The Best All-rounder

Chapter 1054: road to death

Keep going!

Although the two Celestial Clan people have a lot of doubts now, the first-class Celestial Clan people have the final say in this team, so the orders given by the first-class Celestial Clan people are the most important.


that's it.

In the end, only eleven people remained in their team.

Those below the Venerable have only summer left.

"Sir, we haven't run out yet, let's change direction!!" Someone suggested.

They have been running for so long, and the surrounding situation has not changed much.

"We have almost no danger on this road now. If we change the direction, it is very likely that there will be new dangers. At that time, no one will come to our team to separate, and once discovered by those fairy beasts, Tianlong will also Just found us." Summer reminded.

He certainly couldn't make these people change direction or stop.

Because they have now jumped into a natural formation.

If they change direction, then they will find the problem.

Then they will stop.

The purpose of consuming them that summer would no longer exist.

"Can't stop." As soon as Tianran hears the name Tianlong now, he will have fear, and he is worried that Tianlong will catch up.

At the beginning, when so many of his subordinates were there, he would feel fear.

Now there are only a few of his men left.

Then he was even more afraid of Tianlong.

Lots of people.

He is justified.

Now that there are few people, the only option is to run away.

He has come this far.

If you change direction and are discovered by Tianlong, you will lose more than you gain.

Those Venerables are now looking at Xia Xia with resentment, especially the two Celestial Clan people, they really want to kill Xia Xia.

They seem to have felt that it is not the way to continue running like this.

but now.

The first-class Celestial Clan only listens to the summer.

He also only believes in summer.

"These idiots, they still don't understand, Tianran is very good face, even if he knows he is wrong, he will not admit it, and Tianran doesn't like others to fight against him, especially his own subordinates, so He doesn't like to listen to honest words. When I first started helping him, everything was right, and he trusted me very much. Moreover, he was very sensitive to the words "Tianlong" and "Tianqiu", even fearful. Then as long as I say these two names when he hesitates, he will definitely have fear." Xia Xia has already grasped the weakness of this chaos.

It can be said.

No matter how calm the chaos is.

But at this moment.

Fear has completely controlled the chaos, although his strength is still strong, but now even an ordinary person appears in front of him and shouts: chaos, you have been tricked.

That would make the whole body tremble with fright.


Just as they were attacking, a huge fairy beast suddenly appeared in front of them.

"You two block him." Tianran shouted loudly.

The two Heavenly Clan guards at the venerable level rushed over like this, directly blocking the front of the fairy beast.


They continued to run.

Another two days of running.

"My lord, the situation is definitely not right," a third-class Celestial Clan member shouted.

"What's wrong?" Tianran asked.

"From the very beginning, we didn't seem to be in the range of Kunming Cave. This is not in line with the rules. Normally, even if we are running at full speed, we will not be able to escape the range of Kunming Cave in a day or two. ." The third-class Celestial Clan said.

"Maybe we were in a hurry at the time, so we didn't notice it!" Tianran said.

"No, my lord, we are already paying attention to everything here, there is definitely something wrong," said the third-class Celestial Clansman.

"Ghost shadow, how do you feel?" Tianran still believes in summer.


Xia Xia nodded slightly: "It should be safe here for the time being, I see that several adults are tired, so let everyone rest, and then we will observe the surrounding situation and see if we can find a way to send out the messenger. ."

"Yes!" Tianran nodded, and then pointed to the other two: "You two, try in different directions to see if you can release the messenger, and come back in half an hour."


Tian Chao sent two people out.

Now, there are only seven people left in his team.

"I'll go check it out," Xia Xia said.

"You two, protect the ghosts." Tianran also sent two people to protect Xia Xia again.

He does so.

On the one hand, he is worried that something will happen in the summer, so he has no hope.

on the other hand.

He was also worried that Summer would run away by himself.

"My lord, he was here just now, so it's inconvenient for me to say more. In fact, I've always felt that there is something wrong with him," said the third-class Celestial Clansman.

"What's the problem?" Tianran asked.

"Don't say anything else, let's just say that when you were fighting, he kept watching and said nothing. He couldn't help at all, and I always felt that the eyes that Tianlong looked at him were wrong." The third-class Celestial Clan said.

"You, just love to think. At that time, the two of us were communicating with the soul. If it wasn't for him, it would be very difficult for me to deal with the enmity, and because of his existence, Tianlong missed many times, so Tianlong would Look at him with that kind of eyes." Tianran thought that the third-class Tianzu wanted to say something.


This is what the third-class Celestial Clan people finally said.

These things.

He knows it better than anyone.

"It's still not right. At that time, we had to stop to check the situation, and he wouldn't let him say anything." The third-class Celestial Clansman said again.

at the very beginning.

If he said this directly.

Chaos may also hesitate.

But because the pertinence of his first sentence is so strong.

This made Tianran take his words as a complaint.

So he directly comforted: "I asked him to say something, and it was I who asked him to find a way to help me avoid Tianlong, so his later thoughts were to help me avoid Tianlong."

"Sir, we still have to guard against it!!"


"We have to go." The three of them suddenly rushed over in the Let's go, are you still going? We've been running for so long, should we run? "The third-class Celestial Clan man also shouted very unhappily.

"Tianlong is catching up." Xia Xia said.


"Nonsense, we didn't sense it, can you sense it? Don't use the name of Tianlong to scare us, I want to see where he is." The third-class Celestial Clan man snorted heavily .


He has been completely intolerable summer.

"Tianchao, do you think I will let you go? Dare to stop!!"

At this moment, a loud shouting voice appeared.

When they heard this voice, everyone's expressions changed.

"You guys, stay and stop Tianlong!" Tianran looked at the third-class Celestial Clan.

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