The Best All-rounder

Chapter 1646: problem occurs

Hearing Xia Xia's words, the two of them also looked at the box. It was because Xi Batian opened the box just now that so many Zerg rushed out.

So what is this box?

When their eyes looked over, they were all stunned: "Asgard?"

"No, this can't even reach the lowest level of Asgard, but this..." Xi Batian frowned. The box in front of him had the internal structure of an Asgard.

"Do not!"

Xia Xia shook his head: "The overall internal capacity is not small, but the power inside has been exhausted. This should be specially used to accommodate Zerg, similar to Asgard, but it is not perfect, it seems to have just been researched. "

His power of observation is terrifying.

At a glance, you can see the problem inside.

When hearing this.

Xi Batian looked at the enchanting girl: "You are a priest of the Celestial Clan, you have to report this kind of thing!!"

"It must be reported. If you don't figure out such a serious problem, Shenzhou will be in danger." The enchantress is very serious. Now they have found such a box. What if they didn't find it?

How many such boxes will China have?

Once these boxes are opened.

Ordinary Shenzhou people are not their opponents at all, and they can also eat Shenzhou's aura and immortal power to evolve.

By the time.

China is really dangerous.

"If a large number of such boxes really appear in Shenzhou, it will be a disaster!!!" Xi Batian is very aware of the horror of these Zerg.

It is also clear what kind of disaster these Zerg will bring to China.

"What's going on with these Zerg? Normally, with the existence of the ancient battlefield, it's impossible for these Zerg to break into Divine State!!!" The enchantress has already passed on the situation here.

But she still didn't understand.

How did these zerg get in?

"They didn't break into China, they were brought into China!!!" Xia Xia said.


This sentence.

Both of them were dumbfounded.

Was it brought into China by humans?

"What do you mean, there are humans who brought the Zerg into China and want to destroy China!!!" Xi Batian asked incredulously.

This self-destruction method is really insane.

"It can be seen from the situation here that the people who brought the Zerg to Shenzhou deliberately put the box in this kind of place, because few people usually come here, and the Zerg will not expose themselves for the time being. The boxes are scattered all over China, which are inaccessible places, and after a period of time, even if no one opens the box, the Zerg inside will break open the box by themselves, and then they will climb out from all corners of China.” Xia Xia You might have guessed what the other party was thinking.

"If this is really the case, how much hatred does this person have for Shenzhou!!" Xi Batian said with emotion.


"This is a game of perishing together. If it really goes on like this, after millions of years, tens of millions of years, Shenzhou may no longer exist. At that time, that human will also die. Is it the heaven or the spiritual world? The descendant of yours has come to take revenge?" Yaoji frowned, and then she shook her head: "The descendants of the heaven and the spirit world are probably all in control, each of them is very stable, and did not do this kind of thing. It is possible, and they are almost all under surveillance and have no chance to do this kind of thing."

I understand this in summer.

turn out to be.

Shenzhou does not believe in the top figures from the heavenly and spiritual worlds.

For example.


Greedy wolf!

These are all people who have come out of the spiritual realm, people with representative meaning.

"It seems that something has happened this time. There are people who help the Zerg, and he must be a big man who can bring this kind of thing out of the ancient battlefield." This is what Xi Batian is most worried about.

The ancient battlefield is not free to enter and exit casually.

people who can get in and out.

All are the best.

For example.

People like him.


Even someone like him needs to go through a door to get in and out.

If there are Zerg to follow.

will be discovered as soon as possible.

"This kind of box should have the ingredients of Asgard, so when he passes through that gate, he won't be found, but he must not bring too much out at one time, otherwise he will be found, so it is much easier to investigate. ." Yaoji felt that it would be difficult to investigate who brought it out.

But I want to investigate who has been in and out of the ancient battlefield more often recently.

It's easier.

The Celestial Clan will get in touch with the Venerable Temple as soon as possible.

Find this person, and send someone to find all the boxes scattered in Shenzhou.

"How is it? Has the ancient sycamore tree been found?" Xia Tian asked.

"It's not that easy. I can only try my luck this time. If it doesn't work, I'll wait until after the Tianlong incident!!!" Xi Batian shook his head.

Summer squatted down.

Touched on the ground: "Can you use skyfire?"

"I will use almost all the flames in the including mutant flames, but I can't use specific flames. Heavenly Fire is one of the specific flames!!!" Xi Batian said.


Summer fingers are a little above the ground.

The law of the day.


The flames under the ground were instantly pulled out by him.

Break the sky!

"This is Phoenix Skyfire!!!" A smile appeared on Xi Batian's face.

He searched for so long without finding any clue.

As a result, now summer has actually found a clue.

"That direction!!" Xia Tian pointed forward.

Xi Batian instantly disappeared in place.

"You have helped him a lot. If it weren't for you, he might not have the chance in his life." The enchanting girl said with emotion.

"Meeting is fate!!!" Xia Xia said.

"His strength has improved. For you, it may be a devastating blow. After all, in the future, he will be the great power of the Celestial Clan!!!" Yaoji reminded.

"The Celestial Clan is so strong, one more of him is not much, and one less of him is not a lot." Xia Xia didn't care about this at all.

According to his understanding.

If confronted with Tianzu head-on.

There is absolutely no way he could win.


He kills one or two potential enemies now, which is of no use to the overall situation in the future.

The Celestial Clan does not lack one or two masters.

Even someone like Haotian.

There is no shortage of Heavenly Clan.

"That's not right!!!" The enchantress also squatted down, and her eyes looked into the depths of the flame. At this time, there was a huge crack under the flame, and the crack was full of boxes, and the box just now was Exactly the same.

Inside are the kind of boxes that hold the Zerg.



tens of thousands.

"Something happened!!"

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