The Best All-rounder

Chapter 953: total rout

"The ancient demon clan he released, plus his power bonus, is infinitely powerful." Hong Feng said with emotion.


at the same time.

Shadow's counterattack came out.

His body moved.

All around is destruction.

If you move casually, even if you don't launch any attack, everything in the radius of millions of miles has been destroyed by the powerful impact.


There is only destruction here.

A strip of tentacles appeared and smashed directly at the people in front of them.


The reaction speed of everyone was also very fast, and they disappeared in the blink of an eye.

They are all dodging quickly.

But the speed of the tentacles is too fast.

And the number of tentacles is also increasing.

From the first ten to twenty, fifty, one hundred, one thousand.


At first, everyone could easily dodge.

But soon.

One by one, the bodies of the people were pumped out.

In the summer, everyone's income one by one into everything.

And use the source of soil to send them away.

at last.

People who can still stand.

It's only summer.

He didn't get hit, not because he was stronger than everyone else, but because his eyes saw through all the opponent's attack rules. Although the attack power of these tentacles is very powerful, the attack trajectory is very obvious, as long as he calculates the attack trajectory in advance , you can easily dodge these attacks.

"I lost!!" Hong Feng said with emotion.

They did their best.

Various means were used.

at last.

Still lost.

Shenwei is really too strong.

"No, not yet," Summer said.

"Is there a way?" Hong Feng asked in confusion.

"The shadow that is completely beastly will eventually enter a weak period, and that weak period is when I clean him up, but in order to make the White Dragon King's men safe, I can't run away directly, but to delay time and let him himself Use up your own strength." Xia Xia said.

"Hold him?" Hong Feng felt very incredible.

"Yes, it is to hold him back. Under normal circumstances, I also think this is impossible, but I just found out that my eyes can calculate all his attack trajectories, and the flower of my sea of ​​consciousness can help me instinctively. Dodge and defend, so there are still opportunities." Xia Xia also understood that in this battle, the key to victory or defeat was on him.

He just procrastinated.

to win.

Although it was a disgraceful win.

But that's how the world is.

King and loser.

Nobody cares how to win.

at this time.

Thirteen and the others looked into the distance.

Although their temporary location is already very far away, they can still feel the terrifying aura coming from the front.

They all understand.

It was Summer who saved them, although they don't know how Summer got them out of here in such a short time.

But they didn't ask much.

Because everyone has their own abilities.

"Why didn't he leave?" Tiger Lord asked inexplicably.

Since Xia Xia has the ability to send them away, then Xia Xia should also have the ability to leave.

"He won't go!!" Thirteen said.

"Why?" White Hammer asked.

"Because the current shadow is in a state of berserk, as long as he can still sense the breath of us, he will destroy us. If he can't sense our breath, then he will destroy everything he can sense. Now The people of the White Dragon King are too close, although there will be no danger for the time being, but if we leave, Ying will be able to sense those immortal beasts sooner or later, and then all those immortal beasts will be dead." Thirteen explained. .

When he heard this, the White Dragon King lowered his head.

He didn't know what to say anymore.

"Actually, it's easy to understand. Xia Xia told me that even Ying himself can't control Ying's state now. After this state is lifted, Ying should be in the weakest state. He is worried that he will be attacked in a weak state. So naturally he has to kill all potential dangers." Thirteen said again.

"Is that as long as we wait until his state is lifted, we will win." Sky King said.

"That's what Xia said." Thirteen said.

"In such a dangerous place, even we can't bear it. How can he survive? No, we have to go and help." The White Dragon King looked forward.

"It's useless. You sent us here in the summer, but you don't want us to go back to support. Your speed is very fast, but it takes at least five days from here to the battlefield, and the five days may be over." Third, although he also has the origin of soil, he respects Xia Xia's choice. Since Xia Xia stayed there and sent these people out, he would never help these people to go there again.

"Don't we just do nothing and watch here?" The White Dragon King is very upset now.

Summer in order to protect his people.

Put yourself in danger.

He also felt that he owed Summer very much at this time.

"Actually, what if we all went there?" Thirteen asked.

That's right.

They escaped from there.

They have already seen how terrifying the power of is after the film is unblocked.

At that time they shot together.

Hit the strongest attack.

They still failed.

"I didn't expect that we are so far away from the summit of Shenzhou." Tie Xin shook his head, although they knew that there was a gap between themselves and Shenwei.

But they didn't expect it.

The difference is so big.

This time, they were crossing the river by feeling the stones.

"At least we haven't lost yet. From the start of the war to now, less than 30 people have been killed or injured, and the other party has died in hundreds of thousands, and two candidates for the guard have died, and six outsiders have died. We can It is said to be a complete victory, and your grandfather has been saved for the time being, but none of us thought that Ying's strength could reach such a terrifying level." Thirteen comforted.

That's right.

Although the shadow is very strong.

But at least.

They are so far.

Haven't lost yet.

"Summer is really a magical existence." Baichuan said with emotion.

That's right.

At this time, everyone also recalled the previous battle.

It can be said.

If there was no summer, Ying would have won long ago.

It was Xia Xia who pushed Yingying to such a level step by step, using this skill of losing both sides.

"We should trust him, because he is good at creating miracles, and he told me that there is no real invincibility in this world, it's just that we haven't found the right way." Thirteen believed in Xia Xia very much.


A communication talisman fell into Tie Xin's hand.

Tie Xin's expression changed when he saw the contents inside.

"What happened?" Thirteen asked.

"My grandfather injured his disciple and ran to the battlefield." Tie Xin's face was a little ugly.

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