The Best All-rounder

Chapter 1647: confrontation

so many boxes.

How many zerg are there?

"I want to notify the people of the Celestial Clan to come here. If things go on like this, something big will happen!!!" Yaoji glanced at Xia Xia. He wanted to tell Xia Xia to leave here first, otherwise, Xia Xia would meet a large number of Celestial Clan people.

A war is certainly unavoidable.

"I don't need to avoid you people from the Celestial Clan!!!" Xia Xia has already escaped enough, and now he doesn't want to escape.

Although there will be a lot of Celestial Clan people coming.

But that doesn't mean he's going to run.


"I won't do it casually, but if they make me uncomfortable, I will kill them all!!" Xia Xia looked at the Zerg below.

He is also curious now.

what on earth is it.

The investigation ability of the Celestial Clan people must be stronger.


If the Celestial Clan people dared to force him, he wouldn't mind killing a group first.


The enchantress sighed, she could imagine that there would be a big battle next, but she didn't understand, where did Xia Xia's confidence come from, and dared to confront the Celestial Clan people head-on.


Haotian's seal had been broken before the summer.

It can be seen from this point.

Summer should be something to do.

some means.


Means do not represent absolute strength.

"Are you afraid?" Xia Tian asked.

"I'm worried about you!!" Yaoji shook her head.

She felt that Xia Xia didn't know what to do, she was obviously protecting him, but Xia Xia didn't appreciate it at all.

"You are a Celestial Clan priest, don't worry about your Celestial Clan people, don't you think it is strange that I am on the Celestial Clan's must-kill list?" Xia Xia asked.

"It's not because you're special that I'm curious!!" The enchantress complained.

"Don't be obsessed with brother, brother is just a legend!!!" Xia Xia said solemnly.


The enchantress curled her lips: "I'll see how you end."

She has already passed the news back to the Celestial Clan as soon as possible. The High Priest attaches great importance to the situation here, and brought people here in person. The Celestial Clan was the first to know about such a big matter, and must immediately understand the situation and solve the problem. , and obtain certain benefits.

This time things have been dealt with.

For Heavenly Clan.

Very important.

"Don't blame me for not reminding you, the High Priest personally led the team here." Yaoji reminded.


"It's just right, it's time to declare a war head-on, otherwise, wouldn't they take me Xia seriously too much." Since Xia Xia already knew that the Celestial Clan was plotting against his father, he must attract the Celestial Clan's attention.

Differentiate the battle power of the Celestial Clan.

Let SkyClan make him a target.


His father had a chance.

"You are playing with fire!!" The enchantress said with emotion.

"I also want to take this opportunity to have a good touch with the Celestial Clan. Of course, if they reveal flaws, I will definitely kill a high priest to play!!" Xia Xia said with great interest.

The enchantress shook her head: "You, you still don't understand what the high priest represents. If a high priest dies, there will be many people buried with him."

"Really? Then let the entire Celestial Clan be buried with you!!!" Xia Xia said very leisurely.

at this time!

Xi Batian, who had just left, has also rushed back: "What's going on?"

"You can see for yourself!!" Yaoji reminded.


When Xi Batian looked over, he was also taken aback: "How could this happen."

"The High Priest of the Celestial Clan is bringing people here, and the Venerable Temple also knew about this incident and sent people here. In addition, they have already investigated the people who have come and gone recently, and all the experts have been investigated, and they did not bring a large number of similar temples. The people who came out!!" Yaoji didn't understand what was going on.

They have investigated very clearly.

But still no information.


This time things are not easy.

"The high priest is here?" Xi Batian glanced at Xia Xia next to him.

"Yeah, the one who led the team here also knows that Xia is here," said the enchantress.

Xi Batian glanced at Xia Xia: "Mr. Xia, you are also kind to me. If it wasn't for you, I would not have found the clue. Now I advise you to go!!!"

"Why?" Summer asked.

"The High Priest has always wanted to kill you. Now that he personally leads the team, he will definitely not let you go." Xi Batian reminded.

"Isn't that better?" Xia Tian smiled.

"Forget it, you can't say anything about him!!!" The enchanting girl glanced at Xi Batian.

"It will be very troublesome to stay here!!!" Xi Batian said.

"If there is trouble, just solve it. Any trouble, as long as it is solved, it will no longer be trouble." Xia Xia said.

"It would be nice if I was as domineering as you when I was young." Xi Batian shook his head.

"Beyond one's own ability!!" The enchanting princess thinks that Xia Xia may have some ability, but next he has to face the team led by the high priest of the Celestial Clan, which is not enough.

But to really face the challenge.

at this time.

The flames below kept pouring out.

Those boxes seemed to melt at any moment.

"If it goes on like this, it won't take all the boxes will be broken open, and the Zerg inside will also rush out." Xi Batian said with emotion.

"Such a strong flame, when the Zerg comes out, it will also be swallowed by the flame!!!" The enchantress believes that this method of breaking through is self-defeating.

"No, the power of the flame is weakening, that is to say, when the box is broken open, there will be almost no flames left. Even if there is a little left, leaving some Zerg to resist the flames is enough for others. The Zerg rushed up." Xia Xia explained.

He has already calculated.

The flame here.

It is also calculated by others.

"Well calculated, who did this!!" Yaoji believes that this is definitely fully prepared.

that's it.

They have been here to observe the situation.

And the mighty Celestial Clan team.

Has come too.

The Celestial Clan team that came this time.

There are hundreds of people.

There are Celestial Guardians.

Celestial Warrior.

Killer Squad.

Celestial battle priest.

And the high priest who led the team.

That high priest is the one I saw before the summer.

at this time.

When he looked at the summer, he had a different feeling. In the past, when he looked at the summer, he seemed to be looking at an ant.


He looks at summer time.

But it seems to be looking at an enemy.

First of all, this is a recognition of summer.

"Meet again!!!" The high priest came up like this.

The masters behind him all followed.

"High Priest, I think, let's deal with the following things first!!" The enchantress wanted to divert the attention of the High Priest.

"Two things can be handled together."

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