The Best All-rounder

Chapter 1019: horror of eyes

That's right.

The people of the Celestial Clan are very domineering. If Xia Xia went to the Celestial Clan, and one day, Xia Xian wanted to leave the Celestial Clan, it would be impossible. If the Xia Xia insisted on leaving, the Celestial Clan would rather destroy Xia Xia than let it go. left in summer.

That's the way the Celestials do things.

The Celestial Clan does not allow its own people to leave and betray.

"I know, so I'm not going now, but when I need it." Xia Xia's meaning is very simple, that is, in the time of thousands of years of catastrophe, use this method to infiltrate the Celestial Clan.

Before, he had been thinking about how he would enter the Celestial Clan in the future.

If it is said to be in, it is impossible. He was killed before he got close to the Celestial Clan.

If you get in, there is no possibility, the guards of the Celestial Clan are so strictly controlled.

But now.

He has a chance.

He didn't break in or sneak in, but was invited in by these people.


This is a good opportunity for summer.

"You are really brave, but aren't you afraid that they will really study the realm king pill? In that case, wouldn't you be useless?" Ying reminded.

"It doesn't matter, first, it's absolutely impossible for them to develop a real world king pill; second, even if they develop an imitation product, it won't have my effect; third, I still have a great realm king. Dan." A smile appeared on Xia Tian's face.


When hearing this.

Shadow understands.

It's my own overthinking.

Summer is always incomparable to him.

"Okay, so don't you need to think about those now?" Shadow asked.

"Of course, these are for the future. Let them study the realm king pill. If they don't study it, who will my realm king pill be sold to in the future? The more people who study it, the better my realm king pill will sell. , If they don't study it, then the value of the realm king pill is not worth 500 billion immortal crystals." Xia Xia knew very well that although the effect of the realm king pill was good, a realm king pill would have no effect at all.

Ten thousand points of the power of the law.

It's not worth 500 billion immortal crystals.

"Haha, yes." Ying said with a big laugh.

"Seeing you, I also feel a lot younger." Di Inspiration said.

He felt that the summer reminded him of his youth. At that time, he was also very motivated, full of curiosity about the future, and constantly moving forward for his own goals.

Shadow has lost her freedom now.

But Yingying's excited look when he sees a good performance in the summer is also very interesting.

"Senior Earth Spirit, have you decided where to go in the future?" Xia Xia asked.

"No." Earth Spirit said.

"I've already thought about it. Before I go to the Celestial Clan, I will find a way to help you two get out of my place. The shadow is easy to handle. I just need to open all the seals on him, and then find a way to find him a good body. , or kill him directly, he can be resurrected himself, and I will find a way in your situation." Xia Xia said.

"It's so fast, four years!" Inspiration said.

He really didn't think about where he was going to go in the future.


Shenzhou no longer belongs to him.

There is no place for his burial here.

"Actually, I haven't waited enough. Although I have lived for a long time, in your world, I really feel what is called happiness and enmity, what is called fairyland." Ying said with emotion.

"You have helped me for so long, I will definitely let you go, whether you want to go or not, I will let you go, although you will not be able to return to Shenwei by then, but I will leave you something, you The road in the future should also be much easier to walk, and when that time comes, if Senior Earth Spirit has nowhere to go, then let Senior Earth Spirit follow you." Xia Xia said.


"It sounds like I want to separate now." Ying said with emotion.

At the beginning, when he was arrested by Xia Xia, he was very unwilling, and even thought about taking revenge on Xia Xia in the future, but now, he has no such thoughts at all.

He even felt that following Xia Xia, he could see more clearly what the world was like.

"There are still four years, take your time, maybe, in these four years, I can let you see more." A smile appeared on Xia Xia's face.


It is much busier now than before.

Because of his Realm King Dan, the number of people here has changed a lot.

There are also more people strolling back and forth.

"There are also people who sell space-time treasure chests." In the summer, he saw a store next to it, which sold space-time treasure chests.

Ten in total.

It is not easy to get so many space-time treasure chests.

"Of course there are, but the ones that really sell a lot are in the territory of the Celestial Clan, where the Celestial Clan people's trading market is, where good things often appear, and there are more space-time treasure chests, but the Celestial Clan people Things are more expensive than outside, so everyone is more willing to buy things here rather than inside, but it is still okay to stroll around in the Celestial Clan." Ying reminded.


Summer has also passed.

His eyes instantly turned to the ten treasure chests in front of him.

"What?" Ying was completely stunned: "You can even see through the space-time treasure chest, which is a mixture of various laws and the power of space-time."

Although he had reminded himself many times before.

No matter how surprised Xia Xia was, he shouldn't be too surprised.

But at this time.

when he saw it all.

He still can't control it.

"It's amazing!!" Summer smiled slightly.

" I really can't believe all this, and now I even feel that you will kill me in the future." Ying said jokingly.

"It's not enough to be silent, because no one will believe you when you say this, and my eyes are far more terrifying than you think. After you left me, you didn't even dare to think about my eyes. "Summer is no joke.

but true.

After Ying leaves the forest, he will be suppressed by Xia Xia's eyes, and Ying's own soul will seal this part of the memory for self-protection, even if Xia Xian does nothing.

He also couldn't remember anything about Xia Tian's eyes.

That's why he dared to let him see all this without any hesitation.

"Okay, then I can cherish these four years now, and I won't see such a shocking thing in the future." Ying said.

"There's nothing good in these ten time-space treasure chests. Let's go to Tianzu to see. I hope they don't disappoint me there. Maybe, I can make a lot of money in it." A smile appeared on Xia Xia's face. .

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