The Best All-rounder

Chapter 1860: Shenzhou people

The monkey soon sensed the presence of Xia Xia, but instead of getting up, he pulled out a monkey hair on his body and blew a breath.

The monkey hair turned into a monkey.

Rush to summer.


The monkey punched out.

Thousands of fist shadows blasted out, and the endless power of heaven and earth rushed toward the face.

"It's good to come!!" Xia Xia also punched.

However, the power of Xia Xia's punch is extraordinary. One punch will directly destroy everything in front of him, all the shadows of the fist will disappear, all the light will be covered up, and everything will perish.

That monkey was also swallowed directly.

"Yes, a monkey hair has the strength of a half-step Venerable!!" Xia Xia said with admiration.

The strength of this monkey is really not simple, just a single hair can have such fighting power.

But Xia Xia's strength also surprised the monkey.

Although the giant under the monkey is still walking, its speed has slowed down.

"Won't this giant stop?" Xia Xia asked in confusion.

"Giants with higher bloodline levels cannot stop. Their bodies are too big, and the organs and life flow in their bodies are very difficult to operate. They can only function normally when they move. Once they stop, It won't take long for them to die," Yang explained.


Xia Tian nodded: "So that's how it is."

He also looked at the giant in front of him. He found that the various organs and meridians in the giant's body were indeed different from those of normal people, and even the circulation of blood was different. The blood from top to bottom was obviously affected by gravity. It is faster, but the blood from the bottom up requires the operation of various functions of the body, although it seems to be a perfect circulation.

But once the giant stopped.

The cycle will then stop and rest.

Then his lifespan is at its limit.

"Hey, are you from Shenzhou?" the monkey opposite asked.

He didn't seem to be offended that Summer had just slaughtered one of his monkey hairs.

people at their level.

Try each other out.

It is also a process. If Xia Xia was easily eliminated by Monkey Fur, then he would look down on Xia Xia. Now, seeing Xia Xia get rid of Monkey Fur with ease, he would gain some respect from him.

"Yes, Shenzhou people!!" Xia Xia said.

"Your strength should not be unknown in Shenzhou!!" Monkey asked.

"It's okay!!" Summer said.

"How is your Beast Spirit Venerable?" the monkey asked.

Beast Spirit.

One of the two great spirits in China.

He is on the same level as Demon Spirit Venerable. Although Xia Xia is very strong now and is very famous in Shenzhou, if he is in front of Beast Spirit Venerable, it is nothing. When the other party mentions Beast Spirit Venerable, it should be to know Beast Spirit Venerable. Honorable, also means that the other party is not simple.

"I haven't seen Senior Beast Spirit Venerable!!" Xia Xia didn't hide anything.


The monkey nodded slightly: "Don't you people in Shenzhou dislike this place very much, don't you think there are no treasures here, so what are you doing here?"

"I want to see what the so-called Buzhou Mountain looks like!!!" Xia Tian smiled slightly.

Now that you know that there is such a magical place here, let's take a good look at how it is possible.

"A destroyed Buzhou Mountain, what is there to see, here, but everything can be encountered, you Shenzhou people have been ruled by the so-called Celestial Clan for too long, the overall combat strength and treasures are too different, you Your physical fitness is so good, if other demon cultivators come across it, they won't turn you into a demon corpse." Monkey reminded.

"I have long wanted to see what the strength of the masters outside is. I have seen some people in Penglai before, and their strength seems to be very ordinary!!" Xia Xia said.

"What is Penglai? It's a small piece of land. There are less than 10 billion cultivators in total, and a few masters can be produced!!" Monkey said with great disdain.

"The more you say that, the more excited I get!!" Xia Xia said.

"It's nice to be young." Monkey summed up the east coast.

"Do you know the exact location of Buzhou Mountain?" Xia Xia asked.

"Go straight here, there is a river, and you will arrive after crossing that river. It's not too far, but there are many dangers on the road. Be careful yourself!!" After the monkey finished speaking, the giant under him moved forward again.

After coming here.

Xia Xia has already made some discoveries, although there are not many discoveries, but these things have already allowed him to have a better understanding of the altitude of more than ten trillion feet.

that's it.

He started to move on.

Along the way, the most encounters are poisonous creatures.

It's as if you don't have any poison on your body, and you're embarrassed to go out.

But in the end, it was solved easily by him.


"I'm being watched!!" Xia Tian, ​​who was on his way, found that he was being followed. With his alertness, he could easily find out.

He stopped.

His eyes turned to his left rear: "Are you getting out on your own, or did I clean up you!!"

quack! !

A very annoying voice His voice was full of strangeness.

at the same time.

A cloud of black air fell in front of Xia Xia: "Little devil, your breath is stable and your body is developed. You are a good material. Do you need me to help you improve your strength!!"

There was greed in his eyes.

"You deserve it too?" Xia Xia responded.

quack quack!

"It's really a newborn calf who is not afraid of tigers. A Shenzhou native dares to run into the overlapping space, then it will be cheaper for me!!" The black qi said excitedly.

"How do you know I'm from Shenzhou?" Xia Xia asked in confusion.

"Shenzhou people cultivate pure power, and it is precisely because you are so pure that you are the biggest nourishment for the immortal cultivators outside. Devouring you is equivalent to devouring an upgrade pill!!" That The group of black air said without concealment.


Xia Tian sighed: "It seems that Shenzhou really has its own characteristics."


With the movement of his feet, the endless cold light began to entangle towards the black air.

The body of black qi dissipated in an instant, and when it reappeared, it had already begun to gather towards Xia Xia's body: "That's right, the power of law is still relatively rare. If it devours you, I can improve even more."

at the same time.

The black air completely bound Xia Xia's body.

Tie firmly to death.

quack quack! !

"You can only stay unwilling now. If you want to blame it, you shouldn't come to such a place!!" The head of black qi appeared, and he directly opened his **** mouth and bit Xia Xia's head.

"The bad breath is so serious, it seems that you are too angry, then I will help you reduce the fire!!" Xia Xia spit out a cold current in his mouth.

The law of the day.

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