The Best All-rounder

Chapter 1770: war of attrition

Summer and Enchantress are consumed at the same time.

This gave Jumang no chance to breathe.

Before, because of his physical toughness, he had plenty of time to recover when he played against Xia Xia, but now, he has no time to recover after two fights.

"I'm coming too!!!" Qiqiongzhimu saw that this method was easy to use.

He followed suit.

This made Jumang's pressure even more.

Now you can see the difference between helping and not helping.

In the territory of other immortal beast clan, those immortal beast kings will have a lot of subordinates, and these subordinates still play a great role at critical times. For example, now, if he has a few powerful subordinates, although he may not be able to beat the enchantress. And Qiqiong Zhimou, but at least it can hold Qiqiong Zhimou and the enchanting princess.

That way he can get a chance to rest.

I used to do it once, but now I need to do it three times.

This is very laborious.

"It's interesting, do you three think that you can beat me like this?" Jumang's face showed a look of disdain.

He is one of the six great kings.

"Before I killed the hundred-legged python, he thought he could kill me easily!!" Xia Xia said.

"You killed the hundred-legged python?" Jumang was taken aback.

If it was something else, it might not affect his mood, but Xia Xia's killing of the hundred-footed python would affect him.

"good chance!"

When they saw the opportunity, the three of them accelerated their attacks.

Jumang's body trembled, and he quickly adjusted back: "You are lying to me, right? Your strength is not enough to kill a hundred-footed python."

"Really?" With a wave of Xia Xia's left hand, the body of the hundred-legged python appeared in front of everyone. Although less than half of it was left, it could still be seen that this was the one of the hundred-legged python: "Now you think I lied to you. ?"

"How is that possible?" Jumang couldn't help but believe when he saw the body of the hundred-legged python.

The three also seized this opportunity to start a frantic attack.

at the same time.

The five clones saw the opportunity.

He also started to attack Jumang.

This is the battle of more people bullying less people.

Although it is usually difficult for the five clones to cause damage to Jumang except for the earth spirit, but now it is different. Now that Jumang has been restrained, they can become the last one to crush the camel. Straw.

boom! boom!

The continuous attack made Jumang retreat.

"Is this your tactic?" Jumang looked at Xia Xia: "This style of play, kills a thousand enemies and loses 800. Although my consumption is very large, your consumption is not small, as long as I kill With you, I can easily handle the other two wastes!!"

He could see it too.

in this team.

The hardest part is summer.

As long as the summer is done, the other two will not be afraid.

"Although you are the strongest attacking among the six great kings, can you still make such a strong attack after consuming so much?" Xia Xia asked.


Jumang snorted heavily: "Although I don't know how you killed the hundred-footed python, I'm not that idiot. If you want to beat me, you're still a long way off."


The branches behind Jumang began to grow.

wrapped around his body.

The branches look very thin and thin.

But when the three broken stars of the three of them hit the past in the summer, they were directly swept away.

"What a terrible toughness!!" Xia Xia looked at Jumang's branch in surprise.

"My name is Jumang, I'm a descendant of the wood god, and my body is flowing with the blood of gods. How could a low-level human like you have the capital to compete with me?" The branches on the python looked full of light.

"What a powerful skill!!" Hong Feng moved.

The endless power of thunder and punishment smashed past.

boom! boom!

The thunderbolt was smashed and flew out by him.

"I'm coming!!" The enchantress pulled her fiery red tail over and smashed it down one by one.

boom! boom!

His tail was also pumped out.

The power on the tail is very large.

It was as if he wanted to smash the world into pieces.

But in the end, it was pulled away by the branches, and there was a special power on the branches.

"Does it hurt?" Summer asked.

"Pain, but that kind of instant pain is not the kind that goes deep into the body." The enchantress explained.

"It seems that this kind of branch should be a kind of power of his blood. Although there is already a prototype of the power of the spirit, it does not belong to the power of the spirit!!" Xia Xia understood what kind of power it was.

It means that Jumang can use spiritual power in advance.

But you can only use the power of the spirit to defend.

rather than attacking.

If he can now use this power to attack perfectly, it will be called truly terrible.

"I'm here to attack!!" Qiqiongzhimu wanted to show off.

Summer is looking for opportunities.

war of attrition.

Jumang has already confessed, so he now plans to spend the summer with defensive battles.

"Since he wants to fight the war of attrition, then we will accompany him. Don't be stingy with the consumption-type medicinal pills here. You can eat whatever you want, and you can recover as much as possible!!" In the past, there were ten thousand healing pills and ten thousand healing Yaoji also had many pills on her body.

But when she encounters a big local tyrant like Xia Xia, she will not be polite to Xia Xia.

In the past, she hardly needed to fight outside, and the fight was only on point, but since she met Xia, she can fight like a lunatic.

Because he knows.


Protect her in summer.

Then what is she afraid of?

She can play all her skills.

This fighting feeling.

So cool.

She felt like she had found a new self.

Being with summer is simply too comfortable.

"It's really exhausting to fight like this!!" Hong Feng said with emotion.

"His defense is too high, so he can only use this method for the time being. Unless he shows a flaw, my golden knife can cut off his branches!!" Xia Xia's golden knife can cut everything.


No matter what kind of enemy.

When facing the summer, be cautious, otherwise your defense will be cut by his golden knife.

Their most confident ability is the place to kill them in the summer.

"Silent asks to talk to us!" Hongfeng reminded.


"Okay, I just don't need me right now, you control my body, I'll go see what he has to say!!" Xia Xia didn't need to fight much now, he just needed to unleash a blow from the broken star.

War of attrition is so boring.

There is no sound.

Fear has been felt.

Before, relying on the particularity of his ability, he wanted to secretly devour Xia Xia's sea of ​​consciousness.

But now.

He knew that if he didn't say anything, he would be dead.

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