The Best All-rounder

Chapter 813: Eagle's Promise


That Xingtong told the head of the Xing family what happened.

"Xingli's luck is really good. Why didn't I find out before that he is actually a person with great luck." Xingwangmu glanced at the people in front of him: "You four, start now, After following Xingli, I promised that the four of you will not be less, and following him, you may have more opportunities."

Four Quasi Venerables.

Go talk to Xing Li, a person who has not yet reached the prospective Venerable.

This is the first time this has happened.


Even a star system can't order these quasi-venerable people casually.

Not to mention four.

"Xing Patriarch said so, we will naturally obey." The four of them bowed their hands to Xingwangmu.


They followed the star to the location of the star power.

at the same time.

The news that Xing Li beheaded the third quasi-venerable who became famous also spread.

This made the people of the star family who had just suffered setbacks even more excited.

It can be said.

The Xing family beheaded three outsiders of the divine guard, and the harvest was very large.

But the same.

Qiong Ying and the others have killed more than 40,000 people in the Xing family in revenge.

Three people, for four people.

No matter how you look at it.

It's all about Qiongying and they are more cost-effective.

But actually.

The one who is excited now is the head of the Xing family, and the one who is depressed is Qiongying.

"Another dead one. Could it be that Xing Li is pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger? He has a very strong hole card, why have I never heard of this person before." Qiongying said very angrily.

The first two died, and he always thought it was his own people who made a mistake.

But now.

Even the third person died.

Still the Ironwood King Jungle.

This made him completely understand that it was not his own fault, but the other party's problem.

"It's definitely not a coincidence, we all know that the strength of the people who can get to our point is the same. Although we don't know who the other is, we can be sure that everyone is a quasi-venerable person, and he is a famous genius quasi-venerable. Besides, we people are not only powerful, but also have a lot of cards to save our lives, so even if we are suddenly surrounded by a few people of the same level, it is impossible to kill us. Yes, but this time, three people died. One could be careless, two could be a coincidence, and three people must be a big problem. Either the other party has a lot of terrifying methods, or the other party has Venerable in the team. , and it was Venerable's sudden surprise attack that could cause such damage." Extremely Inflamed Earth Fire analyzed.

these people.

Which one is the funniest?

Now three suddenly died.

There must be a problem.

He is very confident in his own strength. He believes that if other people can't match him, they should not be much worse.

And he.

Even in the face of the Venerable, he has the ability to escape.


Unless the Venerable had been in ambush for a long time and suddenly attacked.

Otherwise, it is impossible to kill them directly.

"That's right, but they can't have a second Venerable in their team. Xingwangmu has just entered the level of Venerable, and our people haven't even issued a communication talisman, which proves that our people , must have been ambushed by the other party, with the blessing of the formation, no one can escape, and now three people in the team died, it is my fault, but I will never allow this kind of thing to happen again." Qiong Ying's eyes Looking at the person below.

"Sir, if you have any decision, just say it."

"From now on, two people will be in groups. People in the same group can know each other's identities, so that your cooperation will be more tacit." Qiong Ying has calmed down completely now.

He can become a candidate for the guardian of the gods, not by luck, but by his own real ability.

Now this is the case.

He understood that he had to calm down.

"No. 2 and No. 4!!"

The extremely fierce fire and the time king Zhonghun came together.

"No. 5 and No. 11!!"

Space Net Falcon and Ghost King have been together ever since.

"No. 6 and No. 9!!"

Gravity King Xiong Yi and Zhen Wang Jixi came together.

"Number 7 is with me."

Dumb Zhou Yu walked to Qiong Ying's side.

"Number 8 and Number 10 together!!"

The Fairy of Light Feiling and the Air Cannon King Ye came together.

"Remember it to me. From now on, the people in your team can know each other's identities and what tasks they have. I will send you a message. You only need to complete your own tasks, and other things. I don’t need you to do it, of course, in order to remedy my previous wrong leadership, I will personally kill Xingli, if I can’t kill Xingli within three days, I will punish myself.” Qiong Ying said directly.

This is the spirit a leader should have.

While asking the people below, he would calmly admit his mistakes, and at the same time he would issue a military order to himself.

people here.

Which one is not a rebellious person.

Usually it's impossible to obey anyone's orders.


When they heard Qiongying's words, they all admire Qiongying very much. Even if Qiongying died in the battle, they would still remember Qiongying's leader.


The people are separated.

"Sir, I don't know your identity Dull Zhou Yu looked at Qiong Ying.

Qiong Ying took off his mask.

"The son of darkness, Qiongying, I didn't expect it to be you!!" Zhou Yu looked at the other in surprise.

"What? Not convinced?" Qiong Ying asked.

"I'm convinced, of course I'm convinced, only someone like you can pass that perverted guard's fifteen missions." Zhou Yu sighed.

"Which number did you fail in?" Qiong Ying asked.

"The fifteenth!!" Zhou Yu said.

"That's not surprising." Qiong Ying said.

"I myself admit that I can't complete it, and within tens of thousands of years, there is no hope at all, but the task of Shenwei can only be done by people under five thousand years at most, so I'm already doomed to fail." Zhou Yu said with emotion.

"It doesn't matter, as long as you have enough stars, you can still be a candidate for Shenwei. Shenzhou is about to change. Although it is a candidate for the time being, maybe one day, the people above will give up." Qiongying is very dissatisfied. said politely.

"Haha!" Zhou Yu laughed loudly: "I borrow your auspicious words."

"Let's go, kill Xingli with me!!" Qiong Ying disappeared after finishing speaking.

at the same time.

The other four teams also got to know each other.

These people are all famous people.

So when they opened their masks, they knew each other.

at the same time.

They all received missions from Qiong Ying.

When they saw the task, they all showed smiles on their faces: "It seems that the lord wants to make a scene."

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