The Best All-rounder

Chapter 954: ancient secret

"This is troublesome." Everyone's faces became very ugly.

Their mission this time is to protect Tie Xin's grandfather.


Now Tie Xin's grandfather ran over by himself.

"Find a way to notify Summer!!" Baichuan said.

"It's useless, the communication talisman can't fly, the power there can smash everything, and any communication talisman will be smashed halfway through." Sky King shook his head.

No one knows space better than him.

Thirteen frowned, he could go to inform Xia Tian.

Because he also has the origin of the soil, but the current situation is difficult to figure out. If he is in the past, will he become a burden?

Will it bring more danger to the summer?

"Why don't we kill them back, so that we can take care of them." Tiger Lord suggested.

"Yeah, we are not the kind of ruthless and unrighteous people. He sent us out. If we just ran away like this, it would be too unscrupulous." White Hammer nodded.

Thirteen shook his head. At this moment, he finally understood the purpose of sending him out in the summer.

Xia Xia sent him out, not to make him hesitate, but to dispel the doubts of these people.

He knows Xia's character too well.

If summer needs help from these people.

Those people will be left behind that summer.

He's not the type to be polite to anyone either.

Since summer sends them out.

Then you definitely don't want them to go back.

"Now is not the time to go back, wait!!" Thirteen said directly.

Everyone looked at Thirteen.

"When can I go back?" Tie Xin asked.

"When you need to drink in summer." Thirteen said.

Everyone understands.

Thirteen and summer are the closest here.

Relationships are the best.


Thirteen knows more about summer.

"Are we just doing nothing like this?" Tie Xin asked.

"What can we do when we go?" Thirteen asked rhetorically.


Tie Xin sighed.

He hasn't felt this powerless for a long time.

"Don't sigh, without you, it would be impossible to put the movie into this situation. If we don't force him into this situation, we have no chance of winning. I understand Xia Xia's character. He asked us to wait here. It is to wait until the power of the shadow is exhausted and enter the weak period, that is to say, no matter whether the summer is successful or not, we will win in the end." Thirteen said directly.

That's right.

Shadow now.

I can't control my body anymore.

He just fights instinctively.

This state cannot last long.

After his power is over, it will be his weak period. Don't say that he is a master here, any ordinary person may kill him.

Of course.

Maybe Ying has some trump cards for signing up.

But if these Venerables passed, his cards would be useless.


It can be said now.

They have already won.


The biggest change was that Tie Xin's grandfather passed away.

"It's all for me." The White Dragon King understood that if it wasn't for his people, Xia Xia himself could escape and wait for Ying's power to run out with them.

"This is the summer I know. He made the originally ruthless Shenzhou full of affection. Maybe he can't change Shenzhou alone, but he is changing the people around him." Thirteen said with emotion.

In his opinion.

Summer is a pure land in China.

The only place in China where he could see a little cleaner.

That's right.

They had all heard a little bit about summer before.

But most of them don't quite believe it.

But this time.

When they saw it with their own eyes, they realized that the legend was not only true, but more details were unknown to them.


Shadow's attack is getting faster and faster.

more and more.

His body is also constantly attacking.


The area where the Golden Sword Gate was located was completely destroyed at this time.

"His power is never-ending, I don't know when it will be exhausted!!" Hong Feng said with emotion.

Summer has been dealing with shadows for half a day.

But now.

The movie is still in full swing.

No sign of weakening at all.

On the contrary, in the summer, the side is already tired and almost paralyzed.

"His high-intensity movement has exhausted me too much. If I continue like this, I can't bear it." Xia Xia said helplessly.

He didn't have any time to rest.


Xia Xia is also constantly pulling the battlefield away, keeping Shadow away from the White Dragon King's territory.


The White Dragon King now belongs to his people.

He also didn't want the White Dragon King's people to have an accident.

"This kind of destructive power is too terrifying. With a single blow, it feels like he can destroy a star." Hongfeng and Xia Xia have participated in a lot of battles, and today they have learned what it means to be tough.

Shadow is really strong.


at this time.

Summer suddenly felt the danger.


His body also flew straight up.

A figure flew past behind him and hit Ying!

Ying's huge body was directly knocked back more than ten steps.

"Illusions are all illusions. No matter what kind of inner demon, I just need to destroy it."


Xia Xia saw clearly that that person was Tie Xin's grandfather.

"Damn it, why did this old man come here." Xia Xia came to Jindaomen to protect this old man, but now, this old man actually killed him.

And he actually played such a terrifying power.

Shadow since the beast was completely unblocked.

His power has become extremely terrifying.

But now.

The old man actually knocked him back.

"This old man has woken up since he entered the forest, but he seems to have been stimulated by some kind of stimulation. He always thinks that he is in the world of inner demons, and he is fighting against inner demons." Hongfeng also said very helplessly.

"He is a person who participated in the battle of the immortals, and he has lived for so many years. He hides a huge secret. It is for this secret that Ying also comes to attack the Golden Sword Gate." Xia Xia is also hurrying at this time. recover.

Although he didn't expect Tie Xin's grandfather to appear here.

But for the time being.

Tie Xin's grandfather will not be in danger anymore.

"The ancient demon clan, I didn't expect that this would appear in my inner demon, but it doesn't matter, no matter what it is, I can destroy it, because I am the king of the fairyland, in the fairyland, there is no one who can beat me, no matter it is What kind of inner demon, just destroy it." Tie Xin's grandfather shouted loudly.


Xia Tian gasped proudly: "The two of them hide secrets about the ancient times."

"Look, Ying's body is starting to tremble." Hongfeng said hurriedly.

[Tianquan, fight back! ! 】

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