The Best All-rounder

Chapter 1769: hidden silence

In the sea of ​​knowledge.

"It seems that my sister is really protecting you. Last time, in order to protect me, the tattoo has disappeared, leaving only a faint trace. Now I understand that the reason why the tattoo disappeared so quickly at that time, It's because my sister is guarding your sea of ​​consciousness and quietly sealing the voiceless heart demon!!!" Hongfeng explained.

"Soundless Heart Demon, doesn't he only have one seed left?" Xia Xia was also very surprised.

The silent heart demon at that time.

It should have completely dissipated.

He used the particularity of the sea of ​​​​knowledge to protect the last trace of the soulless soul of the voiceless heart demon.

But even relying on the sea of ​​​​knowledge, it is difficult for the voiceless demon to recover.

But now.

A complete divine soul was actually sealed here, and he didn't know it.

"If I guessed correctly, it should be Wuyin who hid his soul in the brokenness of his inner demon, which means that he has been eyeing you for a long time!!" Hongfeng explained.

"I finally understand the purpose of my father's going to the Blood River Valley. He is not for any treasure, but to take the opportunity to kill Wuyin, because he has already guessed what Wuyin's purpose is." Xia Xia now understands whether his father has I want to protect him.

Although his knowledge of the sea is a secret.

But his father knew the secret.

The huge secret contained in the silent fall should be this.

"I was also curious at the time, why the tattoo disappeared as soon as I used it, leaving only this faint mark. Now I finally understand that the tattoo my sister gave me has a strong sealing ability." Xia Xia said with emotion.

"How to deal with him?" Hong Feng asked.

"Since this moth has been discovered, then seal him first, and then clean up after I deal with Jumang!!" Xia Xia hated most of this kind of people who played tricks with him.

He doesn't care who Silent is.

There were so many cows back then.

Since you dare to smack him, you will have to suffer the consequences.


"Then I'll seal him first!!" Hongfeng quickly reinforced the seal.

Summer here.

The sentence mang of the five clones is hard to guard against.

Although Jumang has played against Wuyin, this is more changeable than Wuyin's ability. Although Xia Xia's realm does not have Wuyin's pitch, the ability of his five clones is more powerful than that of Wuyin back then.


Jumang's attack came over.

It was directly blocked by the clone of Xia Si.

When fighting, Shas is more about defense.

Although his fighting ability is also very strong, his defense is stronger, especially now that he can grow with Xia Xia.

Tenth-level emperor-grade thousand silk beast.

It is already the highest level in Shenzhou, a level that others can't see at all.

But now.

He can continue to improve, that is to say, he will surpass all the thousand silk beasts recorded in the past.

"Damn, I don't believe I can't hit you!!" Jumang's attack came over.

A trace of sneak attack power hit Xia Xia's body.

He wasted a lot of effort and finally succeeded.

But he didn't know that this was Xia Xia's intention to let him succeed. When his strength hit Xia Xia, it was directly absorbed by the realm king Jue Dantian.

Transformed into pure power and entered into all things.

"What we hoped for has finally happened. Now the vast world is already a separate world that can accommodate power. Now, if you fight against any master, if you are exhausted, we can consume each other to death! !" Hong Feng said excitedly.

Can others hit dozens of Star Breaker strikes?

In summer, it can be played tens of thousands, or even 100,000 times.

This is the gap.

If the other party keeps instilling power in him like this, he will produce more and more power.

"Master, he has been retaining his strength, I suspect that he wants to kill with one blow!!" Xia Si reminded.


"It is possible that he is the strongest attacking among the six great kings, but since the beginning of the fight to the present, apart from his attack on Qiqiongzhimu, he has never made any decent attack!! !" Xia Xia also saw that this sentence was very clever.

When he fights, unlike other fairy beasts, he fights by instinct and fights frantically.

But it always seemed to be calculating something.

Although Xia Xia couldn't tell what he was calculating, Xia Xia still had to be careful.

"He thinks that we must be in a hurry than him, so he is waiting for us to take the first shot and attack us when we reveal our flaws!" Hongfeng reminded.

"In this case, then we can deliberately sell a flaw to him!!" Xia Xia said.

"If it's an ordinary battle, this method is very useful, but judging from his current performance, he should be very shrewd, even more shrewd than humans, we can get here, and he knows that we are not simple, so even if it is exposed Weakness, I am afraid he will not take the bait, and may even use this flaw to launch an unexpected attack!!" Hongfeng thinks that if the flaw is revealed now, the chance of the opponent being able to be attacked is very low.

And once this method is exposed the other party will be more vigilant.

"Then we can only reveal the flaws later when the machine is turned off." On Xia Tian's side, Tu Ling's attack was very fast.

Since Xia Xia gave him control of this avatar, he has been obsessed with cultivation and self-breakthrough every day. When fighting together, he seems to be dying.

He cherished the opportunity to fight very much.

Because he knows.

This is the opportunity that summer gave him.

If it weren't for Summer, he would never have the chance to fight again in his life, let alone the chance to reunite with the source of the earth.

"War of attrition, he must not have imagined that we have all kinds of things, so in the war of attrition, we deliberately pretended to be weak, and when the flaws are revealed, he will definitely take the bait!!" Hongfeng reminded.


Breaking Star Strike!

Xia Xia nodded slightly, and then launched his own attack. Since there is already a routine, he will attack according to the routine.

boom! boom!

Breaking Star Strike!

that's it.

Xia Xia attacked again and again, and every time the angle was very good, plus five clones helped him create opportunities.

You can hit the sentence mang head-on every time.

Seeing that Jumang couldn't escape, he could only fight back.

The two broken stars collided continuously.

After colliding fifty times, Xia Xian was a little out of breath; although Jumang was also consumed, it was obviously less than Xia Xian.

It can be seen from this.

There is still a gap between the two on the realm.

"I'm coming too!!" The enchantress saw that Xia Xia was fighting for consumption. Although she didn't understand what Xia Xia wanted to do, she also joined the ranks of fighting for consumption.

"It seems that the opportunity is coming!!" Xia Xia felt that Jumang was also consuming.

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