The Best All-rounder

Chapter 814: Eagle's Revenge

The task is very simple: for each team, kill the Xing Family with one big star line, two big leaders, five squadron leaders, 20 small leaders, and the rest of the subordinates are optional.

Mission time: seven days! !

And Qiongying himself gave his team the same task.

Star Force is an additional mission.

Treat everyone equally.

including himself.

For such a person, other people are naturally convinced.

Now these teams are like that.

"Aren't we going to take action?" Qu Xi asked.

Since the last time he beheaded the Tiemu King Jungle, Xia Xian won't let them take any more shots. This time, Xia Xian has sensed the movements of the Shenwei people, but Xia Xian still won't let them move.

"Don't worry, let them fight for themselves first, our purpose is not to kill these men of the guard, but to intensify the contradiction between them, let them act in advance, and at the same time expose the guards, and It's not always hiding in the dark." Xia Xia never thought of killing these people from the very beginning.

"As long as we don't intervene, although the morale of these people in the Xing family is very high, they can't be the opponents of Qiongying and the others." Thirteen knew the strength of Qiongying and the others very well.

And they have also beheaded three people.

Naturally, he understands the strength of those people very well.

Although they had already beheaded the three, they still had no intention of underestimating each other.

These three people.

The first Thunder Tiger.

If it wasn't for summer.

Even if Thirteen can't be taken down in a short period of time, if it is another quasi-venerable person, in the end, he can only escape.

Perceiving Wang Xianlong is even more troublesome.

Not only powerful.

There are also more ways to escape.

A careless one.

When he escaped, they lost all their success that summer.

The third Tiemu King jungle is the most troublesome, and even Xia Xia had to sigh, if it was not in this kind of fire element, but in a jungle, then they would not be able to win the Tiemu King jungle at all. .

to deal with him.

Summer is also the best way to do it.

Fortunately, it was finally done.


The other ten people are not easy to mess with.

It is very troublesome for them to deal with these people in the summer, not to mention the people of the Xing family. Although the people of the Xing family are very cohesive, they are not afraid of death, but when fighting, it is not that they are not afraid of death. OK.

"What do we need to do next?" Qu Xi asked.

"Two tasks, the first is to try to find the Tianshuang Palace Master; the second is to find a way to get the hood back." Xia Xia believed that the hood must be related to taking Yinghuo in the end.

If they can bring the cover back, they will have more chances for themselves.

"There are too many people here. It is very difficult to find the Tianshuang Palace Master here. As for the hood, it is always on Qiong Ying's body. Qiong Ying will definitely carry it close to him, so even if we kill him, it will still be the same. He couldn't break open his storage equipment, and he couldn't get the cover in the end." Thirteen believed that this was simply impossible.

"How can there be so many impossibility, then do you think that there are so many behemoths such as the Three Bamboo Sect and the Xing Family, as well as the Shenwei, Tianshuang Palace Master, can we **** the firefly with them?" Xia Xia asked.


If you rely on data analysis to fight.

It was absolutely impossible for them to defeat these people that summer.

"There's a fight over there," said Diber.

Xia Xia's eyes also turned to Xing Li.

"It's intense." Xia Xia said with emotion.

"This is the breath of the quasi-venerable. There, Xingwangmu arranged some quasi-venerables beside Xingli." Thirteen had already sensed the breath of the quasi-venerable.

"Let's go and see!!" Xia Xia said.

Xingli's team has also been consumed a lot recently. Although he has also gathered some loose cultivators, when those loose cultivators are fighting, they have no overall fighting ability.

It's okay when you bully people at ordinary times.

But it's not enough to deal with the guards of the gods.


They saw two figures.

"The masters of these two masks are Qiong Ying and Zhou Yu!!" Thirteen looked at Xia Xia.

"That's right, it's the two of them. It seems that Qiong Ying took the shot personally this time. He should know that his people made mistakes before, it might not be easy, but he still wants revenge, so he shot it himself." Take a look at the team inside.

There was actually an acquaintance beside Xing Li.


"The hag has actually entered the ranks of the quasi-venerable." Thirteen was stunned when he saw the hag.

"I helped." Xia Xia said.

"Okay!!" Thirteen understood what Xia Xia meant when he heard Xia Xia's words.

However, the few people next to him are also very speechless. To be able to help others become quasi-exalted, probably only Xia Xia has this ability in the entire Shenzhou.

"The other three are not unknown, and they are all slightly famous in the eighth party." Thirteen said.

"Yes." Qu Xi said.

"Qing Ying doesn't seem to have any intention of retreating temporarily." Xia Xia saw that people from the surrounding Xing family had already surrounded him, and some teams were even coming to support from a distance.


Qiong Ying should have failed once and retreated temporarily.

But now.

Qiong Ying was still charging.

"The name Son of Darkness doesn't come for Especially when Zhou Yu is by his side, he doesn't care." Thirteen said with emotion.

Slow Zhou Yu.

at this time.

When Zhou Yu's power of law was used, the speed of those around him all slowed down.

This kind of sluggishness is different from the Tianhan Sword in summer.

The slowness of Tianhan Sword carries the power of the world.

And Zhou Yu's law of slowness is a simple law attack.

Boom! !

"Kill the person behind first." Xing Li was also backing away at this time. He already understood that the person in front of him was coming at him. If he rushed forward, he would be seeking his own death.


He saw it too.

The power of the law of the person behind is very terrifying, making the movements of the people around him slow down a lot.


The endless darkness devoured everything around him: "Do you still think you can survive?"

The son of darkness Qiongying was also completely angry at this moment.

Three of his men were killed.

Of course he wouldn't let it go.

For a moment.

Darkness completely enveloped everything.

All the people on the scene lost their light.

They can't see anything.

Divine Soul can't sense the existence around.

"No, he is about to initially gather the power of the world. We must break open this space, otherwise, we will all die here." A prospective Venerable shouted.

Thirteen also frowned: "They are finished!!"

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