body and got it right!

Can be in the Shengjing City, swearing on the same day, she will be robbed from the hands of the government, who will be! Mu Xiyao touched the back neck and hated his teeth. Sixth Highness did not go to the flower thief, and he lost his good effort to steal the jade!

"Come on!" The tone is not good, and it is obvious to find someone to settle accounts.



Stepping into the threshold, wearing a goose-yellow blouse with a red skirt, is not exactly who her heart is. Mu Xiyao stared at the eyes, and the mouth was slightly open, obviously scared.

"The master has woke up! The slave has kept you for a whole day, and has been uneasy. I am afraid that you will have a good meal." Quickly call people to send hot water to eat, according to the rules in the house, waiting for Mu Xiyao is very safe. .

"Where is Your Highness? Who will pick you up?" While filling the mouth with fish and bamboo shoots, he couldn't resist the temper and began to ask questions.

Zong Zhenglin, the bastard, what is the idea of ​​playing this time? Not only robbed her, but also took her around. It’s so expensive, it’s not going to be a long time for a few moments. Otherwise, I will send someone personally, and I can specifically pick up the cypress that is familiar with her temper. Is this going to buckle her here, ten days and a half?

What's more, the man used force against her again! This is when the stinking disease is formed! Mu Xiyao bites the bamboo chopsticks.

Lan Lan pulled the skirt, and it was difficult to lower his head, and his eyebrows wrinkled into one place. "The Lord, His Royal Highness, told me not to mention anything here before he returned."

With a bang, the bowl of chopsticks was so strong that even the shrimp **** in the bowl bounced twice. Just tied her, it is still against the thief to prevent her! The precaution is also that she is against him!

It’s too bad to be mad at him if he doesn’t eat. Mu Xiyao coveted the table meals, and pulled the lame to send the rice to his mouth.

When Lan Lan raised his heart, he was afraid that the master would not follow and make trouble. At this moment, I suddenly saw that the master had no temper, and I was careful to wait for it. I was afraid that I would be irritated by no reason.

When the Highness left, he told me to give the Lord the favorite fried shrimp **** and meringue chicken. At this moment, the master and the chopsticks greeted the two dishes and greeted them. Only then did they understand that His Royal Highness was well-intentioned. However, the master who can turn the corner like this, in addition to the wife of the old lady, can also do under the Highness.

Satiate and drink, here is Zong Zhenglin's site, Mu Xiyao naturally no worries. Feel free to walk around the door and walk around, but it is the most common courtyard for ordinary people.

The arrogance has been for a long time. From the entrance of the five-in-one house, I entered the small courtyard, and there will be emotions that are not open to the public. Less than half an hour later, the only one main house in the yard, two wing rooms, and one ear room were visited. The two doors were guarded by two strong men, but she was close to the foot and went outside. She didn't see any doorway, and she turned back to the house.

The two disguised government guards saw the side squatting away, and the hanging heart suddenly landed. The Guardian leader said that this master is very expensive, and it is more powerful than the grace of His Royal Highness, but it is extremely difficult to serve. Fang Caiyao came over, he has two backs, but he has been stiff.

"Oh, can you leave a book in your book?"

"Yes. There are masters who like it, the new story, and the volume that you haven't read for a few days, "Sanpo? Yishan Nostalgia."

Still the man has the heart. If not, she should not be stupid waiting for him to know when to return.

Zong Zhenglin rushed back to the government at the time of the Hai, only to step into the second door, and saw the orange halo in the main house. The beauty of the woman’s side is cast on the window sill, and the warmth is warm and quiet. Holding a book in his hand, the long eyelashes have fanned, and the silhouette of Jingmei is slightly swaying. The beauty picks the book to read at night, and the six halls waved to ask the defending to prepare hot water.

"Jiaojiao." Simple word, inexplicably called Mu Xiyao to hear the embarrassment.

The man leaned over himself and grabbed her waist. The chin rested in the neck of Mu Xiyao, Zong Zhenglin's lips were close to the ear, and the language was concerned. "Deep in the night, don't sit too long."

The finger holding the scroll trembled, and the itch was picked up from the ear, and he rested on his chest with peace of mind. "Who is going to rob him, and throw it here?"

This is also regardless of? In addition to the food to eat mouth, the warm woman is enthusiasm, and the book is prepared, and the others have become scornful. This woman is ruthless.

"Is there a strange place in the blame?" Turned her body, hugged the man and rested on the leg.

"His Highness, you bully people. You have done a lot of things with you." Mu Xiyao remembered the various dog legs that served on the seven days before, only to feel that he had blinked his eyes, and that he was not black. Unclear, to the deceitful stupid horse before the horse is busy.

"This temple thinks that it is a sweet and willing, sincere and sincere."

Mu Xiyao is a stagnation, and the Nehne language is stuffed. The horse fart is more, and it is easy to reveal the stuffing. What did she say at the time... Yes, "His Royal Highness is just around the corner, and he is tired and more willing."

At this moment, the original form was revealed, and the boss was called to catch it.

"That's why you haven't mentioned it, you have to go through a lot of troubles, what do you do here?" The tone was soft, and it was obvious before it was gone.

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