The Best All-rounder

Chapter 1053: suicide escape

"Heavenly people, you have been fooled, this time you can't run away."

A loud shout appeared.

"Brother Xiaoma, Master!!!" Xia Xia had already seen who the two people in front of him were. Before, he was thinking, where are these two people hiding, and now he finally understands.

His father had left a hole card.

But what he didn't understand was.

How did his father know that someone would follow him and kill him.

If it wasn't for him, the Celestials wouldn't be able to find him so easily.

"What?" Tian Chao's face at this time was also very ugly.

Although the strength of Xiao Ma and Yin Nie is not a big threat to him.

But he didn't know.

He must now subconsciously believe that they were calculated by Tianlong, and everything that appears may be very terrifying.



With just one word from Brother Ma, his fear was raised again.

"The courage of the Celestials is really small." Xia Xia felt very speechless at this time. The courage of the Celestials really made him feel speechless.

"Ten of you, go over and stop two of them for me." Tian Chao immediately ordered.

Right now he.

The first reaction is to let his own hands go to death.

Then buy yourself time to escape.


He turned and ran away again.


Under the ground, some fairy beasts climbed out again.

"What kind of ability is this, and what did Tianlong do?" Tianran was completely panicked when he saw the immortal beasts that climbed out.

he feels.

I have been surrounded.

Enemies are everywhere.

There are fairies everywhere.

"These immortal beasts are not as strong as those summoned by my father, but now Tianchao subconsciously has determined that the immortal beasts are the same as before." Xia Xia secretly said in his heart.

"Your father made full use of his fear, and now he has no courage to fight. People like him are destined to be eaten by your father a little bit." Hongfeng said with emotion.

This mess.

In fact, if you really want to run.

You can commit suicide now.

He committed suicide here.

It is completely possible to go back and be reborn.

But he was reluctant to commit suicide.

It was his hesitation that made him miss the best chance to escape.

"Do you have any idea? Hurry up!!" Tianran looked at Xia Xia.

Before the summer, he had been able to think of a good idea for him. Now, he is also thinking about whether he can give him a good idea in the summer.

"I have three ways, you see which one you choose." Xia Xia said.

"Come on." When Tianran heard the three methods, his eyes lit up.

this time.

He really has no choice.

There are three options for summer.

Of course he wanted to hear it.

"First, to kill back, you don't need to kill Tianlong, you just need to break through there. Anyway, the front is the formation you arranged, just kill the old guy in Kunming Cave and get rid of the old guy in Kunming Cave. Even if the old guy is angry, he won't dare to touch you." Xia Xia said.

His method is actually the best.


First-class Celestials.

No one wants to kill, and doesn't want to cause that trouble.

"Continue." Tianran said.

"The second way is to kill the two people just now. Although the two of them also have a lot of immortal beasts, as long as they break through, there should be no reinforcements behind them. At that time, they will break through and call for help. That's it." Summer said.

"anything else?"

"The last way is to take a detour now. It is definitely the safest for the time being, but I'm worried that he has other ambush. You will need your subordinates to help us block it, and then we will take the opportunity to escape." This method in summer It's the worst, because this method is sending chaos to death.

But he was very clear.

Chaos is too scared to die.

He didn't even dare to face his father, brother Ma and others.


Tian Chao will definitely choose the third method.

"Let's do the third way." Tianran said.


The method he chose was the third one that Xia Tian said.

Road to death.

Since he wanted to die himself, Xia Xia naturally wouldn't be polite.

He knew his father very well.

Since his father had arranged for Brother Xiao Ma and his master to block the way, it proved that the other two directions, no matter which direction they ran, would eventually lead to a dead end.

"You give me time to delay!!" Tianran shouted loudly.

that's it.

They started rushing fast.

But soon.

below the ground.

One after another fairy beasts appeared.

These immortal beasts seem to be hidden here in advance.

Come out now.

All are direct raids.

"Block them!!" Tianran shouted loudly.


He can destroy these fairy beasts easily, but the fear in his heart is too great, he just wants to run away now, even if it is the most common fairy beast, he doesn't want to attack.

He worries.

This will delay his escape time.

"Damn, these immortal beasts are everywhere here." Tianran frowned.

Although he had been reminded before summer.

But when he actually encountered it, it still made him feel very troublesome.

"Don't worry, these immortal beasts have also been summoned, and there will definitely be a limit on the number." Xia Xia reminded.


"Go ahead, if you find a fairy beast, you will intercept it for me." Tianran shouted loudly.

that's it.

Occasionally there are fairy beasts behind.

His men also continued to intercept.

He is constantly running.

The original team of hundreds of people.

After a day of raiding, only fifteen remained.

Others are dead, and those who are left behind are left behind.


Among these fifteen people, excluding Xia Xia, there are ten Venerable-level masters.


This team is still very bad.

"That's not right, my lord, we have been running for so long, and we are still running at full speed. Why didn't we run out of the Kunming Cave, and we had almost no defensive measures, but we were not poisoned." Someone finally found the problem .


Tianluan frowned: "What's going on? The range of Kunming Cave is full of poisonous gas and poison. We have never been defensive, and it is impossible to have no problems."

"Sir, let's stop and take a look first, it seems strange!!" said the third-class Celestial Clan man.

"It can't be stopped, Tianlong and Tianqiu are chasing after them. If they stop, after they kill them, it will be troublesome." Xia Xia had already discovered that there was a problem, but he didn't say it.

Now if this team stops.

They will soon find problems too.

Summer doesn't want them to wake up so early.

"Continue, you can't let Tianlong and the others catch up." Tianluan heard that Tianlong and Tianqiu would catch up.

Also gave up staying.

Continue on his path to death.

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