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Chapter 1018: Recruitment of Celestials

There are more and more people gathered outside. Most of them came to watch the show. After all, 500 billion fairy crystals can’t be taken out by anyone, even those big forces. Impossible to get it out.


They can only watch the fun here.

It is also a long-term experience.

See you outside this way.

They will also understand that this thing is a treasure.


When everyone saw the sixth realm king pill, they all became nervous, as if they were going to **** it next.


The Realm King Pill was directly forcibly purchased by someone.

Immortal Crystal also fell into Xia Xia's hands for the first time.

"It's so fast, these top masters are starting to be faster than others."

"Yeah, what kind of effect does this Realm King Pill have, and why it causes so many masters to **** it, I'm really too curious."

"It should be coming back to life, or a kind of greatly improved strength, otherwise these top masters will not come forward."

All the people on the scene started to speculate.


There are hundreds of different versions here.

They simply blew the realm king Dan to god.

Even Xia Xian almost laughed when he heard those people outside talking about it. These people's imaginations are really rich, and they actually thought of so many effects that even Xia Xia could not have imagined.

"Let them talk, the more intense they talk, the more curious people outside are about this realm king pill. In this case, realm king pill will last forever. Those experts who buy realm king pill will definitely not The news of the realm king Dan will be exposed casually."

Ying likes this scene very much. Although all this has nothing to do with him, he just finds it enjoyable.

this kind of thing.

He had fantasised.

It's a pity that he doesn't have such a top-notch thing as the Realm King Pill.

Naturally, it couldn't have caused such a big stir.


He still felt that summer was very scary, because no matter where he went in summer, it seemed that there would be a very big movement there.

Even places like Heavenly Immortal Hall have become abnormally defying because of the arrival of summer.

This kind of people.

It is destined to be the pride of heaven.

"Seventh." Half an hour later.

The seventh Realm King Pill appeared, and it was also robbed.

that's it.

The latter ones were the same as before, all of them were robbed as soon as they appeared.

There are a lot of quests outside. Those people issue quests, investigate the realm king, and investigate the realm king pill. As long as they get the detailed attributes of the realm king pill, they can get 50 billion immortal crystals.


Those who really know the news all want to keep the news secret. They won't sell the news for 50 billion immortal crystals, and this task has been left vacant.

After ten realm king pills.

A lot of people have gathered outside.

They also want to see how many realm king pills will be brought out here.


After half an hour.

Shops disappeared.

There was no one in there.

Everyone at the scene understood what was going on.

The people inside must have left secretly, that is to say, this time they can only see ten realm king pills, and those who did not grab realm king pills are also very depressed.

There are already a lot of top powers who want to do it. They think that if they buy Jiewang Pill, they can know a huge secret, and they can also sell the news of Jiewang Pill to those outside intelligence agencies. First-hand news, second-hand news, etc., can also earn tens of billions of immortal crystals, so they can be considered big profits.


The opportunity is gone.

Because they don't sell it anymore.

at last.

No one knows who the realm king is and when the realm king will appear.

And this time.

Summer has begun to wander.

With more than five trillion fairy crystals in his hand, he is a rich man.

Now he can buy whatever he wants.

What is the concept of five trillion fairy crystals?

The city lords of those small cities outside can only earn a few million immortal crystals a year, and a little more than tens of millions. They can earn tens of billions of immortal crystals in 10,000 years, and if they want to earn five trillion immortal crystals .

That's five million years.

This number is simply terrifying.

But now.

Summer holds so much wealth in her hands.

"You really made a fortune." Even Ying had to sigh.

"How many fairy crystals do you need for your resurrection?" Xia Xia asked.

"If an ordinary Venerable is resurrected, it needs about one trillion immortal crystals. The stronger the person, the more materials are needed for resurrection, and many materials are almost impossible to buy even in the Tianxian Temple. Although there are more people in the clan, the prices are terrifyingly high, and with my strength, the materials for resurrection are more than ten times higher than ordinary Venerables, or even more." Ying explained.


Xia Xia only now understands why those Venerables are so afraid of death.

They die once.

Not only does it take a long time to recover, but this loss is not something they can easily withstand.

"This number is simply too terrifying. Even Tie Xin's Golden Sword Sect, the wealth accumulated over the years should only be enough to resurrect Tie Xin once." Xia Xia is now a local rich man.

But he also understands.

Outside people, not everyone can have so many immortal crystals.

at this time.

When he was hanging out here, what he heard most was about the realm king Dan and the identity of this realm king.


Celestial Clan also began to issue bounties.

Looking for news about the King of the Realm.

Even find the realm king.

Of course.

written below.

Courtesy! !

"It seems that the people of the Celestial Clan have taken a fancy to you. The existence of the heaven-defying thing like the Realm King Pill, the Celestial Clan also wants to win over, and after such a person enters the Celestial Clan, their status is also very high. If you are high, you can also get countless resources." Ying said teasingly.

"Not I'm moved." Xia Xia said with emotion.


Ying was also taken aback, he was just joking with Xia Xia.

But Xia Tian actually said that he was moved.

This made Ying think of something: "You don't want to take the opportunity to infiltrate the Celestial Clan."

He knew that Xia Xia had always wanted to enter the Celestial Clan.

At this time.

If Xia Xia agrees, then he should be able to enter the Celestial Clan.

"Why not? Do you think I'll miss such a good opportunity?" Xia Tian smiled slightly.

"But once you enter the Celestial Clan, it's impossible for you to come out. The Celestial Clan people's control of talents is very unbelievable. Although they will give you all the favorable treatment, status and status, if you usually want to If you want to leave the Celestial Clan, there will be a group of people following you, both openly and secretly, you will lose your freedom."

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